Showing posts with label Report. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Report. Show all posts

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Falling Ball Game

I released simple html5 game called Falling Ball. The player uses arrows to move the ball left, right and to make it jump. You get one point for every hit platform and if the ball touches screen border, any of them, then the ball dies.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Project Report - Less4j

Few months ago I decided to create java port of less.js. Less is an extension of CSS - it adds constants, mixins, ruleset nesting, namespaces and so on. Both reasons why I picked up less and short less introduction are written in introduction into less.

This report starts with current project status and its possible future directions. Second part recaps development and my experiences with used tools. Finally, the last part sums up why did I started with the project in the first place and whether it was worth it.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Project Report - JSSokoban

I have never worked on bigger JavaScript project and I have never worked with 3D. And I never wrote a game. Better late than never, I will create 3D game in JavaScript. The whole project is less ambitious than it sounds, I will create a Sokoban clone.

Sokoban is a turn-based puzzle with simple rules and graphics. The player navigates a little robot through a warehouse. The warehouse contains walls, wooden boxes and destinations.
Click to Play. Works in Firefox, Opera and Chrome. It is somewhat faster in Chrome.