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Questions tagged [difference]

This tag may refer to 1) the difference between two numbers (i.e. the difference between 5 and 10 is 5) or 2) the things that two or more particular objects do not share in common.

2 votes
1 answer

Compare strings from a very large text file (over 100 GB) with a small text file (about 30 lines) and print all the strings contained in both files

I have two text files. One contains a very long list of strings (100 GB), the other contains about 30 strings. I need to find which lines in the second file are also in the first file and write them ...
JoZePe's user avatar
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0 votes
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Events occuring in 2 seconds window

i need suggestions to solve this type of problem: i have a table with different signals that are triggered in different timestamps, i need to calculate the time difference between each events and all ...
Pietro maffei's user avatar
0 votes
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SQL max function leetcode 626

In Leetcode 626. Exchange Seats I write Select (case when id%2 != 0 and id = (select max(id) from Seat) then id when id%2 =0 then id-1 else id+1 end) as id, student ...
Chenyi Han's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

Python script to print only the difference between two text files [closed]

I was looking for some help to write a Python script to print only the difference and not anything extra in the output. For example: Contents of File1 :- ['Tom','Joe','Kim'] Contents of File2 :- ['...
Noah Daniel's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

compare 2 arrays with different sets of elements and get the difference

I have 2 arrays similar to below structure. I want to compare each field and then store the array item which has a difference into a third array. Arr1= [{ state:CA, id:1, name:aaa, product:car, color: ...
kkrfan1988's user avatar
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Correct way of using cross-correlation to find time difference between 2 sine waves

I'm not a software engineer nor a hardware engineer, but I've been trying to learn some signal processing algorithms to apply to my project. I want to use cross-correlation to find time difference ...
Sukho Suh's user avatar
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What is the fastest way to iterate the VALUES of a Map in JavaScript? [duplicate]

Suppose I have the following Map: new Map([ ['a', 1], ['b', 3], ['d', 6] ]) Does anyone know what would be the fastest way to retrieve the Map VALUES? I couldn't find on the internet what ...
Sleep's user avatar
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Compare bit bucket branches and see differences that should not be seen

I have the following branches uat prep prod I have same code in all 3 branches. When I compare UAT as Source and PREP as Destination, bitbucket shows no differences. however, If I compare UAT as ...
Vetri Vel's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

How do i calculate difference between counts for each value in Excel

I counted the total number of each product in table1. Then, I need to differentiate Delivered and Pending products in the total count. For Total count of each product i used: =COUNTIF($B5:$B17,E5) ...
Eng Khalid Abdi's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to find the percentage change of two graphs

I have two graphs and would like to find the difference between them in percentage. First I converted them into lists: Graph_1=[3843.788185, 3734.256494, 3572.574207, 3420.958554, 3254.79344, 3008....
Alma's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How to calculate the percentage of change on rows with NA

How do I find and calculate the percentage of change of an indicator throughout time when there are several NAs spread throughout the data? Let's assume that this is my dataframe: a b c d ...
M. Miguel's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Problems with add_difference() in gtsummary

I have this df df # A tibble: 248 × 2 asignado mxsitam <chr> <chr> 1 Control No 2 Control No 3 Intervencion No 4 Intervencion Si 5 ...
mala fama's user avatar
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Assist me in determining whether the analysis process using the limma package has been executed correctly

I utilized the R package GEOquery to download data from the GEO database, followed by DFG analysis using the limma package. However, I am uncertain whether this process is accurate. The DFG output ...
SSSJec's user avatar
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2 answers

Find some better algorithm for finding the smallest difference between the elements of an array

Input: Array of integers A[0..n – 1] Output: Smallest difference between two elements of a dmin array dmin = ∞ for i = 0 to n − 1 do for j = 0 to n − 1 do if i != j &&|A[i] − A[j]| &...
SophiaAkr's user avatar
0 votes
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Extract difference between slightly misaligned images with ImageMagick

I have 2 screenshots from a video game, of a person's gloves and a knife. The knife and the background are identical, while the gloves are different. I want to get the different part between the ...
isaac.g's user avatar
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