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Questions tagged [jupyter-notebook]

The Jupyter Notebook is a web application that provides a frontend to many different languages and interactive shells such as IPython. Jupyter Notebook, unlike its predecessor IPython Notebook, supports many different languages and interactive shells in addition to Python and IPython. DO NOT use this tag on questions regarding code which merely happens to be written using Jupyter Notebooks, use the appropriate language tag instead, e.g. [python], [r].

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In jupyter notebok title of graph not showing.Why no title is there in the graph?

this is set of codes i ran here is the graph,see everything is fine this is the 2nd set of codes i ran, in the imaage u can see there is no title i was trying to plot a count graph,i wrote the code ...
noobcoder24's user avatar
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How to create a dynamic plot in python jupyter notebook using a for loop?

I am following this lesson on solving the heat equation in python. The lesson states that after solving the heat equation, we can visualize the solution by simply calling pyplot.plot() inside the loop ...
Armadillo's user avatar
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Selenium gets my cpu to 100% even after using driver.quit()

I am trying to crape data form a website using selenium and chromedriver and I need the tab to run at least 6 hours straight. I know the chrome driver creates many tabs at the same time like this: ...
Huy Nguyễn's user avatar
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Missing SRI hash version in python environment

I'm trying to use Panel for the first time in Jupyter Notebook. I've pip installed it and trying to just run in my python environment: import panel as pn however I get this error: ValueError: Missing ...
13johs's user avatar
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Jupyter notebook lost syntax highlithing

After creating environments (ubuntu VM) Jupyter Notebook lost highlighting of code syntax for some reason. Highlighting is now unavailable for all environments. How to fix that? Below you can see my ...
Alexandros's user avatar
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Highcharts Stock using the Chart.from_pandas method

can someone please share a simple example on how to use Chart.from_pandas method to draw a candlestick chart within Jupyter. My Dataframe contains the tandard Datetime, Open, High, Low, Close, Volume +...
Luthor's user avatar
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AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group' || reading shares of the company

!pip install pandas_datareader import pandas_datareader as pr df = pr.get_data_yahoo("AAPL", start = "2016-01-01", end = "2019-08-08") AttributeError ...
Batuhan Halimoğlu's user avatar
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Error running a magic programmatically via IPython's run_cell_magic

Consider the following program, which I wrote in two Jupyter Notebook cells. Cell 1: import rumbledb as rmbl %load_ext rumbledb %env RUMBLEDB_SERVER= Cell 2: %%...
Evan Aad's user avatar
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How to invoke a cell magic inside a function?

Consider the following program, which I wrote in two Jupyter Notebook cells. Cell 1: import rumbledb as rmbl %load_ext rumbledb %env RUMBLEDB_SERVER= Cell 2: %%...
Evan Aad's user avatar
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Jupyter Notebook Cell Run Count Going Up in 2s

My jupyter notebook cell count is starting at 2 and going up in 2s. I.e. the first cell I run (even after I restart the Kernel) has a cell count 2, the next is 4, then 6 etc (see screenshot).Does ...
Ben303's user avatar
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How can I share Jupyter kernel along with Linter and Intellisense across multiple notebooks in VSCode

Intro Sharing the same Jupyter kernel across notebooks is possible and useful in VSCode. When your notebooks grow very long, it becomes impossible to do analysis on the go - It is difficult to find ...
AOK's user avatar
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Unable to load JSONATA into duktape JavaScript engine

I'm trying to use jsonata for python in a Jupyter notebook running in Visual Studio Code. I have installed jsonata via %pip install jsonata, and have imported it via import jsonata. However, when I ...
Evan Aad's user avatar
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Reading .gdx files without GAMS software

How can I read data from a .gdx file without having GAMS software installed on my computer? I have Jupyter Notebook and Python, and would like to load that data into a Python script. I've tried to use ...
Bruno Simões's user avatar
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Juypter Notebook Crashes When Tensorflow and Keras is Used

Kernel Stops Running Whenever I use tensorflow, keras, or other libraries involving deep learning, the notebook crashes even though I installed the lasted version of these libraries. Anyone else have ...
ritesh pen's user avatar
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cannot import name "fit_gpytorch_model" from "botorch_fit"

I am trying to import fit_gpytorch_model from botorch or (whichever it should be from), but neither is working. I am following the procedures in a youtube video called "Coding ...
NSRL's user avatar
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