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The Pitch

Why ModSquad?

Great CX Is Hard to Find

But you're here — you found it!

Keeping customers and communities happy is challenging

Today’s world is amazing. With all the channels and platforms available, the potential for connecting with your customers and communities is unlimited.

Support requests, user-generated content, social and community activity — it all comes in unpredictable waves. But customers need help, content needs moderation, communities need management, and social needs it all.

Scheduling coverage is a constant game of Tetris. Ensuring trust and safety feels like walking a tightrope. Keeping your community vibrant and engaged can feel elusive. Security is always a concern.

You need help. But …

Most outsourcing belongs in the outhouse
The original cubicle.

Yeah, we said it.

What else would you expect from companies that started out in the 1970s as call centers?

Sure, they go by different names these days: “contact centers” or “business process outsourcers”. But it's the same mentality — put random agents in cubes on the outskirts of town and give 'em a script to read.

It didn't work back then for phone support.

It doesn’t work any better today in our omnichannel world.

And what about your community? What about social care? What about trust and safety? What about engagement and growth?

You think you’re going to get that from a call center?

You need more than a “third party vendor”

You need a company that knows CX services are a business opportunity, not an operational nuisance.

You need a partner that knows that your customers and community are more than “contacts” or “business processes”.

You need a solution that both saves you money and delivers the experiences your audience expects and deserves.

You need modern thinking, not an outdated, 4-decade-old cubicle mindset.

You need ModSquad.

The ModSquad Difference

We're Data Driven

Beginning with our first sales call, we start building a quantitative model of your CX project. We look at your challenges, your tools, your metrics, and your KPIs.

Even deep into a project, we continue monitoring the data. We always know the state of your customers and community, and how to meet your business goals. Think of it as your own CX Mission Control.

We Customize Every Service

Your community, customers, and systems are unique. So is our delivery. We customize everything from strategy and tactics to scheduling and workflows.

We keep you future-proof

Stay adaptable and prepared for anything with our unmatched flexibility and scalability.

When the unexpected happens — whether it’s hockey stick growth, an unexpected lull, or a dumpster fire — scale up or down to meet demand. Pivot on a moment’s notice.

You won’t get this level of control anywhere else.

We build a team around your brand

We don’t assign Mods to your project – they pick you! Experts in our network compete to work on your project because they know your products and love your brand. See, they get your community because they're already part of your community. Watch audience satisfaction and operational efficiency skyrocket.

We keep you secure

All CX services are protected by our secure CX platform powered by Cubeless — our patent-pending secure workspace.

With expertise based on experience

Enjoy the best practices and optimized workflows honed over our 15 years of delivering top-notch CX services for the best brands in the world.

While keeping you on budget

All that customization might sound more expensive than traditional outsourcing. It isn’t. Think of it as a tailored, no-waste approach. You always have the right team on the job for just the right amount of time. More efficiency and less idle time keep costs low. Our quality means higher ROI.

It’s Time for a Change

Stop compromising on CX.

Stop looking to outdated vendors for modern CX solutions.

Stop letting just anyone care for your community and customers.

Stop paying too much for too little.

Stop trying to make traditional outsourcing work, when they should be making CX work for you.

It's time to say …

Bye Legacy Outsourcing
Bad CX can buck off!
Call in the Mods!

Give Us a Shout!

Tell us about your CX projects and we'll tell you how we can help. No pressure — we're cool like that.


Still just looking around? Learn more about our services.

Content ModerationCustomer SupportTrust & SafetyCommunity ManagementSocial Media
Cubeless Secure Workspace
Scoot(er) on over the ModSquad

Customer Care

Customer Support

Technical Support

CRM & Tool Integration


Content Moderation

Trust & Safety

Community Management

Social Media

Data, Security, Compliance

The Cubeless Platform

CX Services

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