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Questions tagged [google-maps-android-api-2]

Google Android Maps Api v2 is the next generation of Google Maps SDK available for Android developers.

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How to place custom label under city names in Google Maps Android API v2

I am using Google Maps API v2 for displaying the maps in android. Is it possible to place temperature labels under each city name like what shown in below image.
a.badawi's user avatar
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How to check if a LatLng point lies inside a polygon on the geojson layer on google maps android

Currently, I am working on a location-based project. In this project I've added a GeoJsonLayer as below: As can be seen in the image, the red marker is inside a box. Is there any way to check if the ...
Swapnil Lanjewar's user avatar
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Callback if tiles are loaded in Google maps on Android

I have a scenario, When coordinates provided by user is landing into the Ocean, and when camera zoom happens to level 18f map tiles are not loading, googleMap.animateCamera(CameraUpdateFactory....
Suresh Jairwaal's user avatar
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Android GoogleMaps: GeoJsonLayer.features change the order of geojson file

I have a location geojson file as below: { "type":"FeatureCollection", "features":[ {"type":"Feature","properties":{"name":&...
eggsloveoats's user avatar
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I'm trying to use the googlemap activity from Android Studio , but the google map doesn't show map when run the app

However, I tried with my friend's macbook, which is the same model I have and tried so many times, and it works and shows the google map once typed in the API key. I tried same project with exactly ...
Peter's user avatar
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google_maps_flutter plugin not working on Android shows Error Bad state: Future already completed

I am using the google_maps_flutter plugin to use google maps, I followed their instructions of setting up the minSdkVersion and including the API key in AndroidManifest.xml file. I am using their ...
Frost's user avatar
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Missing permissions required by FusedLocationProviderClient.getLastLocation: android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION or ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION

I have been learning this map in kotlin but mMap.isMyLocationEnabled = true and fusedLocationClient.lastLocation.addOnSuccessListener { location ->} are throwing same error as user-permission for ...
Pragyanshree Das's user avatar
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How to render Android native google map in Flutter?

We are not able to add ground overlay on top of Google Maps using google_maps_flutter, since they are not exposing the method to add ground overlay. So we tried to load it as native google maps and ...
Kiran M's user avatar
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my app is crashing when there is no internet and i want my markers or my map to refresh each second

i made a googlemap app where my markers are displyed. the problem is when there no internet, the app is crashing. The code under onResume does not solve the problem. also i want to refresh the map or ...
Leyoussi Lauriel's user avatar
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Do Maps SDK for Android needs a billing enabled api key?

I have a BILLING NOT ENABLED project. and have a api key with that... i'm using this api key in my android project to render maps with MapView. But it seems in the documentation, it is mentioned that ...
Venkataramanan's user avatar
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Map Projection is not working as expected when zoom level is not the same

I want to show the user location on top of the drawer that I have in my app instead of center of the map since the drawer covers part of the map : fun centerMap(height: Int, drawerHeight: Int) { ...
Ali's user avatar
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Distance calculation on map causing NumberFormatException

On some mobile devices, calculating distance on map is causing NumberFormatException. Any way how to fix it other than try catch and not show it? I got NumberFormatException right from SphericalUtil....
Martin's user avatar
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How to prevent re-render of previous screen when navigating back - Jetpack Compose?

I have two screens - MapScreen(Google Map SDK) and Search Screen. I navigate from MapScreen to SearchScreen by pressing the "Search" button on the top. When I am on SearchScreen(White screen)...
Biali's user avatar
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2 answers

Jetpack Compose: How to click on Maker in Google Maps?

I use official Google Maps Compose lib and I can't implement click on the marker? @Composable fun MapContent(city: City) { val pos = LatLng(city.latitude, city.longitude) val ...
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I got problem with Marker using googlemap on android

got this message and i do not know how to solve it. i'm getting data from a device (latitude, longitude, device_name, altitude). when trying to get the device in real time moving i got this Log: W/...
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