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Questions tagged [autocomplete]

Autocomplete is a UI feature provided by applications, where the program predicts a word or phrase that the user wants to type without the user actually typing it completely.

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JQuery Autocomplete function is triggering multiple times

I need to set a search bar in my code where it will retrive the data of the products present in the database.Here in the same project they have used the exact code to do the product search I used that ...
Guru1804's user avatar
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How vscode suggest third-party library's component

how vscode under the hood suggest third party library's components and its props. suppose i created a react project and installed material ui library. when i type it already suggest AccordionSummary ...
Subham Kumar's user avatar
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How can I make Codeium in VScode suggest me autocompletions after a specific amount of time, e.g. 5 seconds?

Codeium is a VScode extension which I use in React for autocompletion & suggestions. The problem is that it's suggesting too soon for my preferences. Is there a way to configure it? I tried ...
Christine Tzani's user avatar
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Change VS Code autocomplete attribute type for className from string to object

I'm working in NextJS using Typescript and CSS Modules and I'm wondering if there's a way to change the type of the autocomplete suggestion. Currently, when I hit enter on the suggestion from the ...
john's user avatar
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Opening HTML tag disappears when I close it [closed]

When I'm in the process of closing an HTML tag, the opening tag gets highlighted, and when I finish closing the tag, the opening tag disappears. Why is this happening? It seems to only happen in .php ...
Kris Hunt's user avatar
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Mapbox forward api returns incorrect UK postcode suggestions

I am trying to geocode a UK postcode into latitude, longitude values. The autocomplete suggestions returned underneath are not an exact match, even though an exact match exists. I have reproduced this ...
F F's user avatar
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Is there a way to safely but thoroughly forget a git branch after it is deleted?

It is handy to be able to press the tab key and get automated command completion, such as to fill out the remainder of the name of a branch. However, if one types... git switch de[tab] ... and there ...
Eric's user avatar
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zsh auto complete not completing for macOS 'defaults' command

I have enabled zsh-completions using zinit and however when attempting to use completions with the 'defaults' command such as defaults write location /path/to/ it seems to fail ...
mxcury's user avatar
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disable chrome search autocomplete search suggestions

When searching "git" the first search result is autocompleted as I would prefer that the first search result would be "git - DuckDuckGo search". search results I've ...
Joshua Van Sant's user avatar
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Stop VisualStudio 2022 from erasing the period in intelliSense AutoCompletion

I work on Visual studio 2022 (Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2022 (64-bit) - Current Version 17.10.3 ) and intellisense autocomplete erases the period. How can i have it not erase the period (or ...
Alaster's user avatar
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How to disable IntelliJ HTML tab autocomplete in JavaScript?

To reproduce: have a variable named obj pass it as the last argument to a function press tab (as I usually do) to come out of the parentheses obj autocompletes to <object data="" type=&...
Vlad Mashkautsan's user avatar
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Getting YouCompleteMe to work with C includes

I am pleased with how operates but is there any way for it to recognize or search includes files? Say I have a struct in a header file: typdef struct { ...
aaries's user avatar
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How to handle autocomplete search data when product list changes frequently?

Currently, I am implementing an API for autocomplete search similar to Google. My current approach involves having a JSON file that contains all the product names in a store. I insert this data into a ...
Minh Quang Tran's user avatar
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Primeng 11.2.3 p-autocomplete list display the list of previous search

I am using PrimeNG auto-complete as follows: <p-autoComplete [(ngModel)]="suggestion" (completeMethod)="searchSuggestions($event)" [suggestions]="...
Bat's user avatar
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Auto fill another textbox with details from database based on autocompleted textbox in webform

I have gotten as far as autocomplete the textbox(username) from database, my other problem is how to make it that the other text box(address) to autofill in the users corresponding address from the ...
faugnxxx's user avatar

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