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Questions tagged [filter]

A program or routine that rejects or accepts data that meets a given criterion. An example would be a filter that removed entries less than a given limit from a set of values. Do NOT use this tag for: Signal or image processing, use [filtering]. Java servlet filters. Use [servlet-filters]. For Bloom filters, use [bloom-filter]. For CSS filters use [css-filters].

0 votes
1 answer

Filter datetime column with object as data type in python

I have a df with a Timestamp and Value columns. Both have the 'object' dtype | Timestamp | Value | -------------------------------------- | 8/21/2023 12:00:00 AM | a | | 11/...
aditya tandel's user avatar
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How do I add built-in Google protection for my webscraper to filter out NSFW/illegal content?

Currently I'm coding a webscraper, it only scans the first 10 pages of Google so I'm not all too worried, but it downloads pdfs and I want to add some protection for filtering out NSFW content/content ...
Idokoond K's user avatar
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Filtering across multiple fields from a subquery where there is no related field

I'm trying to find a portable way to express the following record filtering query using the Django ORM. The intention is to: take a subquery of FilterSpec (eg. with a common FilterGroup) find all ...
DKmb's user avatar
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Pyspark Filtering Array inside a Struct column

I have a column in my Spark DataFrame that has this schema: root |-- my_feature_name: struct (nullable = true) | |-- first_profiles: map (nullable = true) | | |-- key: string | | |--...
MathLal's user avatar
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2 answers

How to select the row with specific condition and the row just above? [closed]

Here is how I defined my condition , but I need the row just above as well. There are many observations per ID. data2<- data2 %>% group_by (ID_number) %>% filter(time_diff_hour > 8....
Asma's user avatar
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Does filter have a way to export the "list" one element at a time?

On a practice exercise about prime numbers I found out that filter does not return a list itself and I need to do: list(filter()) to obtain that list. I do the exercise twice, once with a for loop: ...
bola8divad's user avatar
-2 votes
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How can I improve this code for detecting swear words [closed]

I know there are only "idiot" and "idiotic" added to the list but its because adding words takes a lot of time and this is an test this is my code: // this code filters swear words ...
Gabriel Hugi's user avatar
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How to keep the first appearance of a value while filtering everything else out in R?

This is the appearance of my dataset currently. I want to include patient 1 data until the first '1' occurs in 'test.result' then remove any information about patient 1 after that. current dataset ...
DN98024's user avatar
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Display averages of a column for past five months in Google Sheets

I am working with a dataset that has multiple entries per month with different values. For instance, a row of data will have a certain month + year, as well as a value. I'd like to find the average ...
waroti50's user avatar
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Return Top value plus ties for each change in another Column value

Using Columns A to J, I am looking to return the answer in Columns L to N. I am trying to get the maximum value (plus ties) of Column B for each Tier (Column A) and show the corresponding fixture (...
Andy Affo Forward's user avatar
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Filter as Multiple combinations in Power BI

I have a database loaded into Power BI. One of the columns contains long text. I would like to implement for users the possibility of filtering through a search field that allows the combination of ...
Alexandre Gonçalves's user avatar
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How to Dynamically Filter Second Dropdown Based on First Dropdown Selection in jira insight CMDB?

How to Dynamically Filter Second Dropdown Based on First Dropdown Selection in jira insight CMDB? Jira CMDB Insight objects configuration allows aql attribute filtering in the config cog near ...
MyUserQuestion's user avatar
-1 votes
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GoogleSheets ordering matrix columns of 3

I have a dataset organized into 3 columns, being the first row the title. Data is organized by category DC,PH,DA,PF and date. But imputed in a randomly order Notice there are 147 columns and 127 rows, ...
NNNDDD's user avatar
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How can I filter data using Evrete Rule Engine

I want to use rule engine to filter out data. For e.g. if there are 10 Account records, I would like to apply a rule like all accounts which are less than 1 year old. I am exploring Evrete Rule engine ...
Parimal's user avatar
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Google sheet Filter + Match?

I have 2 different reports which I am trying to match the invoice no. in sheet 2 to sheet 1 in google sheet. It is impossible to clean the transaction description column. I had try to combine Match ...
Ron -'s user avatar
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How to merge two array using .map and .find by avoiding iterating twice

I have two arrays below. I am trying to merge conditions array based on customerLOB.code match. The problem is, I am getting the results added twice because the loop gets iterated twice. How can I ...
Nancy's user avatar
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-4 votes
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how to extract files from a list using substring filter [duplicate]

I have a list of files from os.listdir like: TXSHP_20240712052921.csv TXSHP_20240715045301.csv TXSHP_FC_20210323084010.csv TXSHP_FC_20231116060918.csv how do I extract only the ones where 'FC' is ...
Ben Smith's user avatar
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Cannot use IN function for Partition Filter of a View Table in BigQuery

so I have a view table named table_1 and it has a partition field called business_date. Thie table_1 is constructed by using a raw table named data_mart.customer_raw. There are a lot business needs ...
Iren Ramadhan's user avatar
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Dependent Pivot Drop Downs

I am hoping someone can help. My search thus far has yielded no results, and I refuse to think this hasn't been released yet. I have a Pivot of an extremely large set of data. In the filters is a ...
MBrann's user avatar
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Filtering specific sequences in R

I am trying to filter a dataset I have obtained after RNASeq Analysis. I have "Sequence Name" assigned to "topological domain" and "transmembrane region". I would like to ...
Luigi's user avatar
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SQL Group By Then Filter [duplicate]

I have two tables as follows: Table A : contacts Contact_Primary_Num Displayed_Name 1 Smith, Joe 2 Doe, Donna 3 Jerry, Tom 4 Crocker, Betty Table B : contact_notes Contact_Note_Primary_Num ...
Progolfer79's user avatar
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How to delete duplicates in a table?

I have written a software that every second copies the contents of a JSON file from a server into a variable (serverData). Using the json-path library I extract some information from the serverData ...
Bishop's user avatar
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xml.etree.ElementTree. Element object has no attribute 'nsmap'

I try to process xml data from the website I downloaded some datasets for a certain technology for example Netzanschlusspunkte. First step ...
Mlle Blanche's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to changing checkbox in table only for filtered position Access [closed]

I have an Access database where I have a lot of checkboxes in Table, I need to change the data to yes/no only for filtered items what better way to do it? via VBA or Query I made a query but it ...
Dima Halaida's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why "info@" filter does not work in Gmail?

I have a list that filters out junk and automated emails. However, no matter how I try, if I put any form of "info@" into the list, the entire list becomes unusable and when editing, it no ...
DRYN's user avatar
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Vlookup + Filter + Sort + Arrayformula workaround in google sheets

I have two tables, RECORDS and TYPES. Link to a similar spreadsheet RECORDS has 3 columns, "Type" in column A, "Entry Date" in column B, and "Status on Entry Date" in ...
Alex's user avatar
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Add a value to filter result in Google Sheets

I have the following formula that works in Google Sheets =Sort({IFERROR((FILTER({'My Log'!B13:B, 'My Log'!F13:F, 'My Log'!E13:E, 'My Log'!H13:H, 'My Log'!I13:I,'My Log'!J13:J, 'My Log'!K13:K,'My ...
Adrian's user avatar
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How to keep ag grid filter after selecting all filtered?

I have an ag grid table that I am filtering, and upon a button click it is set to select all the rows that are currently filtered using selectAllFiltered(), and after clicking the button the filtered ...
Cameron Kranz's user avatar
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How to construct a Map with conditional items with typescript

I want to add an item to a Map conditionally, and adding .filter but I'm getting Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'readonly [string, Book]'.(2769). This is only issue when adding item ...
Henok Tesfaye's user avatar
3 votes
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Primes using setjmp

I wrote a simple Haskell function, that gives a list of primes. primes' :: [Int] -> [Int] primes' (p : xs) = p : primes' (filter (\x -> x `rem` p /= 0) xs) primes :: [Int] primes = primes' [2 .....
Andrey's user avatar
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Data Validation google sheets partial match

I have a tab in Google sheets with vehicle data coming from a google form. I made another tab to filter these data using a data validation. The validations are Car 1, Car 2, Car 3, Truck 1, Truck 2, ...
Jerome's user avatar
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2 answers

What does "lambda x: x-0 and x-1" mean? [duplicate]

What does the expression do? my_tuple = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) foo = list(filter(lambda x: x-0 and x-1, my_tuple)) print(foo) What output is to be expected from above equation?
user26230692's user avatar
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Trying to create a drop down list that is able to filter out all other columns base on selection (calendar months)

I have a rather crude spreadsheet that tracks simple monthly data with each month in a different column. I'm hoping to create a drop down list in cell B6 or C6 which allows the user to select the ...
Geoff De Ross's user avatar
-1 votes
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hi guys i would like to ask about filter in react

hi guys i click on checkbox and i didnot get value even i click to second checkbox i would like to know the problem to fixed it thanks.and when it filter i coming after i click to second checkbox ...
joseph khella's user avatar
-3 votes
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Filter/Remove array object based on value, from nested JSON array object in JavaScript

I have a filter criteria to apply on REST response. This response have nested sub objects. For loop going in task and filter function is not working on nested array objects. Please help me to filter ...
Mithilesh choubey's user avatar
-2 votes
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WebClient incorrect request body length after intercept in filter

I intercept my XML request body by adding two nodes and remove some namespaces. When I'm trying to use my filter, in header content-length I have pre-intercept request body length. I checked that if I ...
mar14's user avatar
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YQ - how to filter an array by field value if matching at least one element in a list

Specifically ( 4.35+ I have a comma-separated string of terms and I want to filter down a list if a field value is one of those terms. Ex) Given the following input: - ...
jaundiced's user avatar
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How to get column-wise summary statistics with missing codes?

I have written a custom function ord_table() to extract summary statistics from a series of databases. To get those summary statistics, I have to filter out missing data codes (all codes are large ...
Suzanne Segerstrom's user avatar
-1 votes
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Pivot filter : How to get the drop-down on the first element of Row in pivot table:

I received an excel file with five elements in pivot table Geo, Country, Partner Name, Persona, and End Date However, I am unable to apply filter on Country, Partner Name, Persona, and End Date as the ...
Shreeuday Kasat's user avatar
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One Json file, 2 values to filter, followed by inclusion in the Leaflet Menu Control

I have been on Leaflet maps for a few weeks. We are switching from Google maps to Leaflet. I work with a non-profit organization providing support for citizen water quality samplers. I do not mind ...
Louis Lemire's user avatar
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Getting Run-time error '1004' when visible row assignment after filter function

I am getting Run-time error '1004', when visible row assignment after filter command. I need to get the row number, after performing Auto filter command. In fact same code was working for other excel ...
Joju Xavier's user avatar
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Events occuring in 2 seconds window

i need suggestions to solve this type of problem: i have a table with different signals that are triggered in different timestamps, i need to calculate the time difference between each events and all ...
Pietro maffei's user avatar
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Madgwick Filter Results Unstable with Stationary Input Data

I'm implementing a Madgwick filter using the `ahrs` library in Python, but I'm encountering an issue where the results are not stable when I input data from a stationary sensor. The output angles are ...
d3dalo's user avatar
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How to loop through a nested JSON object which contains objects and and arrays of objects

I am trying to recreate the search functionality of outlook. My entire data set is contained in the following interfaces: export interface Folder{ id: string | null; name: string; folders: ...
Qiuzman's user avatar
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SQL not finding a column and cant use a condition to filter data [duplicate]

i'm currently a student and while doing an SQL excercise i had a question and i tried to do a thing. So this is the main query SELECT Date, Region, Total_Bags, Small_Bags, (...
Mizu Chan's user avatar
1 vote
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Filter a wordpress table with JS?

I'm building my own WP theme and I try to avoid JS in Wordpress like the plague because it's hieroglyphics for me... And I still haven't found a resource to learn correctly in a WP environment.... ...
f.soucy's user avatar
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Get correct vector embeddings from RedisVL while querying results

I am using RedisVL in my project, to store some data. The schema.yaml file for creating the index in the RedisVL looks like this: version: '0.1.0' index: name: event-index prefix: event fields: ...
Saurabh Gupta's user avatar
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WooCommerce Attributes' Filter Relationship

In WooCommerce, there is an attributes' filter that, by default, does not change other attributes when one attribute is filtered. However, I wanted to establish a relationship between all attribute ...
Wordpress King's user avatar
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Woocommerce product filters based on data from the specifications table

I need a little help setting up Woocommerce product filters based on data from the specifications table. I use two plugins. Product Table Specification For Woocommerce (
asinactive's user avatar
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How to filter data with sequences missing sections of a specified size or greater?

I have a data frame with a sequence (Slice) of observations for each group. Many of the sequences are incomplete. This is a simplified version of the data: Slice GroupID Observation 1 A 1 2 A 6 3 ...
user21008368's user avatar

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