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3 votes
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Polylines can't be remove on the map

I am working on an Android app that uses the Google Maps Android API, and I'm having trouble clearing polylines from the map. I have implemented the addition of polylines within a dialog, and I want ...
Chichi's user avatar
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Drawing polylines with a set of POIS using roadways and not straight lines?

I know that you can draw paths using polylines this way: PolylineOptions rectOptions = new PolylineOptions(); rectOptions.color(Color.RED); String[][] lineInformation = ((MyApplication)getApplication(...
NullPointerException's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

PolylineOptions .color() not working

I'm trying to set red color on my polylines of my map with this code: PolylineOptions rectOptions = new PolylineOptions(); rectOptions.color(R.color.colorPrimary); String[][] lineInformation = ((...
NullPointerException's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

Draw ARC Polyline in Google Map

How Can I Draw Arc Polyline in Google Map ? I already used this code to create curved Polyline. Here is the method to draw curved Polyline: private void showCurvedPolyline (LatLng p1, LatLng p2, ...
Sonali's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

how to Remove PloylineOptions from google map

I draw ploy line by polylineOptions.addAll() . but i can't remove it from to remove it? PolylineOptions lineOptions = null; lineOptions = new PolylineOptions(); lineOptions.addAll(...
suman's user avatar
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16 votes
9 answers

zoom over specific route google map

I have a list of random latitude and longitude points and I am drawing a route between them. My question is how to bound this route within google map I made below utility method public static void ...
Hardik Mehta's user avatar
1 vote
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Android- onPolylineClick don't work?

I am adding polyline on map and I enable setClickable(true) but when I use from Clickable don't work ? private class ParserTask extends AsyncTask<String, Integer, List<List<HashMap<String,...
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5 votes
3 answers

Google map Android API v2 - InfoWindow on polyline?

I am drawing polyline on my map,I need to show some data to user now. How I can draw text or InfoWindow on each polyline ? I add polyline like : ArrayList<LatLng> points = null; ...
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8 votes
2 answers

What exactly are "levels" in polyline encoding/decoding?

What are "levels" in polyline encoding/decoding, and exactly how do they relate to map zoom levels in Google Maps API v3 or Android Maps API v2? The only description I can find is from the ...
Sean Barbeau's user avatar
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1 vote
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Identify Google Maps Polyline on Click

I have about 200 Polylines on my Map. Now i try to find out witch Polyline the User have Click. But polyline.getId() give me every Time a new random number like PL65 next start of the App PL144 and so ...
Marcus Berger's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

How to remove the Poly line from the Google Map v2 android

I am successfully making and drawing poly lines on a marker click event. But there is a thing happening which I do not want to be happen. And that is when I click on marker Let say JackiMarker it ...
Coas Mckey's user avatar
0 votes
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Dynamically add polyline route on location change

I am able to retrieve new lat and long values on location update and update the new lat and long to their respective textviews as shown below: private Polyline route = null; private PolylineOptions ...
user3763216's user avatar
3 votes
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Android Polyline not drawing route correctly

After reading @Akexorcist answer on Get driving directions using Google Maps API v2, I implemented their solution to draw the route returned from a call to with a polyline. However,...
beckah's user avatar
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Polyline draws a line from wrong location

I developing an app that draws a polyline on users movement. For now i got a GoogleMap, and when I launch this app I got a polyline that draws from unknown location to my location. I Just want to ...
Roman Pozdnyakov's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Android Google map V2: how to make a polyline between 2 points be a curved line

This is my code for the map: ArrayList<LatLng> points = new ArrayList<LatLng>(); PolylineOptions polyLineOptions = new PolylineOptions(); points.add(startPosition); ...
rosu alin's user avatar
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