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Questions tagged [esri-leaflet-geocoder]

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The Map is not showing the correct location using Geocoder. It points to the default coordinates

This code is not giving a zoomed marker at correct location. It stays at the default position instead of address received, even though the original source code works for others. There are no terminal ...
Shashwat Shrivastava's user avatar
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esri-leaflet-geocoder has error in both old and current version

I was trying to have points plotted on a map based on the address for a project but for right now while testing I am just putting the map's view on the location. I found some information online giving ...
adigrigs's user avatar
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Webpack 5 - quiet warnings originating from node_modules?

I'm using webpack 5.44.0 and webpack-dev-server 3.11.2, and a custom webpack/babel config in my react project. I'm importing esri-leaflet-geocoder into my project. When developing with webpack dev ...
Seth Lutske's user avatar
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Geocode react leaflet

Trying to add an address list in ELG.geocode. error: Cannot read property '0' of undefined; (results) Original:
Raffaele Conte's user avatar
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How to resolve "React Hook useEffect has a missing dependency: 'currentPosition'"

When I include currentPosition in the useEffect dependency array or when I delete it, the code turns into an infinite loop. Why? I have the same problem with map but when I place map in the dependency ...
gcbox999's user avatar
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Esri-leaflet-geocoder: Component not rendering; How to connect providers in Production

I am using the great esri-leaflet-geocoder plugin and can't get it to render in production. I registered for a provider (ArcGIS Online Geocoding Service) and got a api key, and followed the ...
Antonio Pavicevac-Ortiz's user avatar
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esri-leaflet NOT showing in angular typescript it doesn't recognize VECTOR

I am not able to show the map or to use the search offered by esri-leafleft: here the code of the typsescript file. import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { Title, Meta } from '@...
Nano's user avatar
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Leaflet .Repeated Markers in combination with esri-leaflet-geocoder

Hi I am new in Leaflet and I am trying to combine the Esri Geocoding control with the Leaflet.RepeatedMarkers. Actually, I need the markers to be repeated over [-180,180] of the first map. The below ...
Adam Brish's user avatar
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How to add predefined places/markers to Leaflet Geocoder

I am using Leaflet Map with geocoder (ESRI) and Routing Machine. I have added two markers, let's say my home and my work var marker_work = L.marker([50.27, 19.03], { title: 'MyWork'}).addTo(map) ....
Tikky's user avatar
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How to remove marker to Leaflet map in angular component

I am using leaflet on an Angular componenent and I am showing a marker when user click on map from esri-leaflet reverse geocoding, I want to remove previous markers added when user click. this is my ...
danny36's user avatar
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Leaflet Esri geocoding on Angular not import Geocoding class

I try to use the Geocoding form esri-leaflet library on Angular project but I have import class problem. This is my component code: import { Component, OnInit, AfterViewInit, Type } from '@angular/...
danny36's user avatar
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