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Questions tagged [jquery]

jQuery is a JavaScript library. jQuery is a popular cross-browser JavaScript library that facilitates Document Object Model (DOM) traversal, event handling, animations, and AJAX interactions by minimizing the discrepancies across browsers. A question tagged jQuery should be related to jQuery, so jQuery should be used by the code in question, and at least jQuery usage-related elements must be in the question. Consider also adding the JavaScript tag.

0 votes
1 answer

Failed to construct 'ResizeObserver': parameter 1 is not of type 'Function'

I am trying to render HTML inside textarea and I have an ajax call from the controller to read the value and parse it as var to the render() function. I followed the question here However, the render(...
PartTimeNerd's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Swiper slider not loading initially when Slides per view is more than 1

I'm using the swiper slider in the my website. When I have slides per view more then 1 for example, 4 then when I load page 1 slide showing then after sometime it adjust to 5 slides in swiper slider. ...
m2dev's user avatar
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Données formData envoyées à d'autres routes laravel vide alors que les données sont present pour un route [closed]

Bonjour, j'utilise laravel 10 pour mon projet et je rencontre un problème que je n'arrive pas à comprendre.. J'utilise FormData pour mes données et les envoyé via ajax avec jquery. Les données du ...
Dhakii's user avatar
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How to display and save the page data in SVG

public class Template { public int TemplateId { get; set; } public string? Name { get; set; } public int BasePrice { get; set; } public int BorderWidth { get; set;...
user26500471's user avatar
-4 votes
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JavaScript Validation regex to allow only alphabet text or alphanumeric only [duplicate]

I need Javascript validation regex to allow only alphabet text or alphanumeric only. Example - dGgs1s23 - valid 12fUgdf - valid abchfe - valid ABFGC - valid 121232 - invalid abd()* - invalid ...
Vikash's user avatar
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Using chained selector method with a cloned jQuery/cheerio element [closed]

I am using cheerio in JavaScript, which uses jQuery syntax to select DOM elements. I made a clone of a dome element like this: var clone = $('.a').clone() Now I want to access data of that clone ...
Anmol Virk's user avatar
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AjaxQ jQuery plugin always undefined

I'm trying to use the AjaxQ plugin with jQuery to queue some ajax requests but seems to be just undefined whatever I try. Getting the following error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (...
BT643's user avatar
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1 answer

Not loading static(CSS,JS,BOOTATRAP) files after applying "Empty Cache and Hard Reload" [duplicate]

I am working on django website,i made some changes in jquery file and then apply "Empty Cache and Hard Reload" in browser ,but now all the static files are not reflecting in browser, before ...
Adeeb Hassi's user avatar
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<Svelte> making image-map in mobile

I'm trying to make image-mapping in svelte. Actually, this is working in PC but not in mobile. So, I wanted to import rwdImageMaps and this is controlled by jQuery. Because of this, I installed jQuery,...
GraceJoo's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

jquery validate make one field required if another field is not empty

I'm having some issues with jQuery.validate 1.11 , with .Net 4.8 and MVC 5 with Razor. I have these two properties in my class: [StringLength(500, ErrorMessage = "{0} can have a max of {1} ...
user1210140's user avatar
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Buttons not working in data table | Tailwick | Flask | Jquery

I am using the datatable from the tailwick library ( But the problem is that the buttons on the 2nd page aren't working at all. I have gone ...
Pythonista's user avatar
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form serialize is not working after ajax request

I have a modal window that is populated using an AJAX request, and it successfully fills all the fields as expected. The issue is not with the AJAX request itself, as it correctly retrieves the data ...
Lidiia's user avatar
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Summernote filtering out page tags for DOCTYPE head and body

i'm trying to get summernote to display a full webpage in the editor (technically it is an email template), but it keeps clearing out the <!DOCTYPE> and tags which is breaking the page. ...
G S's user avatar
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Add Text to span complex field by Jquery

I want onclick event on <input> tag to display custom error in <span> placed tag just below it I have many input readonly fields like, <input class="form-control valid" id=&...
Samie Ullah's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to create an input field with a Javascript predefined format where users can only type in specific parts of the field

I have a basic HTML input field (for phone numbers), that currently lets the user type and submit whatever they want inside: 923-98-Ilovekittens :3 However, I want the field to look like this: +1 (...
Tony Moritz's user avatar
0 votes
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Lexical scope issues when assigning event methods [duplicate]

I would like to create a Javascript class that provides various methods for storing and manipulating data (ex.: a simple counter). When constructed, the class would also create DOM elements that ...
Andrew Plowright's user avatar
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Quill 2.0 Localization

I am using the new Quill 2.x WYSIWYG editor. I would like to implement localization. How to approach this? I find nothing detailed in the Knowledge Base. BTW: <link href="https://cdn.jsdelivr....
Simon Giesen's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to get exactly the same div elements order in my jQuery converted code from a working mootools code?

I am trying to convert a working mootools code into jQuery equivalent. Code is for a sticky sliding menu on top of web page and the conversion is needed just because the same code is to be used in a ...
secarica's user avatar
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I want to make only border top and border bottom to a doughnut chartjs

Problems : I have the border left who add an triangle border left and right And i have the natif problem of responsive legend size, i want to add css on segment but not on legend of this segment. ** ...
amrane97's user avatar
2 votes
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How to write text in the clipboard in BOLD format using Javascript?

javascript:(() => { navigator.clipboard.writeText("From : \n Info : \n Resp : "); })(); I am trying to write predefined data in the clipboard directly in bold format whenever I ...
Shadow of death 's user avatar
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How can I set parameters inside clouser

I have a function that gets a parameter callId I checked here and in the first log I get the result "Initializing calendar with ID: 1" But for the second log I can't get the ID "Select ...
Dmitry's user avatar
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Refilling a form with saved user selection

In my application I have a form that initially has default values. The user can choose other selections in the form. The user can also save the selections into localStorage by clicking the Save ...
Youssef Ismail's user avatar
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JQuery - How to append to element during each iteration of a loop

This is a question that seems to have been asked a number of times here by different people using a number of different coding languages, but no one seems to have come up with a clear definitive ...
Graphic Detail's user avatar
-5 votes
1 answer

Convert jQuery to Javascript Read more, read less

I need help with my jQuery code. I was able to make it work for the read more and read less script, but I am unable to make it work on javascript code or vanilla js code. I hope you can help me with ...
Jamez C's user avatar
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Setting On in dropdown semantic ui don´t work

I'm trying in my dropdown, which already works, allowing it to only perform the search when the "Search" button is clicked. I saw in the semantic Ui documentation that there is an "On&...
Matheus Carvalho's user avatar
-1 votes
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Amsify Suggestags Doesn't work on modal bootstrap

I use the amsify suggestags plugin to provide more than 1 option, but when amsify is used in the bootstrap v 5.3 modal the amsify list is not visible and looks like it is under the modal I want to be ...
Jcmarsell's user avatar
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Popup Closes on Next Month Click and Repositions Incorrectly in JSP

enter image description here I'm encountering an issue with a datepicker in my JSP application. When I click to navigate to the next month, the main datepicker popup closes unexpectedly. On the second ...
Josmi Joseph's user avatar
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jQuery UI datepicker month select box opens and closes immediately inside Bootstrap 5.3.3 modal for firefox browser

I've encountered a conflict between Bootstrap's modal and jQuery UI datepicker in firefox browser where I can't use the month select box because something closes it immediately after being open. Steps ...
Irfan khan's user avatar
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How to restrict past time selection in jquery-clockpicker.min.js

When I am open the clockpicker at that time past time also show, so i want to disabled the past time based on current time. If my current time is 4:00 PM so inside the clock picker disabled before 4:...
Keval Maisuriya's user avatar
1 vote
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"AJAX Request Not Working: Listener Indicated Asynchronous Response but Message Channel Closed" Unsure where to go from here [closed]

I'm working on a simple search functionality using jQuery and AJAX. The script is supposed to send a POST request whenever the user types in the search box and display the results in a div below the ...
George N.'s user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Wrap all elements between two elements regardless of what they are without having to add classes

I'm trying to wrap all of the elements between two headings regardless of what they are without having to add classes. Example: $(document).ready(function() { $(".axxs-accordion > :header")....
DeanH's user avatar
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Jquery/JavaScript: Make Elements Appear in Order

I want to create an effect, where when a user scrolls to a certain Div, elements within it appear in order, starting from the left-most element to the right-most. I've been successful with just making ...
AhuraMazda235's user avatar
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Make Bootstrap non-closable modal closable again

I'm using this code to make a Bootstrap 3.4.1 modal non-closable -- to not allow the user to click outside the modal or use Esc to close it, while still allowing the normal .modal("hide") ...
Alex's user avatar
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DataTable values are getting the default values (initially loaded values) when we click on the dropdown icon of DataTable in ASP.NET & C# using jQuery

I'm very new to this DataTable logic implementation concept and I have append the data to the DataTable and append successfully and in that DataTable controls I have written some event logic (ex: ...
ashok's user avatar
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1 answer

How to Update the Contents of a Dropdown Based on the Selection of Another Dropdown

I am trying to update the contents of a particular dropdown box, based on the selection of another dropdown box. The contents of these boxes is coming from tables in an MSSQL database. Basically, I ...
kingklick's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

jquery how do you concatenate a variabe to an id [duplicate]

I want to delete a div with a dynamically created id. i capture the id via the attr i.e var rowToDelete = $(this).attr('data-name'); I then tried this: $(# " + rowToDelete + ").remove(); ...
Paul Kendal's user avatar
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FixedColumn Not Functioning in DataTables

I am a total noob when it comes to web design and would like to create a datatable with a fixed (frozen) left two columns. I am reading in my data successfully from a JSON file and the information is ...
skolves's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Bring child on top of stacking sections

I want .square div to be always on top, so visually it seems like the next section with its own .square is sliding up and the .square stops exactly in the position of previous section's square. The ...
Greg Bialowas's user avatar
-2 votes
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$post in JQuery inconsistently not working for Apple devices [closed]

I have a script that's processing a form, and doing a $post at the end to pass some variables to a PHP script which then sends me an email with the variables. For Apple users specifically (doesn't ...
Kayla's user avatar
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JQuery Autocomplete function is triggering multiple times

I need to set a search bar in my code where it will retrive the data of the products present in the database.Here in the same project they have used the exact code to do the product search I used that ...
Guru1804's user avatar
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jquery how to get element by name that comes from a variable, and check if element is hidden

I have a list of checkbox, with each checkbox element having a corresponding text input element. The text input is hidden initially. Upon clicking the checkbox, the corresponding text input will be ...
sdssrr's user avatar
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Disable other checkboxes with specific word when one checkbox with same is checked

I have using following code to create dynamic checkbox fields.... and storing batch unique ids as comma separated values in database for specific user... <?php // Fetching values from mysql ...
Dr M L M J's user avatar
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2 answers

How to append List to FormData in JQuery?

I get model's values from view with this codeblock and this part is OK. var data = new FormData(); var datas = $(this).serializeArray(); for (var i = 0; i < datas.length; i++) { data.append(...
user26029025's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

How to parse date from data after page loading

After page loading, the html rendered is like that <h3>Lorem ipsum dolor sit</h3> <p>Meeting scheduled for 7/19/26, You should receive the email confirmation shortly.</p> <...
user3376865's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

JS of my special page extension in mediawiki not loading only on smartphone

On my wiki I made a special page that display recent changes in a pinterest style. Fort the image, it fetchs them using mediawikiParserOutput as a thumb 100px and then with js, I fetch the big images ...
aphfug's user avatar
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Clear WooCommerce Custom Fees on shipping method change

I'm implementing some additional fields and fees on the Woocommerce Checkout Page depending on the chosen shipping method. I'm stuck when I try to clear all fees when user changes the chosen shipping ...
user520300's user avatar
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Styling Bootstrap 5 datalists [closed]

I'm aware that bootstrap datalists don't have custom css support. And yes, I am aware that trying to comes with a few problems. That been said, I did it :), because I had a huge amount of options that ...
LauNR13's user avatar
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Adding style when bootstrap collapse open

I want to add a style to the opened div for my Bootstrap-collapse. My code: <div class="card"> <div class="card-header" id="headingThree2"> <h5 ...
Andreas Thomsson's user avatar
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ChartJs adding data point between x axis point [closed]

chart image how can I hide the gap between age 6 and 7 and so on but still keep the data point? So basically the Min, Avg, and Max is a yearly data, but the Height is a progress data that would be ...
lucky12020's user avatar
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Datatables causes table element to disappear, only when deployed [closed]

I have a Django web app which I'm hosting on Heroku, and I'm using the Datatables JQuery library to add extra features to a table. When I run my app locally, it works beautifully. When I deploy on ...
ChuckSteak's user avatar

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