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jquery validate make one field required if another field is not empty

I'm having some issues with jQuery.validate 1.11 , with .Net 4.8 and MVC 5 with Razor. I have these two properties in my class: [StringLength(500, ErrorMessage = "{0} can have a max of {1} ...
user1210140's user avatar
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How to restrict past time selection in jquery-clockpicker.min.js

When I am open the clockpicker at that time past time also show, so i want to disabled the past time based on current time. If my current time is 4:00 PM so inside the clock picker disabled before 4:...
Keval Maisuriya's user avatar
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How to append List to FormData in JQuery?

I get model's values from view with this codeblock and this part is OK. var data = new FormData(); var datas = $(this).serializeArray(); for (var i = 0; i < datas.length; i++) { data.append(...
user26029025's user avatar
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Problem in sending data to the controller through Ajax in ASP.NET MVC

I use this foreach: foreach (var item2 in RItem.GetChildItems(item.ID_Ca)) { <div id="@idc" class="accordion-collapse collapse" aria-labelledby="headingTwo2" ...
Hamed Javadi's user avatar
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ASP.NET MVC datepicker doesn't show calendar

I'm trying to add datepicker, however when I try to use @html.TextboxFor, the calendar is not popping up. As for EditorFor to input="date" options, they show mm/dd/yyyy format when I need dd/...
DeP.'s user avatar
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Can somebody help me out for the following multiple drop-down binding problem?

I want to bind the second drop-down based on first drop-down's selected option. Also when add second dropdown first selected system should be disabled. Html for drop-down is as below: <div ...
Janavi Nagar's user avatar
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How to update a table and refresh the partial view

I am using ASP.NET MVC and have a HomeController, model, and view. I am trying to create a search filter, where the user can type in some characters, click submit, and filter a table (in a partial ...
Calvin's user avatar
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Trouble posting contents of file input to controller action using jquery in ASP.Net Core 6.0

I am attempting to post a file to a controller action in order to save it, and have run into two different problems, when using $.post to post the data as shown here: $("#setting-form").on(&...
Na...'s user avatar
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Select2 does not show my selected data on the screen

I'm stuck on a problem and I was wondering if you could help me. I have an ASP .NET MVC system, and I have a widget screen with the function of editing a widget. The call to edit a widget is in a ...
Jeferson Carlos's user avatar
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How to set ajax success data to Nop Editor textbox in nopcommerce

I am working in nopcommerce 4.60.6. In that I am using one nop-editor textbox. Here is the view code <div class="form-group row"> <div class="col-md-3"> <...
s.k.Soni's user avatar
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Design Rationale on why AspNet MVC Project template includes jQuery script at the bottom

In any page that is served to your browser from an Asp Net MVC web application with Razor pages, the page is first built up by razor, on the server side, by taking the _layout.cshtml page and then ...
Dean P's user avatar
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I have inputs types of checkbox and when I perform delete or retrieve methods it works but page is not reload

In my Asp.Net Mvc project, I have checkbox type inputs and I get the Ids of items through them by using jquery and send them controller by using ajax. Methods are working but after work the page is ...
Oğuzhan's user avatar
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How to use Japanese IME on input type decimal input mask jquery

Here is my input mask code which I am initializing in a drawcallback function. $(".clstxtInputNumber").inputmask({ alias: 'decimal', groupSeparator: ',', autoGroup: true, ...
Sam's user avatar
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remove multiple attribute from chosen select jquery

I have a dropdown with chosen select plugin @Html.DropDownListFor(x => x.ML.AccountID, Model.Accounts, new { id = "ddl_account", @class = "form-control form-control-sm chosen-select&...
Saurabh's user avatar
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OrderID in master detail doesn't work correctly - in ASP.NET MVC

Please help me with this: when I add new data, it will throw an error SqlException: Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK__SaleOrde__C3905BAFABA6B181'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo....
Văn Toàn 37-Nguyễn's user avatar

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