Who We Are

The Society for Personality and Social Psychology, comprised of more than 7,500 members, strives to advance the science, teaching, and application of personality and social psychology.

The core focus of SPSP is to serve its members through educational events, networking opportunities, resources, science funding, publication and promotion of research, and mentoring the next generation of personality and social psychologists.

Woman looking at her cellphone and typing on laptop at a table near window

Character & Context

Character & Context explores the latest findings from research in personality and social psychology. By exploring forces within the person as well as forces within the situation, personality and social psychologists seek to unravel the mysteries of individual and social life.

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Gregory Webster headshot

Member Spotlight: Gregory D. Webster

Greg Webster earned degrees in Psychology from Colorado College, William & Mary, and the University of Colorado Boulder. He is currently the R. David Thomas Endowed Professor of Psychology at the University of Florida and an associate editor for JPSP and PSPB.