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macrumors 6502a
Jun 25, 2010
Haifa, Israel
Sure. But first, tell me why you think the white-power losers at Charlottesville were chanting "The Jews will not replace us" before they got onto their business of murdering Heather Heyer. Hint: it's related to the antisemitic nature of the post Musk so stupidly agreed with, plunging his company into yet another self-inflicted crisis.
"white power" is a thing but "jewish power" is not?


macrumors 6502a
Jul 6, 2007
Telluride, CO
I mean, what beyond "it's bad business to see your ad next to things that alienate a significant amount of your customer base" are you expecting to see?

The morality, ethics, whatever isn't actually the motivation here, I think (for better or worse), but it's businesses doing what businesses do in capitalism: what benefits their shareholders.

Is it anti-semitism wrong? Without exception. Always. Yes. But it's not actually about that (sadly). We can paint it in a political, ethical, or moral context all we want, but...follow the money. Large scale brands have far more to lose from being tied up with Musk & his ventures than they have to gain, and it's still pretty damn easy to reach that customer through so many other means.

Pretty simple.
It’s surprising to see a significant number of comments here reflecting a lack of awareness and understanding on this topic.
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macrumors 6502
Aug 9, 2020
Ok. Describe what is antisemitic about that.
lollllllllll why would i do that? you’re the one that’s wrong. you’re looking to zero in on one small thing in whatever i say to disagree with that doesn’t make you sound as bad. i’m all good on that. i’d rather just leave you wrong and demanding explanations like a little lord


Apr 23, 2010
If you want to argue that people have the right to post racist and anti-semitic stuff on a platform, then you have to admit companies have the right to not advertise on that platform.

The Citizens Unite ruling said companies are people. So I don't know what Musk is going to sue about.


macrumors 6502
Aug 9, 2020
gotta love the irony of not being able to be remotely critical of any group without being called a racist or Islamophobe or antisemitic…. While those same groups are allowed to completely bash each other. 🤡
yeah because those two things are two different things. like you know how your neighbor is allowed to take things from their house but if you did it it’s theft? that’s because you’re talking about two things that are different things that aren’t the same thing so they’re viewed differently because they’re not the same. does that make sense? lmk i could try explaining that two different things aren’t the same thing again if you’re still not getting how two things that are different aren’t the same.

so sorry you’re not able to “bash other groups”, but hopefully now you understand that sometimes things are different.

no need to thank me for this btw, i’m just glad i could help.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 25, 2010
Haifa, Israel
@840quadra @Boyd01 @chown33 @Nermal @NoBoMac @OllyW @stridemat @Weaselboy

so what’s up with this? my account has been suspended like 3 times for some pretty mild trash talk, which is fine if those are your rules i’ll accept the slap on the wrist, but how is this blatant dog whistle fine? this is incredibly thinly veiled bigotry. i don’t care what you do to this person, but i have to sit and read this racist trash and i can’t even dunk on this person without fearing getting hit with a suspension again? the double standard is absurd.

Experts say Anti-white people are unhappy to lose control of the narrative. Yes, Anti-whites are supremacists too


macrumors 601
Nov 16, 2010
yeah because those two things are two different things. like you know how your neighbor is allowed to take things from their house but if you did it it’s theft? that’s because you’re talking about two things that are different things that aren’t the same thing so they’re viewed differently because they’re not the same. does that make sense? lmk i could try explaining that two different things aren’t the same thing again if you’re still not getting how two things that are different aren’t the same.

so sorry you’re not able to “bash other groups”, but hopefully now you understand that sometimes things are different.

no need to thank me for this btw, i’m just glad i could help.
No you don’t make sense and no you aren’t helping. It’s more like I’m not allowed to take stuff from my neighbors house but my neighbor is allowed to take stuff from someone’s house even though I can’t…make sense?… cool. Glad I could help!
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macrumors 6502
Mar 23, 2014
Well, let's think about this... How is the incredible rise in anti-jewish sentiments and actions, such as vandalizing and burning of jewish cemeteries, calling for jewish genocide on American colleges and an endless number of similar things — anti-zionism? It's not, but it's too much for some people to admit that they hate jews so they claim to hate zionists.

During Stalin's final years, there was a campaign targeting jews, only the were referred to as "cosmopolites", this way you could call for jewish genocide without having to say it, 'cause you know...

Is it possible to criticize Israel and not be antisemitic? Sure thing — but that is not at all what's happening today, otherwise jews, who are not Israelis wouldn't feel more unsafe than usual this past month+.
I think on balance it's probably true there has been an increase in anti-semisitm. But the ADL has been caught flagging anti-Israel statements as anti-semitism. And also, as we see in the documentary "The Lobby," a lot of what gets flagged as anti-semitism on US campuses is astroturf. This is all very similar to what happened right after 9/11, when any suggestion that the US had it coming was deemed "anti-American".


macrumors 6502
Aug 9, 2020
No you don’t make sense and no you aren’t helping. It’s more like I’m not allowed to take stuff from my neighbors house but my neighbor is allowed to take stuff from someone’s house even though I can’t…make sense?… cool. Glad I could help!
well that makes no sense but it sounds like you’re convinced you’re right. even though you also expressed frustration with being labeled as a bigot, but hey, if feeling correct is more important to you than understanding then good luck with that!
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macrumors 65816
Apr 24, 2022
How come the ADL do not publish a list of all anti-white racism symbols?

If you check their database, you'll see the ADL doesn't separate racist groups into different subsets of who those groups are racist toward. They just present all of them, including those which are anti-white, because racism is bad, period, and it's not a competition.

If they separated the database by targets of hate, you'd have the same groups represented over and over again. Turns out that groups like the Klan hate basically everyone except themselves, so how many times do you want to see the same group's symbol repeated over and over? Your idea would make the database more cumbersome and therefore less useful.

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macrumors 65816
Nov 27, 2019
"white power" is a thing but "jewish power" is not?
There are extremists in every single religion. To use another religion example:

There is a Buddhist monk named Ashin Wirathu in Myanmar (Burma). He believes that Osama Bin Laden's techniques were justified, and Buddhists should use those same techniques to further spread Buddhism across the world (Source: .

White-ness, on the other hand, is not a religion, but a color of skin. There is no culture, religion, language, or traditions assigned with "whiteness". Race is a social construct ( Therefore racism - or being proud of one's own "race" - simply generates hate and anger.


macrumors 65816
Nov 27, 2019
This is free speech in action, not the version of free speech defined by the US Constitution but free speech in a broad sense.

Apple (and others) get to choose where they advertise.
Exactly! The "free market", in this case advertisers, are voting with their wallets. To my knowledge, there is no government order telling businesses not to advertise.


macrumors 601
Feb 5, 2015
Meanwhile Apple meets with China’s dictator, Xi, and has no issue doing business with a country that places little value on human rights and has an enormous concentration camp filled with Uyghurs.

These mega corporations pandering and faux outrage is beyond parody at this point.

It’s not outrage, it’s safeguarding their brand. You know, the thing Elon destroyed when taking over Twitter.


macrumors 6502
Oct 23, 2019
There are extremists in every single religion. To use another religion example:

There is a Buddhist monk named Ashin Wirathu in Myanmar (Burma). He believes that Osama Bin Laden's techniques were justified, and Buddhists should use those same techniques to further spread Buddhism across the world (Source: .

White-ness, on the other hand, is not a religion, but a color of skin. There is no culture, religion, language, or traditions assigned with "whiteness". Race is a social construct ( Therefore racism - or being proud of one's own "race" - simply generates hate and anger.
Tell me which religion has the most extremists? You were able to find 1 buddhist which doesn’t mean a thing. How many daily buddhist attacks i europe?

Doctor Q

Staff member
Sep 19, 2002
Los Angeles
Administrator note: We've decided to leave this thread closed, for practical reasons. We value the opinions of forum members, but this thread has generated too many complaints and required too much moderation. Differences of opinion often make for a useful discussion, but sometimes, unfortunately, a "hot topic" discussion doesn't remain civil.
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