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Questions tagged [imu]

Use the IMU tag for questions about writing software that interacts with Inertial Measurement Units.

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Madgwick Filter Results Unstable with Stationary Input Data

I'm implementing a Madgwick filter using the `ahrs` library in Python, but I'm encountering an issue where the results are not stable when I input data from a stationary sensor. The output angles are ...
d3dalo's user avatar
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Why does ICM20948 Waveshare IMU Sensor send inaccurate data?

I have Raspberry Pi 4 with Bookworm on it, and Waveshare 10-Dof IMU Sensor connected via i2c. I am sure I connected it right. I got the test application (wget
e.n.shirokov's user avatar
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Getting a usb device mapped to /dev/ttyUSB* on WSL

I am trying to talk to a IMU device that connects on s aserial port of the system via Docker. To get the device mapped to docker, I need to 1st get it mapped on the WSL2. Current I am using Ubuntu22....
spacemanspiff's user avatar
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ROS2 Generating Odometry with GPS and IMU Data and Visualizing in RViz

I'm a new robot developer and I am learning ROS2, and I'm working on a project where I want to make a robot go straight to a specific area using GPS and IMU data. Since there won't be any obstacles ...
Onur Ali KORKMAZ's user avatar
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How to evaluate noise when estimating position or posture using imu

I am studying to fuse multiple sensors with imu. So I am studying various algorithms and filtering techniques to reduce IMU errors. For example ZUPT, jerk integration, kalman filter, etc. But I don't ...
Minseong Gil's user avatar
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Is there any example for using IMU sensor broadcaster in ros2_control controller manager

I would like to ask if some one can success to use imu_sensor_broadcaster in ros2 control humble.What I have tried is following the document in here. However, it's not working. The ...
THA's user avatar
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Arcore E2E test failures

During our tests, we frequently observe the issue shown in the attached video (Red Android drift) when hovering the rig and devices over the marker and waiting for the Red Android. What could be ...
iking's user avatar
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Need to get the head guesture from the gyrometer values and accelerometer values from the IMU sensor

I am getting ABS_X ,ABS_Y and ABS_Z vales of gyrometer and accelerometer respectively I am confused about this equation could you please explain how u will do the calculation if I give the below as ...
ravi's user avatar
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Fixed point vs Floating point

I have a task to analyze to effects of quantization in Madgwick filter and Mahony filter which are two orientation estimation algorithms. Madgwick uses gradient descent optimisation technique which ...
user3662181's user avatar
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GPIO I2C IMU on OrangePi CM4 Running Android Doesn't Interface With Native Apps

I need an Adafruit LSM6DSOX + LIS3MDL to act as the IMU sensor array by default for apps running on Android, which is installed on an OrangePi CM4. I know I have the IMU connected properly, as I can ...
ChefC's user avatar
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Convert IMU data into trajectory data

I am using IMU data in the next format : [![enter image description here][1]][1] Here is the whole file : I want to extract ...
baddy's user avatar
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Converting IMU coordinate to Unity Coordinate

Hi i tried to align IMU coordinate to Unity coordinate. What i want to do is IMU coordinate(right hand) to Unity coordinate (left hand) IMU is attached to my hand so get the hand orientation(...
DKya's user avatar
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Adafruit BNO055 calibration gives different results every time

I am trying to calibrate the Adafruit BNO055 IMU sensor following this tutorial. However, when the device is fully calibrated, the offset values I get are different every time. Here are some examples: ...
808kalli's user avatar
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Calculating IMU random walk using allan variance

I am trying to calculate accel and gyro noise and random walk for Intel realsense using allan variance. I quickly generated imu csv in the format specified here using custom CPP script for just 3 ...
MsA's user avatar
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Changing the sample frequency of the BMM150 magnetometer on the Nano 33 BLE Sense Rev2

I am working with inertial data using the Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense Rev2 board. I have used various libraries, and the one that enables me to access the data effectively is 'Arduino_BMI270_BMM150.h' ...
user22852306's user avatar

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