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Questions tagged [esri-leaflet]

esri-leaflet is an open source plugin for leafletjs, providing a lightweight set of tools for using ArcGIS services with leaflet

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Connecting R Leaflet to esri vector tile service

I'm building a Shiny leaflet application that I want to use a ESRI vector tile map from my organization for. I can see that leaflet connects to it as the attribution is accurate. However the tiles ...
PhDavey's user avatar
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Long lag in ESRI leaflet featurelayer rendering

I'm rendering flowlines from the following web server on leaflet: ""; It is a complicated layer and I ...
JSC's user avatar
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How to intercept esri-leaflet xhr request and then check CacheStorage API, if cache exist return cached feature layer data rather than send real xhr

My web app uses esri-leaflet package, it loads geojson via xhr rather than fetch from ArcGIS server. I am trying to use the following code to intercept xhr requests, however, it doesn't work, and the ...
lpfy's user avatar
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I am using esri-leaflet as mapping library and using vectorTileLayer to add custom basemap however struggling with arabic text that is breaking

getWeatherMap() { if({; } const saudiArabiaCenter = [45.0792, 23.8859]; =`map`, { center: L.latLng(saudiArabiaCenter[1], ...
Owais Nadeem's user avatar
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does esri leaflet has option like crossOrigin

I meet a Content Security Policy problem when using esri-leaflet to parse the ArcGIS mapserver to tileLayer, the code snippet I used is as following: L.esri.dynamicMapLayer({ url: 'https://...
abramhum's user avatar
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Adding Tooltips to Leaflet Layer Control Checkboxes for Disabled Layers

I'm working on an Angular application where I'm using Leaflet and esri-leaflet to display maps and layers. I have a layer control with checkboxes (the build-in one of leaflet) that allow users to ...
Dekel tsairi's user avatar
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esri-leaflet-geocoder has error in both old and current version

I was trying to have points plotted on a map based on the address for a project but for right now while testing I am just putting the map's view on the location. I found some information online giving ...
adigrigs's user avatar
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How to use arcGIS Leaflet query run and push to Array during query and return a complete Array

I am querying each point of a polygon object (e in this case) using esri leaflet. To do so I have the following function that I use on a polgon that is passed to it: const queryFeature = (e: any) =&...
Simon Palmer's user avatar
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ESRI-Leaflet why when at low zoom levels does passing Geosearch results.latlng to dynamicMapLayer.identify().at() retrieve wrong the feature?

I've been fighting a bug in an ESRI leaflet map for days and I am hoping for some ideas. I have a geosearch that searches dynamicMapLayers. I pull a latlng from the results and pass it to a .identify()...
TreverB's user avatar
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Find frontage street polyline given a street address

I have an app whereby users select parcels of land based on shapefile information. How can I return the associated street polyline location (lat, long)? I want to be able to locate the center of the ...
Simon Palmer's user avatar
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Esri-leaflet error "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined"

I have an old esri-leaflet map that queries and displays a feature from a published feature service. I'm migrating the dashboard that uses this map to a new server that requires https. I keep getting ...
Jessica Ridout's user avatar
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Bound popup removed when layer changed in control

I have a map with a layer control that has overlays specified in the baselayer parameter: var overlays = { 'Layer 1': mylayer1, 'Layer 2': mylayer2 }; L.control.layers( overlays, null, { ...
jvanulde's user avatar
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Display offline ArcGIS Esri map using Leaflet

I need to display ArcGIS ESRI map hosted in intranet environment. I was following this example and it works fine when system is connected to internet. As our Map Server is hosted in intranet ...
Bilal Ahmed's user avatar
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How to query points with a polygon layer using Bootleaf / esri-leaflet?

I am using the Bootleaf IAG framework. I can not figure out how to get the bounding coordinates of a filtered layer. I am modifying the bootleaf code to query points with a polygon layer. The Query ...
juststartingout's user avatar
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Vector tiles are showing in the wrong place and in the wrong scale in esri-leaflet-vector plugin

I'm using [email protected] and leaflet 1.7.1 and esri-leaflet-vector plugin. When I'm adding VectorTileServer layer, rendered tiles are showing in the wrong place and in the wrong scale. Where I ...
javalonde's user avatar
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Leaflet labels on top

I am quite new to leaflet and would like some advice. I use the UN Clear map as a base map to which I add some polygons using a GeoJSON layer. I learned about a nice trick here, using map panes to get ...
Aran's user avatar
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esriPFS(Picture Filled Symbol) imageData is not displayed on Leaflet Map

Expected Result on Map import * as L from "leaflet"; import * as esri from "esri-leaflet" import "esri-leaflet-renderers"; let _layer = esri.featureLayer({ url: 'https:...
vinita jain's user avatar
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Esri-Leaflet - Search within a distance

I need to design an application using a feature layer stored in ArcGIS online. Using a geocoder/search, I need to be able to enter an address and select a distance (1 block, 2 blocks, etc). The result ...
juststartingout's user avatar
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esri ELG geosearch is not working properly

If you take a look at this : you will see you can search things on the map, but if you zoom-in somewhere randomly(deep zoom in, for example ...
OmarLittle's user avatar
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ESRI LEaflet - Adding ESRI GeoJSON / MultiPart Polygons to a REST service

I'm currently allowing users to draw into an ESRI-Leaflet map using a drawing layer, adding some additional properties to that layer, and then submitting the results to a feature service. This is ...
anakaine's user avatar
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esri-leaflet NOT showing in angular typescript it doesn't recognize VECTOR

I am not able to show the map or to use the search offered by esri-leafleft: here the code of the typsescript file. import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { Title, Meta } from '@...
Nano's user avatar
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Using L.esri.DynamicMapLayer, is it possible to bind a mouseover event rather than a pop-up on a dynamic map?

I'm aware of binding a pop-up to ESRI's L.esri.DynamicMapLayer here. The following code below is successful. $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: url + '?f=json', data: { layer: fooType }, ...
redchair218's user avatar
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Error: App(...): Nothing was returned from render. Esri-Leaflet-Geocoder

I am using esri-leaflet-geocoder to create a geosearch bar in my expo project. I am using this demo as a guildline: I am running into an ...
kboy's user avatar
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Include a custom Esri baselayer/webmap in Leaflet

We've been using esri-leaflet to put a base layer on my maps, but now we want a different look. Using their webmap editor we have put together a map we like and I have the webmap ID and using the docs ...
Craig's user avatar
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How to execute ESRI Leaflet map in PHP as a windows service

I have Created an Esri-leaflet map using (Esri-leaflet CDN from Esri leaflet GitHub repository) which plots markers and also written code to get the image exported with markers on page load and is ...
revanth g's user avatar
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Layer from Authenticated ArcGIS Server not Showing in Leaflet Web Map

When I take this code directly from the ESRI Leaflet webpage and put it into JSFiddle it works great. All the layers from the ArcGIS server show up. However, when I paste this exact code into a text ...
Swing's user avatar
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geocoding doesn't show the next value from a for loop

I am trying to retrieve multiple values from a for loop to be pass into the esri.Geocoding function, but the problem is it only returned the first value and repeat it according to the number of ...
DayatXIII's user avatar
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How to stop popup from opening when I click on l.divicon custom html containing a button

I am using the esrileaflet library to render markers on a map having icon l.divicon which has a button in custom HTML. I have bound an event to the button click which is called but also marker popup ...
Bravo Ragazo's user avatar
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How to add ArcGIS server layer using leaflet.esri package?

I am trying to add a layer from a published ArcGIS service feature into a leaflet map in R using the leaflet.esri package. I've read the documentations here
DarwinsBeard's user avatar
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Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'Controls' of undefined

I'm trying to add search bar in sharepoint map using esri leaflet. It works well in IE, and google chrome... Now If i use the same script in sharepoint.. I have this error: “Uncaught TypeError: ...
alhusher's user avatar
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Leaflet reverse geocode

What I want is to use Leaflet maps + function where I can pass Lat/Lng and receive a text message with address. I am trying to use esri plugin, however I am doing something wrong. At the moment I am ...
Tikky's user avatar
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How to pass data to DataContext?

I have a list of zip codes to loop over to get the lat/lng. How do I pass the object zip to the "success" method so I can assign the lat/lng to the right zip object? Right now by the time I get the ...
Johnny's user avatar
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esri-leaflet-geosearch: how to integrate it with React

In the following link, there is online demo case showing how to user esri-leaflet-geosearch plugin, var searchControl = new L.esri.Controls.Geosearch().addTo(map)...
Chris Bao's user avatar
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ESRI Leafet ImageryLabels BasemapLayer not displaying - all tile widths set to 0

I have been debuggging a very unusual issue with ESRI's ImageryLabels basemap but as of yet I have been unable to ascertain the root cause of the issue. I was wondering if anyone had a similar issue. ...
jiraiya's user avatar
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How to add search control on leaflet map using Angular 2?

I am using leaflet.js with ngx-leaflet and esri-leaflet-geocoder packages. I am able to using search box on the leaflet map with plain JavaScript. All I need is the following line: var searchControl ...
Maihan Nijat's user avatar
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enablePermanentHighlight in esri Feature Layer

let marker = L.marker(new L.LatLng(lat, lon), { icon: markerIcon }); map.addLayer(marker); Just like the normal marker, how can we use enablePermanentHighlight() on features of FeatureLayer. Any ...
Usama Saleem's user avatar
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ESRI leaflet map, reset style not working

I am working on my first leaflet map and am running into an issue when trying to reset the style onMouseOut. it correctly changes style on mouse over but on mouse out, i keep getting: Object doesn't ...
NoBullMan's user avatar
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Vue2Leaflet and esri-leaflet plugin intergration. Adding layers from ArcGIS based map services

Why is the tile layer not showing while using a basemap from ArcGIS based service e.g. Link to fiddle var { LMap, ...
Obirieni Simeo's user avatar
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Does Arcgis World Traffic Service Support History Data?

Now, I use Esri Leaflet I want to Access Arcgis World Traffic Service History data, Because, I only got a live traffic data. May I ...
Frank Liao's user avatar
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Using an ESRI Routing service with Leaflet Routing Machine

So i am trying to use an ESRI Route service in a Leaflet map using and am getting an error that maybe someone can help me with. Even using the code provided at git,...
Messak's user avatar
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How can I get extent and scale to send to print server, or intercept request results?

I'm using leaflet and esri-leaflet to create a map from a proprietary ArcGIS server. I am trying to get a PDF back from a print server. I have examples using ESRI API 3.x but can't find any using esri-...
ScottG's user avatar
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how to bind tooltip to L.esri.DynamicMapLayer

I can bind a popup to esri leaflet's L.esri.DynamicMapLayer layer but how would I bind a tooltip to below DynamicMapLayer ? var featureLayer = L.esri.dynamicMapLayer({ url: url, ...
Bravo Ragazo's user avatar
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Unique Value Renderer - Esri Leaflet

I have not been able to render certain ArcGis Service layers on a web map with the esri leaflet plugin. I can run L.esri.query and get data back. Also, metadata returns a response with no errors. I've ...
fullStack_E's user avatar
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Pass Feature Attribute to Variable On Click - ESRI Leaflet

I am building a leaflet map with feature layers that are hosted on ArcGIS online. I would like to write a simple function so that when I click on a feature, the value of a particular column in the ...
global_stats's user avatar
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ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'basemapLayer' of undefined

ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'basemapLayer' of undefined I have built a very basic application using the Angular CLI. When I build and run the application using ng serve -o everything builds ...
Weston's user avatar
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add marker using esri leaflet

I want to add a marker using esri leaflet cart, My code to add a marker using mapbox is given as follow: var marker = L.marker(new L.LatLng(lat, long), { icon: L.mapbox.marker.icon({ ...
Majdi Taleb's user avatar
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Leaflet: e.layer doesn't work with L.Marker or esri.featurelayer?

I have a layer of centerpoints derived from polygons via an OnEachFeature event. The first part of the behavior I'm looking for is for the polygon associated with that centerpoint to change style ...
GeoJoeK's user avatar
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Leaflet: Polygon center objects that are useable by MarkerCluster

Is there there a way to add centerpoints created via .getCenter() within an onEachFeature event (see below) to an L.Marker, or similar, object that contains all of the centerpoints created on that ...
GeoJoeK's user avatar
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How can I tell if a Leaflet layer is currently visible?

I'm building a Leaflet plugin that adds/removes layers to/from a Leaflet map. My plugin needs to know if a given layer is visible on-screen. So far, I've come up with the following criteria that a ...
colbin8r's user avatar
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Updating a D3 Map sample

I spotted a nice D3 Map & Chart sample that is using leaflet-0.5 d3.v3 I would like to make use of some features in the esri-leaflet package (specifically use a Vector basemap), but I believe I ...
jakc's user avatar
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