Umbrellas needed for a few more days

Updated: 2 hours ago

Continued gloomy skies and bountiful rain have left temperatures well below average this week. A welcomed sight for mid July! Thursday was particularly notable though, as a new record low maximum temperature was set at Easterwood Airport. The mercury only climbed up to 79°... that’s right, we experienced a sub 80° day in JULY! Rain is going to continue to keep us below average through the weekend, but it is looking more like mid the 80s than the upper 70s through Sunday afternoon. Beyond that, sunshine returns and we begin the climb back to the nineties. The silver lining here is that we have still managed to keep temperatures below the century mark all the way through the back of the 10-day!

Updated: 2 hours ago
Headshot of Berkeley Taylor, Meteorologist

Continued gloomy skies and bountiful rain have left temperatures well below average this week. A welcomed sight for mid July! Thursday was particularly notable though, as a new record low maximum temperature was set at Easterwood Airport. The mercury only climbed up to 79°... that’s right, we experienced a sub 80° day in JULY! Rain is going to continue to keep us below average through the weekend, but it is looking more like mid the 80s than the upper 70s through Sunday afternoon. Beyond that, sunshine returns and we begin the climb back to the nineties. The silver lining here is that we have still managed to keep temperatures below the century mark all the way through the back of the 10-day!