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Questions tagged [grammatical-number]

Numerus – Singular and plural nouns, as well as number agreement between nouns and verbs (and anywhere else number agreement shows up).

6 votes
4 answers

When do people say "Toiletten" in the plural?

Duolingo has been showing sentences with "die Toiletten" in the plural such as Wissen Sie wo die Toiletten sind? Wo kann man die Toiletten finden? I have also seen other examples with the ...
desmo's user avatar
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Lehrer*Innen or LehrerInnen or "Lehrer und Lehrerinnen" in "formal" and "informal" context

If I want to refer to multiple male and female teachers, do I say "Lehrer*Innen" or "LehrerInnen". Or do I simply say "Lehrer und Lehrerinnen"? Which is the correct ...
Ronith's user avatar
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2 answers

Why Deine Zauber?

I am trying to read Friedrich Schiller's An die Freude (Ode to Joy). On the fifth line he says: Deine Zauber binden wieder Was die Mode streng geteilt; Zauber is masculine according to Duden and I ...
Ali Koohpaee's user avatar
1 vote
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Subject-verb agreement [duplicate]

I have read the following in German news at Er begrüßte die Kundgebungen, die dazu in vielen deutschen Städten ...
Alan Evangelista's user avatar
1 vote
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Does a noun's plural ending determine if it is WEAK noun?

If the plural form of a noun ends in "-(e)n", does this necessarily mean that it is a weak noun (and thus will need "n-deklination")? In other words, is it sufficient to look at a ...
Agustin G.'s user avatar
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Verb conjugation when a noun is written same way in singular and plural

Wappen s(ind) in Deutschland überall zu finden: Bundesländer, Städte und teilweise auch alteingesessene oder adelige Familien verfügen über ein solches Identifikationssymbol, das meist in Form eines ...
Cathartic Encephalopathy's user avatar
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Was ist jedermanns/eure Lieblingssendung or Was sind eure Lieblingssendungen?

I do not want to ask about a tv-show that is liked by all, instead I want to ask a group that each of its members tell me his personal favorite tv-show. Would I use jedermann or eure, and if so, would ...
EagleFliesBanana's user avatar
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sind for singular

I read this text and dont know why in here use sind for singular subject i know 300g bis 600g is plural but when we use verb at first we need to look at subject and here subject is singular not plural:...
Araz Täbris's user avatar
3 votes
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Pluralische Quantoren

"Mancher Hund" ist gleichbedeutend mit "manche/einige Hunde". "Jeder Hund" ist gleichbedeutend mit "alle Hunde". Warum gibt es keine singularischen Quantoren (...
Hans-Peter Stricker's user avatar
0 votes
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Accusative plural vs Accusative masculine in Lückentest confusion

Die zunehmende Urbanisierung der Industrienationen, also der Trend, dass immer mehr Menschen meist auf der Suche nach einer besseren Zukunft d(ie) ländlichen Reg(ionen) eines Landes verlassen und sich ...
Cathartic Encephalopathy's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Einige for singular and Einige for plural

I'm not able to understand when to use the single form of einige and when to use it in plural form. From my understanding einige can be used only in plural form. ...
Teo's user avatar
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For singular nouns which refer to groups of people, should the corresponding verbs and pronouns in a following sentence be singular or plural?

In my current translation project I have a few lines where I would use a singular noun to refer to a group of people. For example, But be careful around the Fair Folk. They can be fickle, and you do ...
odduse_of_language's user avatar
2 votes
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der anderen oder des anderen?

Ich bin etwas verwirrt über die Verwendung des Genitivs. Welcher Satz ist richtig und was ist der Unterschied zwischen ihnen? Das Wohl der anderen ist mir wichtiger als mein eigenes. Die Freiheit ...
FD KM's user avatar
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4 answers

Why is "Null" Plural?

You would say Es sind null Grad. which is Plural. Why can't you say "Es ist null Grad." ?
Araz Täbris's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Familie Singular oder Plural?

Warum wird die Familie singular dekliniert? Meine Familie liebt Pizza. Warum nicht Meine Familie lieben Pizza.
Armando's user avatar

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