Health Cluster Annual Cluster Coordination Performance Monitoring Report 2021

Cluster Coordination Performance Monitoring Annual Report 2021


In 2021 the Cluster Coordination Performance Monitoring (CCPM) took place in 7 out of 30 active Health Clusters. In the African Region (AFRO) Burkina Faso, South Sudan and Niger (including 3 sub national hubs); in Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMRO) Iraq, Libya and occupied Palestinian territory; and in the European Region (EURO) in Ukraine. Please see map detailed below.

This HC representation means that 23% of the Health Clusters (HCs) completed this mandatory exercise, being the least representative number than in previous years. In 2020 59% and in 2019 60%. 
The CCPM covered the 6 core cluster functions and AAP, that includes the consult and involve the affected population in decision making, and the reception and investigation and actions upon complaints on the assistance received. On average, showed strong performance in Supporting Service Delivery and Monitoring and Reporting on Implementation of Cluster Strategy and Results.
WHO Team
Health Cluster