Stage 51

Chartres Cathedral, in the heart of the prefecture of Eure-et-Loir
Picture by City of Chartres

Olympic Torch Relay Route


Stage Preview

On Sunday 7 July, the Olympic torch will start its journey from Dreux, where Île-de-France, Normandy, and Beauce meet. The town, home to over 30,000 people, is a magnet for history enthusiasts thanks to the Royal Chapel of Saint Louis (built in 1816) and the Marcel Dessal Art and History Museum, where Claude Monet's masterpiece Wisteria is on display.

The torch will then head to Châteaudun, a town of 12,900 renowned for its castle. It will then set a course for Bonneval. This fortified medieval village is famous for the abundance of water in its heart, which earned it the moniker "Little Venice of Beauce". The stage will come to a close in Chartres.

Celebrations in Chartres

Le Pôle Gare de Chartres avec le Colisée, futur complexe culturel et sportif à Chartres métropole
Picture by Ville de Chartres

Chartres and its metropolitan area stand out for its vibrant community life and bustling calendar of events and cultural activities. Every year, the city hosts Chartres en lumières, which brings its heritage to life with a light show. It is also home to a whole constellation of clubs that compete at the highest level in their respective sports. The Olympic torch will illuminate its heritage at the end of the day. It will blaze past Chartres Cathedral, the architectural wonder of the city. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is a masterpiece of French Gothic art whose construction began in 1145.

Not far from there, the Olympic torch will visit the vicinity of Saint Aignan's Church, a Renaissance-style building dating from the 15th century. After that it will make its way to a spectacular site: the Odyssée. The aquatic complex—the biggest of its kind in France—is home to a vast balneotherapy pool and a 500 m² outdoor wave pool. Finally, the Olympic torch will be taken to the racecourse. This venue, located at a vantage point over the city and the cathedral, will host the celebration at the end of the day and the lighting of the cauldron after the last relay.

Celebration venue info

Come and celebrate the passing of the Olympic flame in Chartres!

The celebration site is free and open to all from 3.30pm to 7.45pm at the following address: HIPPODROME DE CHARTRES, 28000 CHARTRES

A festive programme open to all awaits you, including :

  • events organised by the local authorities: sport, music, shows, etc.
  • stands run by the Relay of the Flame sponsors:
    • Coca-Cola will be providing a musical and festive atmosphere
    • Banque Populaire will be giving the public the chance to try out water sports
    • Caisse d'Epargne will be dedicating its stand to basketball and handball
  • a show organised by the sponsors on the sports slab from 6 p.m.
  • 7.20pm: the arrival of the last torchbearer and the lighting of the Olympic cauldron, a moment not to be missed!

Note: a giant screen, a host and a DJ will also be on hand to get the public in the mood for the Torch Relay!

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