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Questions tagged [linegraph]

A line graph is a type of chart which displays information as a series of data points called markers connected by straight line segments. It shows how something changes in value (as time goes by, or as something else happens).

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0 answers

Rearranging dataset for graphing two y variables in R [duplicate]

I am trying to rearrange a dataset to create a line graph with two y-variables that will use the same scale, meaning that there will only be one y-axis. One of my variables has significantly higher ...
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1 answer

Unable to format date axes on excel

I have various dates from 1995 to now in my excel database, I am trying to count no of entries for each date and plot the date(x-axis) vs count(y-axis) plot So first I create a pivot on date column ...
2 votes
1 answer

How do I make the line start at the middle instead of the beginning of the column?

I'm creating a line chart using chartjs (v3) (and react-chartjs to integrate) and I'm having some bad times to customize the line to start at the middle of the first column (and also finishes at the ...
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2 answers

Treating Date and Time for a River Discharge Graph

I downloaded discharge data for a river from a government website, they had formatted the date and time data as so please see format. This is my code library(ggplot2) ggplot(CHEM_RESULTS, aes(x= `...
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1 answer

All arguments should have the same length. The length of argument `y` is 6, whereas the length of previous arguments ['year'] is 100 [closed]

Library that I used import numpy as np import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns import as px import matplotlib.pyplot as plt Dataset My Code ...
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0 answers

Using viridis Colormap For Matplotlib Plot Lines [duplicate]

I want to use the viridis colormap, yet it keeps reporting "AttributeError: Line2D.set() got an unexpected keyword argument 'cmap'". Here is what I attempted to do: import pandas as pd ...
1 vote
1 answer

Secondary y axis R ggplot2

I need a graph with a secondary y axis like this, but I'm having some issues: I have tried a lot of changes in my code, but it seems like the axis scales are not working, and now this is what I got: ...
17 votes
1 answer

D3.JS time-series line chart with real-time data, panning and zooming

FIDDLE <<<< this has more up to date code than in the question. I am trying to create a real-time (live-updating) time-series chart in d3, that can also be panned (in X) and zoomed. ...
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0 answers

Is it possible to compare multiple line graphs to give a sort of ' similarity rating'

So I am trying to measure data from a smartphone ambient light sensor (ALS). My goal is to be able to be able to look at the data and be able to infer the location of the device. To do this my plan is ...
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1 answer

Change the Chart Style for a Line Chart in Excel with Openpyxl

I have this following code to export a set of dataframes and then convert them to tables in excel and applying a color format, then it creates Line Graphs for every table, everything works but I'm ...
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1 answer

Using Vega to group lines based on nested objects in an array

I am trying to draw multiple lines in opensearch vega based on the nested object keys inside and array. My response from opensearch looks like below: My X axis is Date and I should have multiple Y ...
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1 answer

Stacked line graph while preserving the visualization of each (separate) line graph

I have the following data.table: > df # A tibble: 18 × 3 std near off <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> 1 0.3 0.849 0.904 2 0.4 0.850 0.916 3 0.5 0.859 0.924 4 0.6 0.872 0....
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1 answer

How can I insert a line graph (ylim = 27. 30) into another diagram with 2 line graphs (ylim=0,120) without distortion?

I need to visualize data of different character (temperature, light intensity, rel. humidity) for a kind of climate diagram. My problem, I believe, lies within the different ylims, which prevent an ...
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1 answer

Cant View Overlapping Data Labels in Highcharts Line Graph

I am working with some code that generates barcharts in highcharts and am specifically trying to get all data labels to show up even when points in a series are close or overlapping (depending on the ...
0 votes
0 answers

Chart.js display data labels as integers on x axis

I am working on a chart which reads data from a .csv file and displays the emisivities of four surface types against wavelenghts between 3.660 and 14.559. Example of my source dataframe (in total 531 ...

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