APA Convention (Division 8)

Division 8 of the American Psychological Association is dedicated to supporting programming and activities for those interested in social and personality psychology. 

More information about the event is available on the APA Convention page.

APA 2024
Division 8 Schedule

11:00-11:50 AM PDT

Invited Session: How Not Talking About Stigma Contributes to Minority Health Disparities

Where: Seattle Convention Center - Arch at 800 Pike, Skagit Lower Level, Skagit 2

Presenter: Rebecca Cipollina

12 – 12:50 AM PDT

Psychological Science and the Cure of the Antisemitism Virus

Where: Seattle Convention Center - Arch at 800 Pike, Skagit Lower Level, Skagit 2

  • Session Chair: Sarah L. Friedman
  • Speakers: Susan T. Fiske, James M. Packman, Matt Williams
  • Discussant: Michael E. Lamb
1 – 1:50 PM PDT

Division 8 Data Blitz 1

Where: Seattle Convention Center - Arch at 705 Pike, Level 3, 304

2 – 2:50 PM PDT

Division 8 Poster Session I

Where: Seattle Convention Center - Arch at 705 Pike, Level 4, Hall 4AB

4 – 4:50 PM PDT

Examining Social Isolation: A 13-Year Systematic Review of Hikikomori and NEET Lifestyles

Where: Seattle Convention Center - Arch at 705 Pike, Level 3, 3B

Presenters: Emi Ichimura, Alyssa Kanalakis, Mary C. Benton, Chau Nguyen, Alan R. Teo