Showing posts with label Security. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Security. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Cryptography & Theory 2: What is Pseudorandom

As was concluded in the first part of this series, security without randomness is impossible. Deterministic ciphers are unable to protect against strong attackers and true random generators are impractical or hard to get, so cryptography is build on pseudorandom generators.

First two chapters of this post define what they are and explain what kind of pseudorandom generators secure cryptography needs. Third chapter introduces yet another way how to talk and think about pseudorandom generators and ciphers in general.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Cryptography & Theory 1: Meaning of Secure

Cryptography & Theory is series of blog posts on things I learned in coursera stanford online crypto class. The class contained just right mixture of theory, math and programming and I enjoyed it a lot.

This first part explains what is meant by expression "good cipher". It contains definition of a cipher and multiple definitions of cipher security. Although it does not sounds like much, it is one of the most important things I learned there.

It is important because ciphers are designed to protect against well defined attacks and are vulnerable to anything else. One can not just take random cipher from build-in ciphers list of his favorite framework and call it a day. One has to understand what is he choosing and why.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Matasano Crypto Challenge

I recently finished Matasano Crypto Challenges and it was an interesting experience. I started doing them because @tqbf tweets with standings showed up in my tweet feed and made me feel competitive. Now I'm very glad I did them.

Update: competition is not running anymore. All exercises and official solutions are available on My solutions are written in java and stored in matasano-cryptopals-solutions github repository.

Crypto Challenges is a collection of 48 exercises that demonstrate attacks on real world ciphers and protocols. Exercises exploit both badly designed systems and subtle implementation bugs in theoretically rock solid crypto. Most importantly, they make you see how tricky the security can be and how much various details matter.

If you solved all exercises while the competition was running, Matasano donated 20$ to a charity.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Secure Encryption in Java

Last time I wrote about cryptography, I outlined Apache Shiro crypto API and shown how to use its two symmetric ciphers. I also wrote that "You do not need more to encrypt and decrypt sensitive data in your applications."

I learned more about cryptography and found out that you need to know more. What I wrote is true to some extend, but unless you are careful your sensitive data may not be secure against all attackers.

Out of the box Shiro provides Blowfish-CBC and AES-CBC encryption methods and I recommended to use them. Both have been designed to protect against passive eavesdropping attacker and are good at it. Unfortunately, real attackers are more sophisticated and may break the system based on them.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Apache Shiro Part 3 - Cryptography

Besides securing web pages and managing access rights Apache Shiro does also basic cryptography tasks. The framework is able to:
  • encrypt and decrypt data,
  • hash data,
  • generate random numbers.

Shiro does not implement any cryptography algorithms. All calculations are delegated to Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) API. The main benefit of using Shiro instead of what is already present in Java is ease of use and secure defaults. Shiro crypto module is written in higher abstraction level and by default implements all known best practices.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Testing for XSS Vulnerabilities - Choosing a Scanner

We have decided to introduce testing for security vulnerabilities into web application development. Previous part introduced cross site scripting, our web application and expectations we have for this project.

In this part, we go through all penetration testing tools we could find. Our goal is to find a suitable open source scanner. We wrote mini review of each found tool and picked up two scanners we will use.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Testing for XSS Vulnerabilities - Introduction

Cross site scripting (XSS) is second most popular type of attack on web application. It allows attackers to execute scripts in victim’s browser and perform almost any action on users behalf. For example, script may hijack sessions or redirect the user to malicious sites.

This type of attack is relatively easy to perform and difficult to protect against. There are numerous different attack vectors and attacker needs only some knowledge of web technologies (JavaScript, CSS, HTML) to perform any of them. Moreover, one vulnerable place is enough to make whole application vulnerable.

This series of posts introduces XSS testing to a fictional development team working on a web project. The introduction describes both cross site scripting and fictional project requirements.

Monday, May 30, 2011

AppSensor - Intrusion Detection

Imagine that you have created a nice web application and secured it to your best. Users came, used it and everything was OK until someone stumbled upon vulnerability in your application and used it. Of course, you analyzed logs and found that the bad guy was looking for the vulnerability for weeks until he found one.

Creators of AppSensor intrusion detection framework believe that the above situation should not happen. The application should not just lie there and let itself beat with SQL injections, XSS attacks and whatever else. It should take active measures to protect itself. As the average attacker has to make several attempts to find the vulnerability in the application, it should by possible to detect hacking attempts.

AppSensor - Integration with Shiro

AppSensor is intrusion detection framework described in an another post. Out of the box version assumes that underlying application supports ESAPI interfaces. In this post, we will take an application secured by Shiro framework which does not support ESAPI and integrate it with AppSensor.

This post is only about integration. It does not show how to add AppSensor to the application, nor what it is, nor how to use it. All that can be found in AppSensor - Intrusion Detection post.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Apache Shiro Part 2 - Realms, Database and PGP Certificates

This is second part of series dedicated to Apache Shiro. We started previous part with simple unsecured web application. When we finished, the application had basic authentication and authorization. Users could log in and log out. All web pages and buttons had access rights assigned and enforced. Both authorization and authentication data have been stored in static configuration file.

As we promised in the end of last part, we will move user account data to database. In addition, we will give users an option to authenticate themselves via PGP certificates. As a result, our application will have multiple alternative log in options: log in with user name/password and log in with certificate. We will finish by turning alternative log in options mandatory.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Apache Shiro Part 1 - Basics

Apache Shiro, originally called JSecurity, is Java security framework. It was accepted and became Apache top level project in 2010. It aims to be powerful and easy to be used.

The project is in active development with active both users and developers mailing lists. Most important areas are documented on its web page. However, it has lot of gaps in documentation. It is not possible to learn to use most Shiro features from documentation alone. Luckily, the code is well commented and where I tried it was also easily readable.

Main Shiro features are:
  • authentication,
  • authorization,
  • cryptography,
  • session management.

In this article article we try and demonstrate various Shiro features. We start with simple unsecured web application, then we add security features into it.  All code code is available in SimpleShiroSecuredApplication project on Github.