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Questions tagged [webclient]

WebClient is a class for .NET Framework applications that provides methods for sending and receiving data from a resource identified by a URI.

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HttpWebRequest / WebClient returning content length of 0

I have two URL's that both return same object structure when pasted in a browser. • One URL will work with C# HttpWebRequest and WebClient protocols. One URL will not. • Both return 200 OK • Both work ...
Mike O'Shea's user avatar
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use springboot webclient send get request , query string contain {} , failed

use springboot webclient send get request , query string contain {} , faild String url = "http://localhost:8080"; String query = "sum(avg_over_time(request_cnt{topic_name=\"...
Xiukai Yu's user avatar
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Using WebClient in an AuthenticationFilter (Spring-boot, spring-security 6.3)

I am new to Reactive programming and I have hard time understanding why it appears chaining of Mono does not work in this context. I tried various methods but with no luck. The latest approach is ...
Siavash Renani's user avatar
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WebClient incorrect request body length after intercept in filter

I intercept my XML request body by adding two nodes and remove some namespaces. When I'm trying to use my filter, in header content-length I have pre-intercept request body length. I checked that if I ...
mar14's user avatar
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WebClient request not working after converting from Rest Template

I'm having an issue converting this piece of code below to WebClient. I'm planning to convert it to WebClient as recommended by this doc and I think it is more ...
Derrick Zoleta's user avatar
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importing cookies from a web browser to download files c#

i am trying to download osu! beatmaps using the link for example i want to do the same as clicking the download button. i tried the API and sending a request to ...
cheader's user avatar
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Stack trace printed even though SSLException is being handled

I'm getting SSLHandshakeException when making requests through WebClient. Even though I am catching the exception succesfully (custom LOG4J log.error message is being displayed) the stack trace is ...
Pomelooo's user avatar
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Mock WebClient webflux bean with Qualifier

I have the following scenario: A config class with two WebClient beans with different names public class WebClientConfig { @Bean("bean_1) public WebClient getWebClient1(WebClient.Builder ...
Gabriel García Garrido's user avatar
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Flux always returning null or empty

I have this GET controller @GetMapping("/test") public Flux<String> test() { return Flux.just("Test1", "test2") .delayElements(Duration.ofSeconds(1)) .log(...
Maverlck's user avatar
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Spring oauth2login with netty embedded server

I am using spring boot 3 reactive stack. Netty server. I am trying to make a login with idp with the help of oauth2login (oaut2client library). The calls are stack, I believe due to proxy issue. As I ...
Ltr's user avatar
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Error in webflux webclient with response 200

I am creating an example usisng spring boot webflux that is super simple. Two services and one of them call reactively two times the service of the other. Bascially one controller of the flights "...
Gabriel García Garrido's user avatar
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Handling Specific Exceptions in WebClient Calls in Client using Spring WebFlux

How to catch specific exception thrown by server in client service when using webclient to communicate? Let me explain a use case - I have a service A. Now A has a method (callExternalApi) which is ...
Arunabha Ghosh's user avatar
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Spring Boot Using Webclient for Post API Call

I am trying to make a POST API call, and take the response and map it to a model that I have created. The issue I am having is the API response Json has more fields than my model (don't need most of ...
Michael's user avatar
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Download a large file with WebClient.UploadValues in parts

I need to upload a file that requires authentication which I provide via form data with WebClient.UploadValues The problem is when I download a large file, the application pool is returned due to a ...
user16626854's user avatar
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Spring boot WebClient connection freezes due to TooLongFrameException: HTTP header is larger than 8192 bytes

I am using a webclient to connect to a downstream API, after getting the response from downstream, my service throws a warning message as given below: 2024-05-01 20:04:08,240 [reactor-http-nio-1] ...
ghanendra singh chauhan's user avatar

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