

Displaying 1 - 8 of 94

Member Spotlight: Gregory D. Webster

Greg Webster earned degrees in Psychology from Colorado College, William & Mary, and the University of Colorado Boulder. He is currently the R. David Thomas Endowed Professor of Psychology at the University of Florida and an associate editor for JPSP and PSPB.

Member Spotlight: Meltem Yucel

Meltem Yucel, an NIH-funded postdoctoral fellow at Duke University, collaborates with Drs. Tamar Kushnir and Mike Tomasello. Her research explores how humans perceive and respond to rule violations, how this changes with age, and the evolutionary functions of these interventions.

Member Spotlight: Benedek Kurdi

Benedek Kurdi is an Assistant Professor at the University of Illinois Urbana–Champaign (UIUC). He is an experimental psychologist whose research seeks to understand how we learn about, evaluate, and relate to other people, both as individuals and as members of social groups.

Member Spotlight: Eva Pietri

Eva Pietri is an Associate Professor at the University of Colorado Boulder. Her research generally explores ways to address harmful biases and encourage inclusive and welcoming environments.

Member Spotlight: Wind Goodfriend

Wind Goodfriend is a full professor of psychology and assistant dean of liberal arts at Buena Vista University. Her research focuses on understanding and preventing intimate relationship violence, the effects of gender- and sexuality-based prejudice, and social psychological topics in popular culture.

Member Spotlight: Michael Kraus

Psychologist Michael W. Kraus studies how inequality fundamentally shapes the dynamics of human social interactions. His current research explores the behaviors and emotional states that maintain and perpetuate economic and racial inequality in society.

Member Spotlight: Sean Laurent

Sean Laurent is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at Penn State. His interests are in how non-psychologists think about social concepts like hypocrisy, intentionality, and morality, and how information about others' beliefs and goals is used to make social and moral judgments.

Member Spotlight: Yuthika Girme

An Associate Professor at Simon Fraser University, Yuthika Girme's research aims to better understand the complexities underlying singlehood and romantic relationships by using advanced statistical techniques and diverse methods.