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Questions tagged [existence-of-god]

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0 votes
2 answers

Are the concepts of omniscience and omnipotence contradictory? [duplicate]

Theistic religions believe in a God or Gods. Do religions that claim their God is omniscient and omnipotent face a contradiction in this conception? I'll explain my reasoning. If God is omniscient, he ...
1 vote
3 answers

How rational "God permitting the killing of children as a greater good " defense"?

According to the Quran 18:65–82, Moses meets a man(called the Servant of God) Moses asks for permission to accompany the Servant of God so Moses can learn "right knowledge of what he hasbeen ...
-1 votes
2 answers

Evidence for Nature works under direction of God?

I have read from somewhere¹ and it sounds very right, that Nature works under supervision of God. However problem with this, may be that it seems unfalsifiable. What would be nature like with ...
0 votes
1 answer

If there is no more gap, is the existence of God the logical conclusion?

The god of the gaps is used to fill the last gap in front of a fundamental explanation of the physical world. Fundamental physical constants, like the masses of the elementary particle families (or ...
13 votes
11 answers

Evil God Challenge: What if an evil god is just trolling humanity and that explains why there's good in the world?

I've been reading up on the idea of there being an evil god. There's a lot of interesting arguments but I haven't come across anyone mentioning this argument: that all the goodness in the world is ...
1 vote
4 answers

Can a reliabilist have a reliably justified belief in God?

Reliabilism is defined by several sources as follows: Reliabilism is an approach to the nature of knowledge and of justified belief. Reliabilism about justification, in its simplest form, says that a ...
5 votes
7 answers

What is the use in arguing for or against the existence of metaphysical things?

It seems to me that we ought to be rather indifferent to their existence. Take free will, for example. By the nature of how it's defined, and its incompatibility with science, it can't be proven nor ...
5 votes
4 answers

What exactly would count as a "positively meaningful and reciprocal conscious relationship" between a person and a God?

I would like to start by quoting this answer's summary of the divine hiddenness argument: This is the crux of the atheistic Argument from Divine Hiddenness: (1) Necessarily, if God exists, then God ...
5 votes
7 answers

Is Blaise Pascal's approach to "curing unbelief" in the proposition that God exists philosophically sound?

Hence it comes that, if there are as many risks on one side as on the other, the course is to play even; and then the certainty of the stake is equal to the uncertainty of the gain, so far is it from ...
13 votes
12 answers

Does the "Sniper Firing Squad" analogy undermine the anthropic principle’s objection to the fine-tuning argument for God's existence?

The anthropic principle, also known as the "observation selection effect", is the hypothesis, first proposed in 1957 by Robert Dicke, that the range of possible observations that could be ...
2 votes
8 answers

Is a naïve logical argument against god rational?

I have seen a short clip recently, in which someone used a proof by contradiction that a being cannot be omniscient (including past, present and future) and have free will at the same time. There are ...
1 vote
1 answer

In the argument of Contingency(Leibnizian Cosmological Argument) can a necessary existent have alternatives? [closed]

Hello I've got a question about Leibnizian Cosmological Argument, In the argument can a necessary existent have alternatives? Why yes and why not? And are numbers considered as alternatives to each ...
5 votes
6 answers

Are there any fallacies in Stephen C. Meyer's argument for classical theism from the Big Bang singularity?

Christian YouTuber and apologist Brandon McGuire recently shared a review of Piers Morgan's interview with Stephen C. Meyer, author of Return of the God Hypothesis, on his talk show Piers Morgan ...
1 vote
6 answers

How can God gives us free will and yet be the creator and originator of everything at the same time? [closed]

Religious people say we have free will in that god has the knowledge of whatever will happen but he doesn't cause our actions, we have a choice. I did an act of sin out of my own choice; god was only ...
0 votes
1 answer

If we assume God exists, why isn't He doing something about all the wars and suffering on Earth? Is there a plan behind His reasoning? [duplicate]

Just so you know, I'm religious, I'm Christian. However, that doesn't stop me from wondering about this question. I'm sure someone must have asked a similar question before, so I'm sorry if I'm boring ...

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