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The Pitch

Spend Less, Deliver More

Cut costs and improve CX in turbulent economic times.

Like many CX leaders, you might be facing economic headwinds. And even if you aren’t, reducing costs while increasing ROI is just good business.

Here's how we can help.

Save money 3 ways

We get you the lowest effective hourly rates in the industry. Because our Mods are situated all over the world, we’re able to assemble the best team at the lowest global rate for your project.

We’re more efficient than the competition. We quote you hourly rates and actually sell you services an hour at a time. That means you’re always operating at peak efficiency, 100% utilization. You don’t have people sitting around riding out an 8-hour shift.

We keep commitments low and contracts flexible. You get the ability to switch directions to keep you in control as your business environment changes.

You get the lowest total cost of ownership (TCO) and the most flexibility in the business.

Enjoy increased ROI

Boosting ROI isn’t just about paying less. It's about increasing value. And nothing increases value more than happy customers and a thriving community.

There is a lot that goes into how we deliver the best CX services in the business. We have the right workflows and practices. We work with the best tools and software. And we have over 15 years of experience perfecting the craft.

But the biggest factor – the one that actually makes your customer and community happy – is our team. We pull talent from all over the globe, assembling the top 1% of CX experts. Then we let them do what they do best: they pick the projects they want to work on, in industries they know, for brands they use and love.

You get knowledgeable fans, not apathetic agents. You, your customers, and your community will see the difference.

Now is the time to call

Who knows how the economy will affect your business tomorrow. Get prepared and perform your due diligence today. Give us a call.

We can show you options that would enable you to save money now, improve your quality scores, and keep you ready for the future.

It’s not too good to be true – it’s ModSquad

We understand the skepticism – we really do.

Our competitors – the legacy providers, the call centers, the BPOs – have been phoning it in for years.

The outsourced CX services industry is littered with decades of inflated promises and disappointing results.

Their failure has been so ubiquitous that “outsourcing” and “offshoring” have become synonymous with a bad experience. That kind of outsourcing belongs in the outhouse.

But we cracked the formula on CX a long time ago. Save money, increase quality, mitigate risk – yep, we do that.

Don’t just take our word for it.

“This level of quality at the cost we were paying... I’ve worked in support for over 10 years and I was really impressed that those two things could live in the same space. It’s just not something you hear about.”

– Kyle Hale, Senior Manager, Customer and Community Success, VSCO

Call in the Mods!

Let’s run the numbers!

Can we save you money, improve quality, and keep you ready for anything tomorrow brings? It only takes a quick call to find out.


Still just looking around? Learn more about why you should hire us.

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