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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

The European Commission plans to charge Apple for violating the Digital Markets Act after determining that the iPhone maker is not complying with obligations to allow app developers to "steer" users to offers outside of the App Store without fees, according to the Financial Times, which cites three people familiar with the matter.


It appears that the EU is taking issue with Apple's Core Technology Fee, but the exact charges that it allegedly plans to bring against Apple are unclear.

Apple could face non-compliance fines of up to 5% of its average daily worldwide revenue, which is currently just over $1 billion, according to the report.

The report said the EU's findings are preliminary, so Apple may still have time to make any necessary changes on iOS before the charges are formally laid by regulators. In the event the EU moves forward with the charges, they would be formally announced by the European Commission over the "coming weeks," the report added.

Apple made major changes to the App Store, Apple Pay, Safari, and more on the iPhone in the EU as part of iOS 17.4 earlier this year. Apple now allows alternative app marketplaces, but it still charges a Core Technology Fee. Apple also introduced a default web browser selection screen in Safari, now allows third-party web browsers to use web engines other than its own WebKit engine on the iPhone, and now allows third-party mobile wallet apps to access the iPhone's NFC chip for contactless payment functionality.

Note: Due to the political or social nature of the discussion regarding this topic, the discussion thread is located in our Political News forum. All forum members and site visitors are welcome to read and follow the thread, but posting is limited to forum members with at least 100 posts.

Article Link: EU Reportedly Planning to Charge Apple for Violating Digital Markets Act
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macrumors P6
Mar 19, 2008
Fantastic news

It's time to start with some ramifications for the continual blatant disregard for the spirit of the EU regulations and their intent

Apple apparently thinks they can just make a mockery of regulations
It's time to remind them who's in charge in a jurisdiction (not them)


macrumors 6502
Nov 6, 2020
It sounds terrible, but what would happen if Apple left the EU market? A solid billion is a lot to be fined for non-compliance. I respect the spirit of EU regulations to open up closed systems, to promote standards, and to protect user privacy. I wonder if the EU is too ambitious; their regulations are sometimes challenging to comply with. I’m referring to GDPR… this I’m unsure of. I hear many battles with the EU and anti-competitive practices, but at some point, switching to leave a market will become a viable option.


macrumors 603
Nov 11, 2020
Mexico City living in Berlin
It sounds bad but what would happen if apple just left the EU market? A solid billion is a lot to be fined for non compliance. I respect the spirit of EU regulations to open up closed systems, to promote standards and protect user privacy. I just wonder if the EU is being to ambitious, their regulations sometimes are tough to comply with. I’m referring to GDPR… this I’m unsure of. I hear a lot of battles going on with EU and anticompetitive practices but at some point that switch to leave a market will become a viable option.

The board would never agree to that


macrumors 6502
Feb 11, 2021
The EU are overreaching not just in big tech but other industries too and levelling outrageous fines against businesses.

They need to fill that huge gaping hole in their finances previously plugged by Britain before Brexit.

Good luck to Apple with this, reckon they’ll come out top here.


macrumors 6502
Mar 19, 2008
The Netherlands
Good. Apple needs to comply with European law if it sells products in Europe. Just like how European countries have to comply with US law to operate in the US. It's kind of bizar how many people in this thread seem to imply that US companies somehow don't have to respect local laws. Why wouldn't they? That's how business works in every country. Any company always has to comply with the local laws of the country in which they're operating. Why would it be any different for Apple?

People also seem to be forgetting that there's also an antitrust case against Apple in the US, for many of the same reasons as in the EU.

The idea of Apple pulling out of the EU is, simply, absurd. The costs of complying are minuscule compared to the profits they'd lose if they pulled out of the EU.

Also, anyone in this thread who's enjoying playing on an emulator on their iOS device should be thanking the EU for these laws, since the Digital Markets Act is the only reason Apple now allows emulators in the App Store.
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