

Servizi di ricerca

Venezia, Venezia 379 follower

9-Tech is an innovative start-up that studies and prototypes new solutions to recover strategic materials from e-waste

Chi siamo

9-Tech is a start-up made by a team of engineers and researchers which develops new solutions to recover strategic raw materials from electric and electronic waste (WEEE). 9-Tech mission is to ensure upcycling of waste, that is the valorization of the critical materials it contains. Among the technologies under study, the one with the highest TRL concerns the recycling of photovoltaic waste. Assuming successful industrialization of the technology and thanks to its industrial partners (Depuracque), 9-Tech will be able to sale photovoltaic panel recycling plants that will allow higher recovery of raw materials and with higher purity in comparison with existing solutions in Italy and Europe. 9-Tech also works in other research projects in the field of circular economy and ESG by supporting the design and construction of prototypes.

Sito Web
Servizi di ricerca
Dimensioni dell’azienda
2-10 dipendenti
Sede principale
Venezia, Venezia
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
recycling, hydrometallurgy, engineering, photovoltaic, electronic waste e prototyping


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