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Questions tagged [linegraph]

A line graph is a type of chart which displays information as a series of data points called markers connected by straight line segments. It shows how something changes in value (as time goes by, or as something else happens).

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Rearranging dataset for graphing two y variables in R [duplicate]

I am trying to rearrange a dataset to create a line graph with two y-variables that will use the same scale, meaning that there will only be one y-axis. One of my variables has significantly higher ...
Lauren Benedict's user avatar
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Unable to format date axes on excel

I have various dates from 1995 to now in my excel database, I am trying to count no of entries for each date and plot the date(x-axis) vs count(y-axis) plot So first I create a pivot on date column ...
aryanknp's user avatar
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How do I make the line start at the middle instead of the beginning of the column?

I'm creating a line chart using chartjs (v3) (and react-chartjs to integrate) and I'm having some bad times to customize the line to start at the middle of the first column (and also finishes at the ...
PedroB's user avatar
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Treating Date and Time for a River Discharge Graph

I downloaded discharge data for a river from a government website, they had formatted the date and time data as so please see format. This is my code library(ggplot2) ggplot(CHEM_RESULTS, aes(x= `...
Rosie Lomas 's user avatar
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Using viridis Colormap For Matplotlib Plot Lines [duplicate]

I want to use the viridis colormap, yet it keeps reporting "AttributeError: Line2D.set() got an unexpected keyword argument 'cmap'". Here is what I attempted to do: import pandas as pd ...
Do Nguyen Hung's user avatar
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Secondary y axis R ggplot2

I need a graph with a secondary y axis like this, but I'm having some issues: I have tried a lot of changes in my code, but it seems like the axis scales are not working, and now this is what I got: ...
INGRID MENDOZA's user avatar
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Is it possible to compare multiple line graphs to give a sort of ' similarity rating'

So I am trying to measure data from a smartphone ambient light sensor (ALS). My goal is to be able to be able to look at the data and be able to infer the location of the device. To do this my plan is ...
nosilak0's user avatar
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Change the Chart Style for a Line Chart in Excel with Openpyxl

I have this following code to export a set of dataframes and then convert them to tables in excel and applying a color format, then it creates Line Graphs for every table, everything works but I'm ...
Berny's user avatar
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Using Vega to group lines based on nested objects in an array

I am trying to draw multiple lines in opensearch vega based on the nested object keys inside and array. My response from opensearch looks like below: My X axis is Date and I should have multiple Y ...
Ammar's user avatar
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Stacked line graph while preserving the visualization of each (separate) line graph

I have the following data.table: > df # A tibble: 18 × 3 std near off <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> 1 0.3 0.849 0.904 2 0.4 0.850 0.916 3 0.5 0.859 0.924 4 0.6 0.872 0....
Nikos's user avatar
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How can I insert a line graph (ylim = 27. 30) into another diagram with 2 line graphs (ylim=0,120) without distortion?

I need to visualize data of different character (temperature, light intensity, rel. humidity) for a kind of climate diagram. My problem, I believe, lies within the different ylims, which prevent an ...
anandamid's user avatar
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Cant View Overlapping Data Labels in Highcharts Line Graph

I am working with some code that generates barcharts in highcharts and am specifically trying to get all data labels to show up even when points in a series are close or overlapping (depending on the ...
Marcus Mousavi's user avatar
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Chart.js display data labels as integers on x axis

I am working on a chart which reads data from a .csv file and displays the emisivities of four surface types against wavelenghts between 3.660 and 14.559. Example of my source dataframe (in total 531 ...
petramb's user avatar
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How to plot a line graph with highlighted time periods on time series graph [duplicate]

I have two datasets, rainfall and datetimes (durations) for when an event had occurred, both measurements were taken in 2020. I want to plot them both on the same graph, with rainfall as a line with a ...
Zamir's user avatar
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Cumulative data in line chart - only 1 out of 2 is working but in the table if separated it will be working well

First, I will explain the full scenario of my graph; I need to create 2 cumulative data from 2 different file (which is same format but different revision). 1 will be the 'based line' and the latest ...
Naady's user avatar
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Timeseries graph with dual Y axis with different scales

I have stumbled upon an error in my code that reads as follows: 'Error in scale_y_axis1(labels = scales::comma): could not find function "scale_y_axis1"'. Can you please help me figure out ...
Simba's user avatar
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In the MPAndroidChart, how do you set the labels on the x-axis (time) with a fixed interval?

I've been trying for a week different things I found on SO, including setting the granularity and the axis min and max values. Look at how neatly distributed the values on the y-axis are, the interval ...
Anon's user avatar
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Highcharts image export with HTML labels not working

JS Fiddle: This is just an example JS Fiddle Here I have specified: useHTML: true in xAxis labels and have also specified: allowHTML in exporting Render looks good but ...
Blank's user avatar
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Adding significance values between groups on line plot in R (ggplot)

I've created a line plot that displays weight data over time in a diet study. I am trying to add significance values between each group at the end of the time period. My data is similar to the ...
Abhishek Shastry's user avatar
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I have to show 8 labels on x-axis from 10 or more data from response. I am using Line chart Chart.js

I am getting 10 data from response and need to place 8 x-axis labels. It is placing 5 labels only. I provided this on scales x: { border: { color: "#655B96", ...
Sujeet Kumar's user avatar
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How can I fix my x-axis to show all the years that is within my dataset on my graph as well as take away the .0 .5 at the end of each year label?

I'm having issues on being able to show all the years on my graph that are represented in my dataset such as 2008,2009,2010,2011,2013,2014,2015,2016,and 2017. It is only using the years 2010 2012 2015 ...
Sara's user avatar
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react-chartjs2: How to hide the labels (not legend that appears on top) that appears OVER the graph line (not the x / y axis) in a Line Graph? [duplicate]

How I want the graph to look: How it currently looks: Code for the component: function LineGraph() { ChartJS.register( CategoryScale, LinearScale, PointElement, LineElement, ...
Chinmay Ghule's user avatar
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How to implement a Dynamic Chart using MESA library?

I have been learning how to use MESA Agent Based Modelling library in python to help my PhD student supervisor. I am simulating the activity and bone formation phase of the bone remodelling process. I ...
Alvaro Rivera's user avatar
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mui-x line chart unable to render a partial data series alongsdie a complete data series

I'm unable to render data from my stateFullTime array where the first two elements are null as I don't have data in those years. Ideally, I would want the state line series to begin at (x: 2011, y: 53....
Wilfred's user avatar
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Making a graph with ggplot2 out of an excel file with multiple groups

I want to make a line plot with ggplot2 from an excel file of 5 different groups, related to the beta methylation values compared to the probes. i tried different scripts from other websites but i ...
liselot 's user avatar
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How to show zero values for those with count in other months of line chart and don't show for those 0 at all months in power bi

As shown here in the image the categories that doesn't have value shows the category in the line chart where in it should only show those with values greater than 0, and show 0 values for categories ...
Val's user avatar
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Not able to hide the (indicator) box which is next to the label in Line Graph

If there is no value in graph API response, then graph should not be plotted and also all the legends/label should be hidden (Multiple y-axis) When there is no value in y-axis, I am able to hide the ...
Elizabeth's user avatar
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Creating a line graph for multiple variables

I am just wondering if someone can help. I am working in R markdown and got the following set of data and same set every year for 5 years in the form of other sets of columns besides this set. ...
Ahmed Mabrouk 's user avatar
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Line Thickness Detection using image processing techniques

I have a line graph image. I want to find the thickness of the line in the graph. What are possible options to find the thickness of the line in graph image? solutions I thought of: 1)I thought of ...
GhulamFatima's user avatar
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How to add different colors setCircleColorHole in line graph of MPAndroidChart android?

There are method to add single circle hole color in the graph for all points. setCircleHoleColor(Color.RED); I am adding multiple circle colors using setCircleColors in LineDataSet like this : ...
Dhvani023's user avatar
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How do I correct the python code below so that the labels are displaying correctly?

I'm having problems with the following code snippet whereby the labels on the x-axis are not displaying correctly (please see image at end of post). ax = axs[i] ax.plot(data.X_displacement, data....
Knit1Purl1's user avatar
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Fit two line graphs with different values in the same chart

I have one set of data called Earnings which span from 0-80000, and one called NBPrice which span from 0-200, and would like to fit both in the same chart, but the first range is too high, any way to ...
user22191373's user avatar
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A line graph instead of histogram

hi there I hope you all doing great I have created this graph as a boxplot My boxplot graph by this code: library(tidyr) library(ggplot2) library(dplyr) library(tidyverse) library(skimr) library(...
Muhammed Edib Mokresh's user avatar
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Jupyter-lab visualisation problem (Linegraph creates non-understandable lines)

I want to create two seperate lines which shows stock prices and sentiment scores. This my code: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Create a figure and axis fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6)) ...
Ayaz Aliyev's user avatar
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ApexCharts xaxis labels not rotating

I have a Vue 3 and Nuxt 3 application where I have "apexcharts": "^3.41.0" and "vue3-apexcharts": "^1.4.1" versions. I am creating a line chart where some x-...
qqq's user avatar
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How to calculate the SE for multiple column and plot in the line graph in R?

Con A B C D 20.0000 0.7150 0.6014 0.5665 0.5954 10.0000 0.5245 0.5139 0.5119 0.7416 5.0000 0.4305 0.3585 0.3347 0.6231 2.5000 0.2941 0.2592 0.2189 0.4809 1.2500 0.2257 0.1990 ...
Tanjim Ahmed's user avatar
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Plot line graph or geom-line based on three columns and groupby

I want to plot the percentage of people by socio-economic status by AgeGroup. Below is the example of dataframe. S.NO SocioEcnomicStatus Age AgeGroup P1 2 43 36-45 AgeGroup P2 5 27 26-35 AgeGroup ...
Usman YousafZai's user avatar
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R drawing 2 lines with confidence interval on the same graph

I am trying to draw two lines on the same graph with odds ratio and confidence interval. X axis is age group and y axis is odds ratio. There are two groups: cases and control This is what I tried so ...
Someone's user avatar
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Power BI insert second line in graph based on condition

I have a question regarding a line graph. I have a data sheet which has a list of applicants for different events. Which looks something like this: I want to create a graph where I see the ...
Laurens's user avatar
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Converting days to months of the year

I have a data frame with one of the columns given as time. The time column is as a result of simulations from ODE system of equations. I want to convert the time column to months of the year. df <- ...
Joseph's user avatar
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How Do I bolden the $0 Value on the Y Axis that ways its easy to identify when slicing the data?

How Do I bolden the $0 Value on the Y Axis that ways its easy to identify when slicing the data? enter image description here I've tried google, tried looking through every setting. Not sure if this ...
Eric Jones's user avatar
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What is the best way to create a line graph in R ggplot2 for a dataframe containing 2 replicates per sample

I have been playing around for ages trying to figure out the best way to manipulate a small dataframe into a format that can be used in ggplot to create a data frame based on the average of each ...
dr_Manhattan's user avatar
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problem on axis with ggplot linegraph getting "Did you mean `limits = factor(...)` or `scale_*_continuous()`? "

I am a beginner with R and ggplot and have been facing an issue with defining my x and y axis on a linegraph. I have the following dataset called UK: I want to plot the beds ratio evolution with x ...
Adeline Kugler's user avatar
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Add html table with svg to tooltip of d3 treemap

I am doing a visualization web application that presents data using a d3 tree map. When the user is hovering on the treemap, there is a tooltip displaying data as table with many rows and column like ...
rensothearin's user avatar
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Disable y-axis auto-fit in chart.js

Good morning everyone, I am working with Chart.js, I have a need to get a line chart that does not auto-fit the y-axis. That is, I want that whatever value is loaded on the chart, the y-axis remains ...
Cb95's user avatar
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Key error "year" even though I have a column called year

import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns data = pd.read_csv("match_map_stats.csv") plt.figure() Shanghai_Dragons_rule = data.loc[data["map_winner&...
John's user avatar
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How do I create a line graph using multiple variables when the multiple variables are all in the same column?

structure(list(Sample.Id = c(NA, "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "3", &...
Forsaken_PhD's user avatar
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Making a line graph with certain X + Y values expressed differently with lines of 33 user IDs in R

I'm trying to put ActivityDate on the X Axis, and Calories on the Y Axis, relating to how 33 different users ranged in their calorie burnings daily. I'm new to ggplot and visualizations as you can ...
Eve Spencer's user avatar
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Removing data from a line graph interactively in Jupiter notebook

I have a NumPy array which contains data from several samples. Some of the samples are outliers and need to be removed via visual inspection. Is there a way to make an interactive line plot in a ...
Liam's user avatar
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Dynamic google line chart not showing up with php and Javascript

I am using google charts to display a line graph on my locally hosted web page. I am using mysqli to take the data from my phpmyadmin database then echoing this into the row spaces in the javascript. ...
Sam's user avatar
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