Health and Protection Joint Operational Framework


This framework serves as an entry point to improve strategic and operational ways of working for health and protection actors before, during and after a humanitarian or public health emergency. The JOF provides guidance and examples of good practice to remedy siloed approaches and mutually inform health and protection actors across the six core functions of cluster and cross- sectoral coordination. All areas of work should go hand-in-hand to inform each phase of the humanitarian program cycle (HPC), the Grand Bargain commitments made during the 2016 World Humanitarian Summit, e.g. on localisation, and the humanitarian-development-peace nexus (HDPN). 

The primary audience for the JOF includes Health and Protection cluster coordinators, coordination teams, AoRs and working groups, for example in the areas of child protection, gender-based violence, mine action, sexual and reproductive health, and mental health and psychosocial support. This framework also serves as a strategic and operational tool for cluster partners, the Inter-Cluster Coordination Group (ICCG), and the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT). 

WHO Team
Global Health Cluster
Global Health Cluster, Global Protection Cluster
Number of pages