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macrumors 6502
Aug 9, 2020
It doesn’t matter. Once the mainstream has a narrative that Elon is “evil”, sources/duscussion will never matter, nor be given.
true, if we don’t defend the poor billionaire perverts when they’re accused of doing something that they did in fact do, then what’s next???

anyways, here’s a perfect example and one i think i’ve shared three times now. but yeah, no sources given. minus ya know, the actual tweet from the person. three times.


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macrumors 68000
Jun 11, 2006
Don't see any of those outside Apple headquarters. Maybe it's got something to with, oh, I don't know, dictatorial communist government, and not Apple?

The government allows it but the government doesn’t force the factories to push employees to the brink of jumping


macrumors 6502
Nov 27, 2005
He's not an Afrikaner; his father's a Brit, and his mother's Canadian I dislike him quite a bit; but your attempt at an ethnic slur is not just misplaced, but reflects more about your values than his.

I checked to see if he had Dutch descent on Wikipedia before posting that. And if you think Afrikaner is a slur, I imagine you are still lamenting the loss of Rhodesia.
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macrumors 65816
Oct 12, 2009
Free speech is a great thing in the hands of intelligent people but sadly these are the minorities on social media it seems.
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macrumors 6502a
Jun 25, 2010
Haifa, Israel


macrumors 6502
Oct 9, 2023
Elmo? I don't doubt that Elon is antisemitic at this stage, but what I am most worried about is zionists using antisemitism as a pretext for the wholesale slaughter of 11,000 Palestinians, over half of which are children/
It’s all rather interesting because my formerly-Twitter account was permanently suspended spring of ‘22 for making perhaps distastefully-strong anti-zionist remarks; afterward, when Elon took over and allegedly his new people were reactivating banned accounts mine remained suspended. Looks like I didn’t pass the vibe check…and I’m happy. :)


macrumors 603
Nov 11, 2005
What a difficult and fraught time. The side that says all anti-zionism is antisemitism is very active, and has tremendous media clout. Meanwhile, the side that says it is possible to criticize Israel and NOT be antisemitic is also active, and gaining strength in a historical sense, tho it remains weak.
Well, let's think about this... How is the incredible rise in anti-jewish sentiments and actions, such as vandalizing and burning of jewish cemeteries, calling for jewish genocide on American colleges and an endless number of similar things — anti-zionism? It's not, but it's too much for some people to admit that they hate jews so they claim to hate zionists.

During Stalin's final years, there was a campaign targeting jews, only the were referred to as "cosmopolites", this way you could call for jewish genocide without having to say it, 'cause you know...

Is it possible to criticize Israel and not be antisemitic? Sure thing — but that is not at all what's happening today, otherwise jews, who are not Israelis wouldn't feel more unsafe than usual this past month+.


macrumors 68030
Jan 20, 2014
I see your point but Musk already has a LONG history of very dark statements and actions (anti-semitic, racist, homophobic, anti-worker, and more), and the platform itself has quite a record of decline into an even bigger cesspool after Musk took over, directly in response to his actions. There was more than enough already there for Apple to sever ties. That said, it's good they did it along with many other companies and organizations.
Sure, I agree it's overdue. But Apple from a PR perspective would prefer to minimize the number of times they have to address the toxic hellstew on Twitter dot com between mixed/polarized reactions (even the ones in support are usually qualified with how it should have happened long ago) along with Elon's tendency to lash out at (and in one case, threaten) Apple when it doesn’t do as he wishes.

If they're going to pull out, they'd like to do it once and let him be mad about it until he realizes he won't get what he wants and moves on to pronouns or stealing some ****** meme posted on Reddit seven years ago or whatever.
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macrumors 68040
Apr 26, 2017
How could Timmy had such bad gut feeling and invite Elon to to Apple park awhile ago?
How hard can it be to get that he's trouble?! It’s written all over him.

How can I trust Timmy's next guests on Apple Park now? 😢😱
Unfortunately most of those guys are just bought for money.

At least I am at peace knowing that Steve never had anything to do with that 'manchild'.



macrumors 65816
Oct 12, 2009
Free speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences. Musk is clearly free to say what he likes, but that doesn't mean anyone is obliged to listen to or support him.
Correct. I'm new to X and I just find it overwhelming the level of information and arguments. I'm probably going to cancel my account as I feel too much news is not good for the mind! I recently saw a Dave Chapelle clip saying the same thing where this modern generation has access to too much info and nots good for us... I'd agree.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 25, 2010
Haifa, Israel
It's not the first time Musk made such questionable public statements.
In the past he posted pro-putin, misogynistic and homophobic harassment, and now antisemitic on top.

He is a brain dead misanthropy guy, alone by using the word "thermonuclear" say's it all.

brain content of a leftist: {misogyny, homophobia, antisemitism}

brain content of a rightist: {misogyny, homophobia, antisemitism, misandry, heterophobia, antiwhitism}

Educated by the Left = missing 50% of the input data
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macrumors 65816
Oct 19, 2011
Ok. Describe what is antisemitic about that.
Sure. But first, tell me why you think the white-power losers at Charlottesville were chanting "The Jews will not replace us" before they got onto their business of murdering Heather Heyer. Hint: it's related to the antisemitic nature of the post Musk so stupidly agreed with, plunging his company into yet another self-inflicted crisis.
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