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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Apple today said it has approved the third-party Epic Games Store in the European Union, allowing the Fortnite developer to launch its alternative app marketplace in those countries, reports Reuters. Epic Games had submitted the Epic Games Store to Apple for notarization earlier this week.


Earlier today, Epic stated Apple had twice rejected the Epic Games Store this week, with Apple reportedly claiming that an "Install" button and "in-app purchases" labels were too similar to Apple's own elements for the App Store. Epic argued that the rejection was "arbitrary, obstructive, and in violation of the DMA [Digital Markets Act]" and that it was reporting the issue to the European Commission, but it appears Apple has relented and approved Epic's previously rejected submission.

Epic Games and Apple have been engaged in a years-long battle over Apple's closed App Store ecosystem, and Epic has been eager to launch its own marketplace in the EU under Apple's new policies driven by the Digital Markets Act.

Article Link: Apple Approves Epic Games Store for iPhone and iPad in EU


macrumors 65816
May 14, 2010
Seriously Epic? Eat dirt. No one wants your terrible junk software. Epic games store on windows is absolute trash - why would anyone in their right mind want to download epic games store on iPhone?

Edit: unreal tournament was awesome though.


macrumors regular
Oct 24, 2020
Seriously Epic? Eat dirt. No one wants your terrible junk software. Epic games store on windows is absolute trash - why would anyone in their right mind want to download epic games store on iPhone?

Edit: unreal tournament was awesome though.

Yeah I miss unreal tournament. UT 2004 was peak awesome, with vehicles. Thank goodness it's on Steam.


macrumors 68030
Jul 4, 2012
I wonder what Apple's profits are in the EU - are they more or less than the fines the EU imposes. Maybe Apple should stop selling in the EU for a while and see what the EU then does.

I also wonder what the EU will say when one of these imposed app stores puts infected and dangerous apps on iPhones so that many, many people's have many issues and lose lots of money


macrumors regular
Mar 31, 2011
Miami, FL
I also wonder what the EU will say when one of these imposed app stores puts infected and dangerous apps on iPhones so that many, many people's have many issues and lose lots of money

Apple is probably waiting for the "I told you so" moment but it really doesn't matter. The EU isn't going to roll back their decision unless something truly horrible happens, and even then they'll still point the finger at Apple for not preventing it.


macrumors regular
Sep 26, 2023
So I can finally stop hearing Epic Games whine and complain?! Like seriously, it's like a toddler throwing a tantrum just because their whole attempt to beat Apple failed miserably in the US with Epic v. Apple. The concerns Apple laid out were pretty valid. Think about it. If they let Epic get away with similar designs, what would stop the other marketplaces from doing the same in a more malicious way?

User 6502

macrumors 65816
Mar 6, 2014
I wonder what Apple's profits are in the EU - are they more or less than the fines the EU imposes. Maybe Apple should stop selling in the EU for a while and see what the EU then does.

I also wonder what the EU will say when one of these imposed app stores puts infected and dangerous apps on iPhones so that many, many people's have many issues and lose lots of money
The EU represents a sizeable chunk of Apple profits, what you propose would tank Apple’s stock and enrage investors. Also it would be completely pointless as the EU couldn’t care less if Apple sell or doesn’t sell their products in the eu, only cares about the fact that companies comply with the law.

As per spyware etc the App Store is not that good in that regards, quite often malicious apps made their way to the Apple App Store.


macrumors 68020
Sep 18, 2018
Seriously Epic? Eat dirt. No one wants your terrible junk software. Epic games store on windows is absolute trash - why would anyone in their right mind want to download epic games store on iPhone?

Edit: unreal tournament was awesome though.
Last time I checked, there's like 1-2 million playing Fortnite concurrently around the clock.

The Epic Games Store might be terrible. But there's a ton of demand for the games they offer.

And thinking from the pov of consumers, and ignoring Apple's losses from not getting to tax Epic's games in the EU, I really don't get this whining.

Nobody is taking anything away from us. We just get more choices.

Sure, those choices might not be attractive to exactly you.

But just like nobody is forcing you to eat at Denny's, or shop at Walmart, or switch to Verizon, you don't have to install anything onto your flawless, virgin Apple devices from any dirty, malware infested app stores that aren't taxed by Apple if that's what you want.

Apple should just get its act together and spend some of those trillions on acquiring the devs that are going to churn out the next AAA hit and make it an App Store exclusive.

Beat the competition by offering the best, most viral games, not by forcing them to pay through their noses just to be on your app store.
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