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Questions tagged [browser]

A web browser or Internet browser is a software application for retrieving, presenting, and traversing information resources on the World Wide Web.

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Why does the browser re-read a css file (instead of caching it)?

I have MudBlazor referenced in my App.razor as (Blazor server): <link href="_content/MudBlazor/MudBlazor.min.css" rel="stylesheet" /> When I do an F12 to watch a page load, ...
David Thielen's user avatar
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Browser's behavior UTF-8 page with non UTF-8 character (ERROR by ajax) XML Parsing Error: not well-formed

We are developing some JSF web applications with PrimeFaces. It is possible in inputText to copy paste text with non UTF-8 character like this: xx￾xxx and save the page. But there is an error in the ...
László Tóth's user avatar
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TypeScript `error TS2503: Cannot find namespace 'browser'.`

Building Typescript crashes with the following error in @cliqz/adblocker: node_modules/@cliqz/adblocker/dist/commonjs/request.d.ts:12:37 - error TS2503: Cannot find namespace 'browser'. 12 export ...
Miles's user avatar
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Treatment of superfluous closing tags depends on tag name

Unlike XHTML, HTML does not allow separate closing tags for empty-content elements like br and hr. The HTML validator gives an error end tag for element "..." which is not open in such ...
Heiko Theißen's user avatar
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Error on GET with authorization-header - only in Browser (CF-RestApi & Angular)

first things first: we develop our own RestAPI in ColdFusion with follwing headers: cfheader (name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin", value="*"); cfheader (name="Access-Control-...
uwe85's user avatar
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Opening Secure Websocket from Javascript in browser

My system has two servers A custom boost::beast based secure websocket server listening on port 887 Standard HTTPS server (apache2) listening for connections on port 443. It serves one HTML file ...
Paul Grinberg's user avatar
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How to clean all expired cookies from Firefox?

I want to ask how can I clean all expired cookies from Firefox browser while keeping all working/unexpired cookies untouched? Can this be done by Firefox equivalent of "Expired Cookies Cleaner&...
Alexandra0056's user avatar
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Scraping all pages using Scrapy-Crawler & LinkExtractor-Rules

I am trying to scrape with the scrapy-vertical approach using the Crawler and i need to define a rule which gathers all pages with the following pattern:
Vlajic Stevan's user avatar
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when i am sending some data using post request in django and test it in postman it shows no error but in browser it is not responding correctly

from django.shortcuts import render from django.http import HttpResponse def register(request): if request.method == 'POST': name = request.POST['name'] #in this way we are collecting data ...
smaranika hota's user avatar
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How to cope with text-shadow property rendering inconsistently in Safari?

Tested background for future search reference: Mac Sonoma 14.5 Safari 17.5 Firefox 128.0 (64-bit) Chrome 126.0.6478.127 (Official Build) (arm64) ** This question differ to the existing questions, it ...
西門 正 Code Guy - JingCodeGuy's user avatar
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How to make all new tabs/windows in electron direct to new electron-tabs

I'm currently working on some JavaScript code for a project. My goal is to make Electron open all links that would normally result in "pop-ups" to open in new tabs under the electron-tabs ...
Alex's user avatar
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Dropdown selection with Powershell and Selenium doesn´t work reliable

I`m using Powershell and Selenium to automate a browser to fetch some data from CBOE website. To get the full option chain I have to make selections first from two dropdown menus. The first dropdown ...
Marc W.'s user avatar
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-2 votes
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browser ignores spaces [duplicate]

This is my first time playing with html. I have this code that should display a simple pice of ascii art. <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <...
Akut Luna's user avatar
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Browser auto close when turn on Application tab (f12)

This is the wrong config in file manifest.json, the below file has a working config with icon sizes. It does not have sizes attribute in the first object so make the application auto close when ...
Nguyen Thanh An 02 OMIBU5's user avatar
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Different number of <br>s in XSLT rendering in Chrome and Firefox

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xml" href="#style1"?> <!DOCTYPE message [ <!ATTLIST xsl:stylesheet id ID #REQUIRED> ]> <message> <xsl:stylesheet id="style1" version="1.0" ...
hbghlyj's user avatar
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