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macrumors 65816
Jul 14, 2015
Well Xi never said that day. Curious where did you get that date or you just lying?

Easy tiger. Xi has publicly discussed his plans for a 'great rejuvenation' by 2049 -

This is widely understood to set a deadline for reunification with Taiwan: "His goal is a long-term one. He has pledged that by 2049, China will have achieved the “great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation”, a term that encapsulates both economic and territorial significance. Economically, it means that China will by then be a “fully-developed” country, surpassing the US to become the world’s leading economy. Territorially, it means reunifying with Taiwan, which split away from the mainland after the 1949 revolution." [emphasis mine]

Sure, he could bring the timeline for Taiwan reunification closer, but he's also criticised the US for 'goading China into attacking Taiwan', so it doesn't seem to be in his immediate plans -


macrumors 65816
Jul 16, 2020
Easy tiger. Xi has publicly discussed his plans for a 'great rejuvenation' by 2049 -

This is widely understood to set a deadline for reunification with Taiwan: "His goal is a long-term one. He has pledged that by 2049, China will have achieved the “great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation”, a term that encapsulates both economic and territorial significance. Economically, it means that China will by then be a “fully-developed” country, surpassing the US to become the world’s leading economy. Territorially, it means reunifying with Taiwan, which split away from the mainland after the 1949 revolution." [emphasis mine]

Sure, he could bring the timeline for Taiwan reunification closer, but he's also criticised the US for 'goading China into attacking Taiwan', so it doesn't seem to be in his immediate plans -

That was never public said.

You said it is wildly understood, meaning it is from someone else perspective.

There is no immediate plan, sure. But the process has already started and it is accelerating.


macrumors regular
Sep 18, 2023
I don’t care what you think. Taiwan is not a country period. Even their constitution states Taiwan is part of China. Also check UN, Taiwan is even an observation states. Taiwan maybe as a country as Palestine state.

Trump in all words, won’t send American to war. If you want American to go war with China, you should bid for Biden.

And also, don’t think US won’t go unhurt if war starts.

Yet US hasn’t send any military person into battle ground. Yes, US is too chicken to go direct conflict with Russia.
Haha! Well I suppose we will both find out one way or the other soon...
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