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Woher "Mau mau"?

Die Regeln des Kartenspiels variieren regional, wie man unter Urlaubern schnell fest stellt, und der Name vermutlich auch. Das macht eine Eingrenzung der Frage schwierig. Genau darum geht es im ...
vectory's user avatar
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Declension in book dedication

If I want to write a book dedication to my son, name xxx, shall I say Meinem Sohn, xxx or An meinen Sohn, xxx ?
Claudio Gorodski's user avatar
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How would I translate GPT to German?

Large language models like GPTs are everywhere nowadays. A GPT is a "generative pre-trained transformer". How would I best translate this into German? generative: erzeugend (meaning that it ...
Thomas Weller's user avatar
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What's the right use of the idiom "die Zügel in der Hand halten"?

I wanna know if the use of this Idiomatische Redewendung "die Zügel in der Hand halten" is suitable in this phrase? Zusätzlich dazu darf man nicht außer Acht lassen, dass Sportaktivitäten ...
Kieś's user avatar
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German word for a boy

When I was learning German at school I was taught that the word for a boy was "Knabe". Having taken it up again, I now find that the teach-yourself books tell me to use the word "Junge&...
Peter's user avatar
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Zustandspassiv bilden

Hallo Leute meine Frage: Kann man den Satz Vor einem halben Jahr ist ein Wettbewerb veranstaltet worden auch im Zustandspassiv schreiben? Wenn ja, welcher Satz ist richtig?
Armando's user avatar
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Verbs for to punish

Is there any difference in meaning or in the nuance of usage between the verbs strafen and bestrafen or are they simply synonyms ?
Peter's user avatar
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Another term for “Matzenbrei”

When I was growing up, one of my favorite breakfasts, which my grandmother (of Ukrainian Jewish descent) and then my father used to make, was matzah brei, essentially scrambled eggs with softened ...
Paul Tanenbaum's user avatar
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Why is this not in the dative case?

"Er kommt jede Woche zu uns." Why is "jede Woche" in the accusative case here and not the dative case as "jeder Woche"?
Jaza -e- Arfa's user avatar
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If 'instandgesetzt' is possible as an adjective but not as a verb form, does this mean that 'das Instandsetzen' is also possible?

If so, there seems to be no reason why this should not apply to all such adverbs and even 'Partikeln': written together as compound adjectives or nouns, but left separate as adverbs.
Georg's user avatar
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Why is “sind” before the noun if the sentence is not a question?

For example: "In dieser Bäckerei sind die Backwaren am frischsten.“ isn’t a question, it’s just saying the baked goods are the freshest, but why isn’t the sentence "In dieser Bäckerei die ...
Payton's user avatar
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What is this font called and how to study it

What is this font called , I thought that in German it's called "Gotisch" but a Google search proved me wrong. Also, whats a good way to learn how to read it?
Yoreinu's user avatar
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Need help deciphering word written in Fraktur

I am trying to decipher this word and am having a hard time since I do not read Fraktur too well. Also, what does it mean translated into English?
Yoreinu's user avatar
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How should I understand "mit" in this sentence?

From here: Erstmals forderte mit Peter Welch ein Senator der Demokraten Biden öffentlich auf, aus dem Rennen um das Weiße Haus auszusteigen. I have difficulty understanding the mit above. Actually I'...
sundowner's user avatar
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Ein/eine implicit with er/sie?

I have recently started learning German. As far as I have seen, there seems to be a one-one correspondence between German and English for many sentences. My question is Er ist Kellner. He is a waiter....
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