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Questions tagged [esri]

ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute) is a GIS (geographical information systems) development company. ESRI produces GIS software

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can gdal.Driver handle S3 file paths?

A project that I am working on requires me to access geometries stored in a .gdb folder with OGR/GDAL as geopandas is currently not capable of accessing M values associated with those geometries. I've ...
wannabeengineer15's user avatar
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Zeppelin JDBC interpreter SQL port issue

I'm trying to import some hive functions from ESRI to do some geospatial data science, but keep getting an error message. The input is on a zeppelin notebook. I ran the line: %sql create temporary ...
Michael Holland's user avatar
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Matching Terrestrial LiDAR with Bathymetric Data

We have aerial LiDAR data of an island at low tide, and bathymetric data taken with a fish finder around the island at high tide (with about 1m of error). Is it possible to combine these datasets? ...
user18273586's user avatar
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How to read in a (compressed) .gdb using R and or SF Package?

I want to open a GDB (A directory that ends with ".gdb") in R. I am assuming that some sublayers or the whole GDB is compressed, though i do not know how to confirm this. I have tried ...
m4D_guY's user avatar
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How to download a raster layer from an ESRI REST API MapServer in R?

I want to download the raster layer at this endpoint:, but I cannot for the life of me ...
wcurgrom's user avatar
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ESRI JS : To spiderfy a cluster

I am using ESRI JS API (4.23), and I can't find a way to spiderfy my clusters ( similar to what we can do with a Cluster using leaflet), has anyone already tried to do that ? Here is an exaplme of ...
nadiamoa's user avatar
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How to upsert LineString in ArcGIS python via CSV (or other suggestion?)

I have been working on an ETL process to push / upsert my data from PostgreSQL into ArcGIS Online into a lines feature layer to be included on a WebMap. I have had no problem with using essentially ...
Mojo713's user avatar
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How to improve sharpness of leaflet map?

I'm working on my first mapping app. The map on my app is fuzzy compared to the sample online. It's painful to look at because the text isn't sharp. How do I get the sharpness of the online sample? ...
Bret Hess's user avatar
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Oracle. Procedures. Beginner. How to handle large string inputs? (CLOB)

I new to using Oracle, so I could really use the help. I have a procedure: create or replace procedure Demo_Name (someId IN number default null, planShapes IN string, OutputCursor OUT ...
Sapir Shahar's user avatar
3 votes
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Unable to update ArcGIS JavaScript SDK feature layer renderer dynamically

Following this ArcGIS JavaScript SDK sample, I'm able to visualize feature layer data using a continuous color ramp. However, I'm unable to update the renderer's color ramp value dynamically. I would ...
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Esri ArcGIS Integrating Custom API Data with React js FeatureTable

I'm new to argis, I'm trying to Integrate a Custom API Data with React js FeatureTableBelow is my sample code: Here in this code I'm using the esri to load the widgets and show the basemap and others ...
jeya surya's user avatar
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2 answers

How to know layer name from anyone of files map.dbf map.prj map.shp map.shx using go

I am working on the project where we are giving the user to upload GIS layers and it should not be duplicate. what I got to know that user can upload same file multiple time just rename these file (...
msrajwat298's user avatar
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Can't upload file via HTML form using <calcite-input> component ("Failed to set the 'value' property on 'HTMLInputElement'")

I'm receiving the console error DOMException: Failed to set the 'value' property on 'HTMLInputElement': This input element accepts a filename, which may only be programmatically set to the empty ...
sandeman_13's user avatar
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adding a layer on top of a WMTS BaseMap via user input (codesandbox example included)

I am trying to add a street level layer on top of my base map layer with arcgis. However, I can't seem to get my second layer of street names to render by toggling an input checkbox. I was basing my ...
btranggg's user avatar
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Incorrect results when intersecting point and polygon data with sf in R

I’m getting bizarre results when I intersect some point data with polygons using the sf package in R, and while I think I’ve found a solution, I’m so baffled by the issue that I’d really appreciate it ...
dmcd's user avatar
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