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macrumors G5
Jun 27, 2007
I’m really hoping that all the desktop Macs launch this summer. I don’t have a personal Mac right now and really need to sort that out. Either a maxed out iMac, a low-end iMac Pro with maybe an upgraded GPU, or maybe a low-end Mac Pro with upgraded GPU. I want a workstation that I can bootcamp into Windows to play games sometimes. It would be nice if I could upgrade some things too, which is why I’ve been holding out to see what the Mac Pro offers. I’d also really like a 32” 6K display, which would have about the same PPI as the 27” 5K, meaning loads of desktop space. I don’t really care about 120Hz on my desktop. And no, I wouldn’t play games at that resolution, lol.


macrumors regular
Jun 6, 2015
Outside of AirPower, the thing I’m excited the most about is iOS 13. I am an avid iPad Pro user, however the lack of a true file system, along with the inability to have tabbed apps and a stale interface (iOS 7 was essentially a new coat of paint), is crippling what otherwise could be a powerhouse device. It’s time for Apple to stop gimping its hardware with its minimum software update, and really innovate its software. If they’re going to charge the money they’ve been charging, then they need to maximize the potential of said hardware.

Be that as it may, unless they’re coming out with a new iMac, all the other things can wait until 2020 for me. I’m tired of spending money on incremental updates.


macrumors 65816
Nov 4, 2016
Pretty credible rumor from Bloomberg and one we've also heard from multiple sources. I can tweak the wording. Just FYI, everything in here is based on rumor as mentioned up top. Thanks for the feedback and the heads up on the Mac Pro error. :)

Not just credible, but it makes sense. When they first released the 12" MacBook, I felt like that was the most obvious platform to debut an Apple-made CPU in. And I'm still holding onto that prediction, that the Macbook will be the first Mac that gets the Apple chip.


macrumors 68020
Dec 23, 2015
I think 2019 iPhone will be about the same as 2018, design will be exactly the same, but with many changes to internal components, and mostly just iOS 13 that will be in the spot light.

But looking at the list I am reading a possible, March Media Events, June WWDC, September iPhone and Apple Watch, October All Mac Related?

That seems a lot for 2019, although most of them are way overdue.


macrumors 6502
Jul 31, 2012
And if you believe that that UnicornMacPro is on its way, I have some swampland in Antartica I can sell you for real cheap.
Those of you waiting for the unicorn Mac Pro, it's never been easier to build a hackintosh. There are lots of golden build parts lists available. MUCH cheaper, and MUCH faster than just about anything in the current line up, in any form big or small.
Agreed. Plus, the Vanilla installation make sit the cleanest and easiest build ever.


macrumors newbie
Feb 12, 2019
For the ‘Pro’ line, it is. But for the entry-level iPad, it’s still retains. The Reality is, the 9.7 iPad is perfect more in line for the education based demographic, which is what Apple really is aiming for the school systems, and it’s perfect for just a basic media device for those who don’t really have the need for the more expensive features of the Pro line offering.
I realize the 2018 model is still available. I’m talking about the future. And yes, I know all the reasons they should keep it. I’m saying that they likely won’t. At the very least, I’m quite certain it’ll see no updates in 2019.


macrumors G3
Sep 12, 2017
Sunnyvale, CA
I realize the 2018 model is still available. I’m talking about the future. And yes, I know all the reasons they should keep it. I’m saying that they likely won’t. At the very least, I’m quite certain it’ll see no updates in 2019.
You may be right about no update; the A10 would seem to be sufficiently performant at the current price. I would like to see a return to the laminated screen, but not if it means a price increase. Apple would probably rather have a price decrease to $299 instead of a better screen at $329 for the budget model, but continuing to sell the current model at $329 is the most likely scenario.


macrumors member
Feb 10, 2019
It all sounds like Apple is preparing to drag out Hardware release dates for as long as possible. I would not be surprised that in the last two months of the year the announcements will start with product not arriving until after Christmas. I wish they would get back to real innovation. I have had more than enough of fake innovations.

That's exactly why I've given up hope for a 2019 iMac anytime soon. Just ordered myself a spec'd out 2015 21.5" on eBay for less than $1,000. Going to be perfectly fine with the 3.3 GHz i7, 16 GB's and 500 GB SSD. There's no way I'm waiting 6-12 months to pay the Apple Tax. Used is cheaper anyways.


macrumors 65816
Oct 12, 2009
It is beyond ridiculous that they’ve taken so long to release the new Mac Pro! Since giving the sneak peak if their plans nearly 2 years ago.

I wonder if they were hoping the iMac Pro would be enough?
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macrumors 6502
Sep 14, 2012
I don't really care. I'm moving away from iPhone for sure. Very piss with Apple care with message forwarding still not working since day one I got Xs Max and Xs on launch day. e-Sim not even supported in Australia.
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macrumors regular
Oct 19, 2016
It sure is powerful for its size. And I wouldn't want to do without mine. But its content creation abilities are severely limited. The day an iPhone enables me to do my job, (I make the art in the games you play and the Visual Effects in the movies/TV series you watch) I will stop calling it a toy. It's not really even much of a small tool for me at the moment, beyond its photography abilities. Yet even there it is limited.
Your so cool man. Thanks for creating those wonderful visual effects and best of luck finding a phone that you’ll be able to do your job off.


macrumors newbie
Feb 12, 2019
You mentioned twice now that you think and ‘Heard’ the 9.7 won’t see updates, but you have not explained why you believe that is, so do you care to elaborate why?
Nope. Feel free to ignore what I say! :) I mostly made the post so I can link to it in the future.


Jul 12, 2016
I mostly made the post so I can link to it in the future.

You mentioned you ‘heard’, which leads one to wonder where you heard the 9.7 would be discontinued, so In another words, you basically just posted something that doesn’t have validation of why you believe what you do, it’s just based on your own thought process. Ironically this is a discussion site, which you don’t want to back up your own claim how you heard something.


macrumors newbie
Feb 12, 2019
You mentioned you ‘heard’, which leads one to wonder where you heard the 9.7 would be discontinued, so In another words, you basically just posted something that doesn’t have validation of why you believe what you do, it’s just based on your own thought process. Ironically this is a discussion site, which you don’t want to back up your own claim how you heard something.
Yeah, there couldn’t possibly be any reason why someone would rather not disclose how they came upon a tidbit about Apple’s upcoming roadmap. It’s simply unimaginable.

Like I said, feel free to ignore me, like I’ll be ignoring you from now on, bud.


macrumors 6502
Jan 6, 2008
Apple before releasing new products why don’t you work on streamlining the current crop ?

We got Apple Watch that does not have ECG enabled in many countries.
We got different version of IPhones with actual dual sim in China !While the rest is stuck with unsupported esim !
HomePod that is not sold in every country .

More and more fragmentation based on different countries .
Second class products ?Second class countries ?

But the price is still the same , thus most of us not the US is getting short changed buying products that does not make use of the full capability !


Jul 12, 2016
Yeah, there couldn’t possibly be any reason why someone would rather not disclose how they came upon a tidbit about Apple’s upcoming roadmap.

Then I don’t think you should make a claim that you don’t have a reason why you would not want to back what you posted in the first place with facts about the 9.7 iPad size. I asked how you knew this, your response proves otherwise that you really may be generating something not true, which leads one to wonder, but nonetheless, it’s a discussion site, it’s _not_ abnormal for someone to ask you how you know something, it’s called discussion for a reason.


macrumors 6502
May 22, 2015
Right now all I really want from apple is a redesign of the 27 inch iMac with always on Siri and FaceID. I don't see any reason why we cant get those features. Also if they really want to push there OLED Strip interface which I do think has potential, but no support, they should put out a OLED Strip Keyboard as an option. I like the idea of it, and a Smart Keyboard would be great, but of course no ones going to use it or like it if they don't support the dam thing!

Give me that, the standard new iPhones and watches, and make iPad pros that don't bend, and im a happy guy!
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