Showing posts with label Light. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Light. Show all posts

Saturday, December 12, 2015


Speedwriting is simple fast paced typing game with a twist - reading is not always easy. Read and write letters you see as quickly as possible anyway. The game can be played on newgrounds or on Github.

All my games can be found Games & Stuff page.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Mud River Game

Mud River is small game I made three months ago. Your goal is to splash as much mud as possible within a short time limit. It was done under a week and can be played on Github.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Falling Ball Game

I released simple html5 game called Falling Ball. The player uses arrows to move the ball left, right and to make it jump. You get one point for every hit platform and if the ball touches screen border, any of them, then the ball dies.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Matasano Crypto Challenge

I recently finished Matasano Crypto Challenges and it was an interesting experience. I started doing them because @tqbf tweets with standings showed up in my tweet feed and made me feel competitive. Now I'm very glad I did them.

Update: competition is not running anymore. All exercises and official solutions are available on My solutions are written in java and stored in matasano-cryptopals-solutions github repository.

Crypto Challenges is a collection of 48 exercises that demonstrate attacks on real world ciphers and protocols. Exercises exploit both badly designed systems and subtle implementation bugs in theoretically rock solid crypto. Most importantly, they make you see how tricky the security can be and how much various details matter.

If you solved all exercises while the competition was running, Matasano donated 20$ to a charity.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Project Report - Less4j

Few months ago I decided to create java port of less.js. Less is an extension of CSS - it adds constants, mixins, ruleset nesting, namespaces and so on. Both reasons why I picked up less and short less introduction are written in introduction into less.

This report starts with current project status and its possible future directions. Second part recaps development and my experiences with used tools. Finally, the last part sums up why did I started with the project in the first place and whether it was worth it.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Travis-CI - Continuous Integration Server

Travis-CI is hosted continuous integration server for Github projects. The continuous integration part is fairly standard: it runs unit tests and report results after each project change.

The hosting part is unusual: the service runs tests on their own infrastructure and provides access to test results. The user does not need his own hardware nor to install and run the server. All that is part of the service.

Any public repository hosted on Github can use Travis-CI for free. Private repositories have to pay and the Travis Pro version they get is a bit different from the regular one.

This post is mainly about the free version. First chapter describes what Travis-CI does. Second part contains few things about Travis-CI server, infrastructure and organization behind it. Mini review with our experiences is located in the last chapter.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Project Report - JSSokoban

I have never worked on bigger JavaScript project and I have never worked with 3D. And I never wrote a game. Better late than never, I will create 3D game in JavaScript. The whole project is less ambitious than it sounds, I will create a Sokoban clone.

Sokoban is a turn-based puzzle with simple rules and graphics. The player navigates a little robot through a warehouse. The warehouse contains walls, wooden boxes and destinations.
Click to Play. Works in Firefox, Opera and Chrome. It is somewhat faster in Chrome.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Women, Development, Analysis and Accusations

According to some statistics, tech women leave the field more often then men. The same statistics shows us going into analysis a lot and that career move is supposed to show that women are mistreated by hostile tech culture.

I have no problem with the stats themselves. If they show women moving from tech to analysis, then it is what it is. What I do have a problem with is the implication.

If one dislikes communication with male tech colleges, moving into analysis is likely to be a monumental mistake. Significant part of analyst job is to communicate with techies. In a sense, communication with techies is the job itself. Women in tech know this.