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Questions tagged [r-sp]

An R package for spatial data. Questions on spatial data might be better asked on

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How to convert projected coordinates back to lat and long

I am working with lat long coordinates in R. First I need to transform my coordinates to zone 17 and then add some buffer to them. For that I used next code (the data used is in orig_coords ): library(...
Duck's user avatar
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How to avoid margins with wide spplot?

I am generating graphics with spplot and I have margin problems. library(sp) library(grid) library(gridExtra) demo(meuse, ask = FALSE, echo = FALSE) p = spplot(meuse, c("zinc"), aspect=0.1) ...
Jérôme Tremblay's user avatar
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Fill NA values in SpatialPixelsDataFrame: equivalent to terra::focal?

I try to fill NA cells in a SpatialPixelsDataFrame based on mean values from neighbouring cells. I wonder if there is any automatized approach equivalent to the focal function in terra (see here). ...
jlklein's user avatar
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Add adjacency matrix in Voronoi

The data x and y represent the geographic coordinates of the centroids of cities 1 to 8: > df <- data.frame( + ID = 1:8, + x = c(4.0, 7.0, 2.5, 8.0, 3.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0), + y = c(8, 9, 4, 5,...
César Macieira's user avatar
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Cannot write shapefile to working directory from sp object using rgdal package in R 4.2.3

The rgdal package is not working anymore. I used writeOGR: writeOGR(occ_sp, species_set[i], driver = "ESRI Shapefile", dsn = dsn, overwrite = TRUE) but got this error: Error in writeOGR(...
A. Aldow's user avatar
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Plotting the Frequency of Observations in States in R

I would like to plot the frequency of observations in our data seen in each state. Here is the data: structure(list(fips = c("02", "04", "05", "06", "08&...
C J's user avatar
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How can I use libraries within a parallelized function with ply?

Novice programmer here. I am trying to use plyr's ldply function and doParallel to speed up a process, but my function uses the libraries terra and sp. My limited understanding of parallel processing ...
Thomas's user avatar
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sp::gridded equivalent in sf

I am updating my code so that sp functions are being replaced with comparable sf functions (due to the r-spatial evolution). There are some functions I am struggling to replace. I often take rasters, ...
chipsin's user avatar
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Ordinary kriging returns a prediction frame with identical predictions at every location

So I have two datasets with latitude, longitude and depth in them and I am trying to krige them so that I create a very high resolution bathymetric map for a study I am conducting. I am using the ...
G_man932's user avatar
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How to calculate near neighbours in sf object with polygon geometry in R?

I have polygon shape data for German postcodes. For those postcode polygon I like to calculate various nearest neighbour measures. I have seen that procedures working with the sp package (using ...
Marco's user avatar
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Is there an sf (or df) based alternative to kernelUD to estimate bivariate normal kernel density?

I am switching from sp to sf but have some analysis which uses kernelUD from adehabitatHR which requires my data to be SpatialPoints. Is there an equivalent which does not use sp, perhaps instead ...
TheMargatron's user avatar
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Issues with st_intersection or st_difference to cut polygons spread outside USA

I have a following use case to cut/diff the polygons that spread outside the boundary. I am trying to migrate from rgdal package to sf packages as they are expiring. The code below works fine. ...
Muhammad Raees's user avatar
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R Spatial Information Aggregation

I am trying to build a mapping function with R, using the dplyr, sp and rgdal packages. To start with, I'll describe the data. I have downloaded the shapefile of the entire world from
Mr.CR's user avatar
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converting sf multipolygon to sp

I have sf object with multipolygons which i need to convert to sp object. It does not seem to work with sf conversion functions. I tried library(absmapsdata) library(sp) library(sf) vic_sa4<-...
m45ha's user avatar
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Compute the degrees between pairs of coordinates in R

I am trying to calculate the angle (with 0 positioned west) between each pair of points. Here below is a representative example of the dataset I have. data<-data.frame(from_id=c("id1",&...
Coralie's user avatar
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