Simulation training

Simulation training

WHO / J. Kannah
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The Global Health Cluster has developed the Health Cluster Coordination Simulation Training based on priority cluster coordination competencies set within different operational scenarios and an all hazards approach.

A 5-day workshop to review all proposed scenarios (injects and background materials) took place on 25-29 November 2019 in Geneva, Switzerland. Three new simulation training packages were produced and will be ready for regional implementation in 2020. Each package will be updated prior to the training, based on the target audiences.

The three packages are:

  • Simex 1: Protracted crisis with outbreak
  • Simex 2: Conflict zone with outbreak
  • Simex 3: Natural disaster with outbreak


Health Cluster Coordination Virtual Training

6 November 2020 - The Global Health Cluster in collaboration with the WHO Regional Office for the South-East Asia conducted a Health Cluster Coordination Virtual Training for countries in the region on 2 – 6 November 2020, supported by Training in Aid. Participants are from Ministries of Health, national and international non-governmental organizations and WHO staff representing Bangladesh, Myanmar and Nepal, in addition to WHO staff from regional offices SEARO and AFRO Health Emergencies Programme and Emergency Medical Teams.