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How to use Google Map id in Xamarin?

I want to apply styling from Google Maps Platform in my Xamarin app. I found a solution for Java, but I don't know how to do the same in Xamarin.
Frendy's user avatar
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Create wrapper class for map implementation

Im trying to create a wrapper to hold google and huawei maps implementation. Right now my classes implement both huawei and google. What can i do to split the implementation? Im a bit lost how to do ...
Hugo 's user avatar
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Adding Labels to Xamarin map

I would like to add labels to my map. I have a bunch of polygons on a map mapping out orchards (using Xamarin forms with Android and iOS custom renders) and would like to add a few labels to each with ...
Martin Dempsey's user avatar
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Select Multiple Polygons on Map in Xamarin Forms (Android and iOS)

I have a Xamarin forms application that displays a map with multiple polygons on it. Is there a way for a user to tap and drag to create a square on the map, and that will select all the polygons in ...
Martin Dempsey's user avatar
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Xamarin Google Maps StreetView - no option to force outdoor location

I have found missing functionality in Google Maps v2(Android.Gms.Maps) on Xamarin.Android and in Xamarin.Google.iOS.Maps on Xamarin.iOS. The problem is related to creating a StreetView. According to ...
Krumiasty's user avatar
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Xamarin application with Google Maps API V2 randomly crashing

I'm getting a random crash in my application. It seems the problem is linked to Google Maps but i'm not quite sure how to fix it. The following is the relevant extract from the logcat of the Android ...
MrJR's user avatar
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Blank screen google maps on UI test xamarin android

I write Ui test for Xamarin Forms project, with use google map on iOS they work normal, but on android show only blank screen. If build on debug / release or install apk maps work, but if i use UI ...
Alex Heal's user avatar
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'Failed to decode image. The provided image must be a Bitmap' - SetIcon on Google Map Marker throwing an error

I'm getting the following error when trying to set an icon on a Google Maps Map Marker: [ERR] 26/06/2018 10:02:25 a.m. : Failed to decode image. The provided image must be a Bitmap. [ERR] 26/06/...
MrJR's user avatar
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Xamarin, C#, Google Maps fragment not responding to any commands. (i.e MoveCamera)

I have an activity that the user switches to after logging in that has a Google Maps fragment and I want to change the default location that the map loads too, however, the Map seems to not be ...
B. Morris's user avatar
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Xamarin Android Google Maps Update Map Markers Async

I am quite new to Xamarin, so pls no hate... I want to create a Google Maps app which shows all currently flying Vatsim pilots (Vatsim is an online network for flight simers). I display the pilots ...
Maxlisui's user avatar
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How to show some store in google maps for xamarin android

I want to my maps add markers from store that i searched. example i want my maps only shows all seven eleven store in england and then i want to find the nearest seven eleven in my curent location. Is ...
Theodorus Agum Gumilang's user avatar
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How to convert Address from user input into LatLng Xamarin.Android

I am trying to convert a users input in Edit text to LatLng when the Search button is clicked. This will then update the camera and move tot hat position. Here is my code in the main: using Android....
S. Cvija's user avatar
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Loading a fragment with a MapFragment inside it gives me a "cannot access a disposed object" error from the first fragment

Inspired by the answer here (which has less votes than the top, but the comments seem to think is the most right) I've tried to create a mapFragment into my own fragment, which uses a LinearLayout as ...
UnreachableCode's user avatar
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Xamarin forms Maps

im working on xamarin forms at the moment every time when i start a new xamarin form project i update the xamarin forms from the nuget package every things work fine until i started to work with maps ...
IbraHim M. Nada's user avatar
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how to do a button click in Xamarin Forms Android custom info window

In my Xamarin Forms Android project I am showing a Map using CustomMapRenderer. I am popping up a Info Window in Map screen and this info window has button name called "Call". I need to do a "OnCLick" ...
Jamal's user avatar
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