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Questions tagged [existence-of-god]

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2 answers

Are the concepts of omniscience and omnipotence contradictory? [duplicate]

Theistic religions believe in a God or Gods. Do religions that claim their God is omniscient and omnipotent face a contradiction in this conception? I'll explain my reasoning. If God is omniscient, he ...
8Mad0Manc8's user avatar
13 votes
11 answers

Evil God Challenge: What if an evil god is just trolling humanity and that explains why there's good in the world?

I've been reading up on the idea of there being an evil god. There's a lot of interesting arguments but I haven't come across anyone mentioning this argument: that all the goodness in the world is ...
Aisha Edwards's user avatar
5 votes
7 answers

What is the use in arguing for or against the existence of metaphysical things?

It seems to me that we ought to be rather indifferent to their existence. Take free will, for example. By the nature of how it's defined, and its incompatibility with science, it can't be proven nor ...
Joseph_Kopp's user avatar
5 votes
7 answers

Is Blaise Pascal's approach to "curing unbelief" in the proposition that God exists philosophically sound?

Hence it comes that, if there are as many risks on one side as on the other, the course is to play even; and then the certainty of the stake is equal to the uncertainty of the gain, so far is it from ...
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1 vote
4 answers

Can a reliabilist have a reliably justified belief in God?

Reliabilism is defined by several sources as follows: Reliabilism is an approach to the nature of knowledge and of justified belief. Reliabilism about justification, in its simplest form, says that a ...
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1 vote
1 answer

In the argument of Contingency(Leibnizian Cosmological Argument) can a necessary existent have alternatives? [closed]

Hello I've got a question about Leibnizian Cosmological Argument, In the argument can a necessary existent have alternatives? Why yes and why not? And are numbers considered as alternatives to each ...
Hido's user avatar
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5 votes
6 answers

Are there any fallacies in Stephen C. Meyer's argument for classical theism from the Big Bang singularity?

Christian YouTuber and apologist Brandon McGuire recently shared a review of Piers Morgan's interview with Stephen C. Meyer, author of Return of the God Hypothesis, on his talk show Piers Morgan ...
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1 vote
6 answers

How can God gives us free will and yet be the creator and originator of everything at the same time? [closed]

Religious people say we have free will in that god has the knowledge of whatever will happen but he doesn't cause our actions, we have a choice. I did an act of sin out of my own choice; god was only ...
Saqlain Syed's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

If we assume God exists, why isn't He doing something about all the wars and suffering on Earth? Is there a plan behind His reasoning? [duplicate]

Just so you know, I'm religious, I'm Christian. However, that doesn't stop me from wondering about this question. I'm sure someone must have asked a similar question before, so I'm sorry if I'm boring ...
QueenSophie's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

How Probable is the Philosophical Significance of Numerical Patterns in Religious Texts?

I have a Muslim friend who told me about a chapter in the Quran (the holy book of Muslims) in which he claims there is a "numerical miracle." This chapter is unique in the Quran because a ...
Rede's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

Are agent explanations better than non agent explanations?

Suppose you were using a telescope and zooming into Jupiter on the surface and saw a rock that had a face that looked very very much like your great grand mother. Suppose that it was very detailed to ...
Baby_philosopher's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Can belief in God be grounded in (and justified by) personal experience rather than philosophical argumentation?

Attempts at legitimizing belief in God through reasoned philosophical argumentation abound in the fields of natural theology and apologetics. This is particularly evident in formal debates and ...
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13 votes
12 answers

Does the "Sniper Firing Squad" analogy undermine the anthropic principle’s objection to the fine-tuning argument for God's existence?

The anthropic principle, also known as the "observation selection effect", is the hypothesis, first proposed in 1957 by Robert Dicke, that the range of possible observations that could be ...
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1 vote
4 answers

Does theism postulate an overly complicated and unnecessary extra step?

One presentation of this argument is put forward by Carl Sagan: "If the general picture, however, of a Big Bang followed by an expanding universe is correct - what happened before that? Was the ...
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2 votes
4 answers

What is the state-of-the-art of formal definitions of God?

Isn't the only formal analytic definition of God, that of Cantor's Absolute Infinity? What is the state-of-the-art of this approach? Are there other definitions?
Bastam Tajik's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Are there published rebuttals of Patrick Flynn's recent book "The Best Argument for God"?

The Best Argument for God, by Patrick Flynn, was recently published on October 17th, 2023. With only 21 votes on Amazon so far, it has garnered an average rating of 4.9 (as of March 25th, 2024). Does ...
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23 votes
15 answers

Does the argument from order apply to God?

Lots of people consider the universe to be too complex, ordered, structured, and too advanced to have come about, without a designer. However, isn’t God the most complex, ordered, structured, and the ...
Baby_philosopher's user avatar
6 votes
7 answers

If God is non-physical, does God become unnecessary as a cause? [closed]

If God does physical things, those physical things presumably have preceding physical causes. Eventually, one of those physical causes will have a non physical cause that will be God Themselves or ...
Baby_philosopher's user avatar
-7 votes
1 answer

Is atheism religion with all attributes? [closed]

To people who are believers, that science proved that God doesn’t exists, I want to remind that science tell that consciousness doesn’t exist too, however obviously consciousness exists. I guess ...
Dmytro Brazhnyk's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Can Reformed Epistemology be considered a special variant of mysticism?

First, some definitions (feel free to skip this part if you are already familiar with the concepts): Reformed Epistemology In the philosophy of religion, Reformed epistemology is a school of ...
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8 votes
10 answers

What's the reason to live in this life?

I'm scared of life too much. What will happen after this life ends? Even in this life, what is happening? Are we just some animals who have higher consciousness and are interacting with each other? ...
Srijan's user avatar
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3 votes
5 answers

Is there a stalemate between Skeptical Theism and The Evidential Problem of Evil?

Skeptical Theism: Skeptical theism is the view that God exists but that we should be skeptical of our ability to discern God’s reasons for acting or refraining from acting in any particular instance. ...
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3 votes
10 answers

Does the Problem of Evil address God's existence or his character?

The Problem of Evil, as most of us know, can be stated like this: God is the all-powerful and all-benevolent creator of the universe. Evil exists in that universe. If God is all-powerful, and yet ...
James Grossmann's user avatar
3 votes
9 answers

Do the Abrahamic faiths solve the argument from evil?

There is the proposition that if evil exists in the world then how could an omnipotent, omnipresent God allow that evil to happen. The Abrahamic faiths propose that God created the garden of Eden ...
8Mad0Manc8's user avatar
-2 votes
12 answers

Can God's existence be established through reason and publicly accessible evidence?

Is it possible for an ordinary individual possessing sound cognitive faculties and access to publicly available evidence to establish the existence of a God? Is there a prevailing consensus in ...
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0 votes
3 answers

Can we be only certain that we have free will if there is no God?

I deduce there could be these permutations of the universe. Temporally, it is either bounded or unbounded. If it is bounded, then it is possible God could exist to have created the universe. If God ...
8Mad0Manc8's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Can there be Art without an Artist? [closed]

I'm by far not an artist. However my interpretation of Art is. Man creates Art that is a depiction of the world we occupy. This depiction of Art is meant to convey some meaning that the artist has ...
8Mad0Manc8's user avatar
6 votes
9 answers

Is Romans 1:19-20 philosophically sound?

Romans 1:18-25 ESV 18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. 19 For what can be known about ...
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0 votes
4 answers

Why would an omnipotent, omnibenevolent create a universe with no humanity for billions of years? [closed]

The interpretation that god is omnibenevolent and omnipotent suggests that the universe was created with the eventual goal of humanity to come into existence. If this were the case, what was the ...
Hooman's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

What exactly would count as a "positively meaningful and reciprocal conscious relationship" between a person and a God?

I would like to start by quoting this answer's summary of the divine hiddenness argument: This is the crux of the atheistic Argument from Divine Hiddenness: (1) Necessarily, if God exists, then God ...
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2 votes
6 answers

Can God make the belief in His own existence justified (if He exists)?

In a hypothetical scenario in which God exists, would God be able to make the belief in His existence justified for humans? If so, how? What would God need to do to accomplish that goal? If not, does ...
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2 votes
9 answers

Is God even more improbable than the origin of life?

This question came up with a chat with one of the members here. In his Ultimate Boeing 747 Gambit argument, Dawkins states that one cannot use the improbability of life to state that God must have ...
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-1 votes
1 answer

Is the existence of God a question within the purview of science?

Some people, including perhaps most philosophers, believe that the existence of God is a philosophical question, not a scientific one. But is it really? It seems to me that while the existence of a ...
user107952's user avatar
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-1 votes
6 answers

Proof of the existence of God?

Here it is, the long-awaited proof for the existence of God (for your consideration). I have taken the liberty of defining discretely what God is, without which there is no question to be answered (...
Jordan Cote's user avatar
0 votes
6 answers

Please criticize my argument for a first cause

Salaamualykum, I would like this argument to be strengthened by criticism: Everything has a cause, by cause I mean mean something that "therefores it" regardless of your definition. if ...
loopit's user avatar
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Is complete agnosticism about god warranted? If not, how can one represent this?

In discussions related to Pascal’s wager, which I’m hoping most of you are familiar with, one of the objections against it is to simply refuse to assign a probability to God’s existence. The argument ...
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4 votes
4 answers

How can we exist?

Positing that God exists and is perfect (by the fact that he is the moral authority and is thought of as absolute perfection according to the general consensus); a change that he makes would mean that ...
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-1 votes
2 answers

Does it make sense to consider God meaning is 0? [closed]

Foreword: Mathematics is science, that can prove or disprove everything. That is the meaning of Mathematics, prove or disprove any statement. When somebody say something, that something are statements ...
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2 votes
2 answers

Moral arguments against dystheism (in the spirit of James Rachels)

Here's my almost-twenty-years-old memory of Rachels' argument (I read it in an introduction-to-ethics class at a community college): If God existed, there would be a being more important, morally, ...
Kristian Berry's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

What if time and quantum corrections were created because the idea of "god" was damaged?

Assuming the idea of "God" exists. In its most perfect form, should physics not be without the various quantum phenomena with a renormalizable gravitational theory? Perhaps the idea of ...
Burak Guner's user avatar
2 votes
8 answers

Is a naïve logical argument against god rational?

I have seen a short clip recently, in which someone used a proof by contradiction that a being cannot be omniscient (including past, present and future) and have free will at the same time. There are ...
Damian's user avatar
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2 votes
8 answers

Isn't there a very obvious flaw in the Ultimate Boeing 747 gambit?

I have read the Wikipedia article on the Ultimate Boeing 747 gambit, first published by Richard Dawkins, and it seems to me that there is a very obvious problem with the argument that isn't mentioned ...
A-Level Student's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Why would God condemn all and only those that don't believe in God? [closed]

Why would God condemn all and only those that don't believe in God? I am not saying God, if there is such a thing, could not condemn or forgive anyone. But is there anything but scriptural support for ...
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2 votes
2 answers

Is a prediction better than an ad/post hoc hypothesis apriori?

Suppose John wins the lottery. Eric, after he wins, claims that he rigged the lottery for John to win. Now imagine an alternative scenario where Eric predicts that John will win and that he claims to ...
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5 votes
5 answers

Is there such a thing as an argument from unconstrained possibilities against God?

If God doesn’t exist, and all that exists are natural laws in a brute sense, it seems that the number of possible configurations of the world are tiny compared to the number of possible configurations ...
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-1 votes
3 answers

If God is an immaterial being, is it impossible for Him to exist?

Most people, even atheists, often at least recognize the possibility that God may exist but claim that it is very improbable. But if God is defined as an immaterial being, is the notion of that even ...
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1 vote
2 answers

Could God be a Gödelian sentence?

first of all I must specify that I am a mathematician so I hope I am using the appropriate words to formulate my question. Recently, while talking with some colleagues, a question arose; Based on the ...
Luis Alexandher's user avatar
1 vote
6 answers

How can one refute this argument that claims to do away with omniscience as a divine attribute?

Definition of omniscience: X is omniscient = for the whole preposition P, X knows the value of P. Let T be the set of all true propositions. An omniscient being knows all these propositions (T). Let ...
Alex Iglesias's user avatar
2 votes
7 answers

Does probability require a beginning? Can it apply to eternal things like god?

When it comes to the probability of something coming into fruition, a number is calculated based upon the future. The probability of a dice landing on 6 means that if one were to roll a dice in the ...
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1 vote
3 answers

How can God exist but allow such suffering and inequality? [duplicate]

I know this question may be have been asked innumerable times over the last 4,000 years but I'm curious to see how serious theists reconcile God's existence with the horrible suffering that a very ...
Max's user avatar
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