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Dec 13, 2018
What do you mean by that?

Are you a fan of the "Knockout Game"?

Did you enjoy watching that "Red SUV" run over all those White people in Wisconsin at their Christmas parade?
Racism is carried out by individuals of all races, no doubt — but the point of this article is that a response from Elon to a poorly worded post has caused him to lose advertisers. Some of those advertisers are claiming that their ads are placed around posts from users with a certain ideology that they don’t agree with. I don’t know what the tipping point was, but Elon’s initial response (later clarified) wasn’t productive.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 28, 2015
Thank you, now I know what I’m gonna tell my kids if they waste their lives on weed and memes: stop it before you become an antisemite imbecile that everybody hates except pothead high-schoolers, like Elon Musk.
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macrumors 603
Jan 6, 2004
Western US
Rather, it appears that Apple was waiting for something really bad so that they could "pause" and stay paused indefinitely.
Why would they need to wait though? Apple can pull its advertising for any reason it wants (or no reason at all), any time it wants to.
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Jan 31, 2014
Denver, CO
I received a decent response to my question from someone else so now I will deal with yours.

I understand the global town square principle. Free speech is a good thing and I encourage it but the fact that I do not always want it in my face leads me to question how it is presented and what options are open to me to avoid it if I choose.

I agree it is about advertising, revenue and profit. I was just looking for a little filtered choice if it was available.

If not then I guess I have to filter myself which is fine.
I understood your request and saw it as sincere. I apologize if my response came across as dismissive, as that was not the intention. My point was that even with filters, there’s no way to meaningfully isolate yourself (other than tuning out):

A) on ad-driven platforms such as twitter, facebook, instagram, TikTok, etc., where value is derived from network effects, and

B) in a connected society in general because there will be leakage from platforms to users outside the platforms (e.g., MR Forums).

A is because the platforms are incentivized to maximize reach for advertisers and audience-limiting filters impede that objective so the platforms employ hacks such as algorithmic feeds, etc. to mitigate that.

B is because many users aren’t just on one platform — so what’s said on platform X will not stay on platform X.
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macrumors 68000
Jun 11, 2006
I do not want an echo chamber, I just want people who don't lie through their teeth, just because they can get away with it on the internet or it makes them money. And like a lot of people. I'm a little bit left and a little bit right.

The problem is what is a lie is often in the eye of the beholder.


macrumors 68030
Jan 20, 2014
Why would they need to wait though? Apple can pull its advertising for any reason it wants (or no reason at all), any time it wants to.
Because they don’t want to be in a situation like OP mentioned, constantly pausing and resuming advertising each time there’s a scandal, directing polarized attention at themselves each time they do so. If they’re out, they’d prefer to be out for a while.


macrumors 65816
Oct 19, 2011
Sony's joined the pause. And Media Matters gets it right:
Media Matters said that it would defend itself from litigation by X. “Far from the free speech advocate he claims to be, Musk is a bully threatening a meritless lawsuit in an attempt to silence reporting that he even confirmed is accurate,” said Angelo Carusone, the president of Media Matters. “Musk admitted the ads at issue ran alongside the pro-Nazi content we identified. This is like getting mad at a mirror because you don’t like the reflection. If he does sue us, we will win.”


macrumors 6502a
Oct 31, 2016
That tracks with what I’ve seen myself

Every ad on twitter is now for either crypto scams, investing scams, shoddy dropshipped products or trash mobile games (Evony and that merge game with goblins)


macrumors 68000
Aug 13, 2022


macrumors 603
Jan 6, 2004
Western US
Because they don’t want to be in a situation like OP mentioned, constantly pausing and resuming advertising each time there’s a scandal, directing polarized attention at themselves each time they do so. If they’re out, they’d prefer to be out for a while.
I see your point but Musk already has a LONG history of very dark statements and actions (anti-semitic, racist, homophobic, anti-worker, and more), and the platform itself has quite a record of decline into an even bigger cesspool after Musk took over, directly in response to his actions. There was more than enough already there for Apple to sever ties. That said, it's good they did it along with many other companies and organizations.


macrumors 6502
Jul 7, 2007
Melbourne, Australia
"X stop advertising on Apple in response to Apple's continued use of the Chinese slave labour market and known crimes against the Ughurs including death camps."

Funny how Apple is ok with real "fascist" acts when it means profit.
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macrumors 6502
Aug 9, 2020
You do know many buzzwords. Learned Them at gender studies or came up with them by thinking for yourself?
imagine accusing someone of not being capable of thinking for themselves by accusing them of learning something in gender studies. that’s the most played out dig imaginable.

but yeah, yOu’Re A fReE tHiNkEr
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macrumors 6502
Mar 23, 2014
What a difficult and fraught time. The side that says all anti-zionism is antisemitism is very active, and has tremendous media clout. Meanwhile, the side that says it is possible to criticize Israel and NOT be antisemitic is also active, and gaining strength in a historical sense, tho it remains weak. But it is also transgressive. And, as Angela Nagle argued a few years back in "Kill All Normies," regarding 4chan, all socially transgressive movements are fraught with risk. Malcontents and genuine freaks can stealth-creep into the mix. Proverbial wolves in sheep's clothing. What to do?

It's going to get tough for us all now. Contradictions piling up all around. A lot of the freedom of speech defenders from a few months ago are genuine creeps. Yet, for better and for worse, we live in capitalism. And Elon Musk can apparently be pressured into a u-turn on a dime, by rainbow-flagged corporate advertisers, like Apple. Victory? Yes, in a way. But also clearly now a defeat. Because then Musk over-corrects, and "from the river to the sea" is now magically hate speech (even tho it is literally in the charter of the Likud Party).

This is what happens when we lose sight of our true North Star. A mature democratic society has to abide by several principles at once, and insist on their fundamental congruence:

  1. First, it doesn't suppress creeps. Cliché, perhaps, but it's always better to keep them in the sunshine.
  2. Second, it disempowers the natsec disinformation czars. They are not your friends, even if they appear to be.
  3. Third, it refuses to cede the power of arbitration over what constitutes acceptable speech to billionaires -- or, indeed, anyone.


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macrumors G5
May 30, 2002
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I'm glad companies like Apple and IBM are walking away from ex-Twitter. It's become a cesspool of "free speech" (read: out-and-out lies spread by propaganda outlets).
Yeah took me a while to see it as well and honestly this action by Musk really sickens me. Supposedly very smart tech guy makes this kind of mistake seems too amateurish to see it as such. It was intentful and even his own X executive called him out.
That’s always been the risk with user generated content funded by advertising, the idea that your ads could be served next to content you find objectionable. Yet, the world has gone all in on user generated content and advertising.

Now you know why iBooks was the first of many moves by Jobs' belief of real literature, liberal arts, and real news reporting. He took a VERY strong stance on that and I for one applauded that.

Meanwhile Apple meets with China’s dictator, Xi, and has no issue doing business with a country that places little value on human rights and has an enormous concentration camp filled with Uyghurs.

These mega corporations pandering and faux outrage is beyond parody at this point.

Yeah Apple is VERY hypocritical on so many issues like this. Really sours the brand quick frankly and many just choose to ignore it or maybe many just realize their benefit in the products they get is an acceptible norm or that they just have no power to make that change.

A top executive of any company having full integrity of character to match actions is very very few and far between to witness, and not for long.
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