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macrumors regular
Mar 15, 2018
I think Apple & Epic cross the line on somethings, Apple was justified in banning Epic when they thought they were special and didn’t have to follow the same rules as every other developer tho Apple is trying it on in that stupid rejection claim, I’ve encountered stupid rejections like the name of the game sounds like something related to space it was a space adventure game for **** sakes, so had to change it to something lame to get it approved, then I did an update changing the name back and got it approved straight away 🤣🤦‍♂️
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macrumors 65816
May 14, 2010
Skimming through the comments, I gather that 12% is not profitable for Epic, their interface and infrastructure sucks, and the customer base simply isn't there (which probably explains why Epic has to resort to exclusives to get users in the door).

I really am not sure what Epic's endgame is, when they seem to spend more effort on lawsuits than actually improving their own backend.
The only reason I’ve ever used the epic games store is because piranha games signed an exclusive with Epic for mechwarrior 5 on release. Epic store was so terrible I gave up playing after 2 hours, uninstalled everything, and then waited for the game to come to steam 6 months later. So I bought the game again, to play on a platform that doesn’t suck. Fool me once Epic; never again!


macrumors 6502a
Jun 17, 2014
what's wrong with this? only because it makes you unhappy? this is good for consumers and competition.
Epic games is the problem. I don’t care about so many app stores it’s epic. Even if it’s the EU it’s epic

Not to mention Tim Sweeney has a big mouth and is celebrating massively as we speak.


macrumors 6502
Feb 25, 2022
Apple is probably waiting for the "I told you so" moment but it really doesn't matter. The EU isn't going to roll back their decision unless something truly horrible happens, and even then they'll still point the finger at Apple for not preventing it.

Of course they will. After them complaining that Apple is not immediately giving them something else to subsidize their stagnant economies off of via fines rolling out Apple AI there, it’s clear that anything goes for them.


macrumors 68000
Jun 10, 2008
Having choice is always the best choice.
What choice? Are you saying I have the choice of installing Fortnite from the App Store now? A forced choice is not a choice at all. In fact, it’s the exact same situation that existed before, now just more confusing. You weren’t given anything as a user, but some billionaires traded some pocket change (relatively speaking).


macrumors newbie
Jan 10, 2014
I wonder what Apple's profits are in the EU - are they more or less than the fines the EU imposes. Maybe Apple should stop selling in the EU for a while and see what the EU then does.

I also wonder what the EU will say when one of these imposed app stores puts infected and dangerous apps on iPhones so that many, many people's have many issues and lose lots of money

Like all those people downloading infected and dangerous apps on their MacOS? Relax, everything will be fine.


macrumors 68040
Aug 29, 2009
Seriously Epic? Eat dirt. No one wants your terrible junk software. Epic games store on windows is absolute trash - why would anyone in their right mind want to download epic games store on iPhone?

Edit: unreal tournament was awesome though.
Correction: you don't want their software

And you know what the easy solution is, right? Choosing not to download it


macrumors regular
May 19, 2010
Apple should just get its act together and spend some of those trillions on acquiring the devs that are going to churn out the next AAA hit and make it an App Store exclusive.

Beat the competition by offering the best, most viral games, not by forcing them to pay through their noses just to be on your app store.
Why doesn’t Epic get its act together and acquire a phone manufacturer and churn out the next big smart phone. Beat the competition by offering the best most open phone with all the app stores anybody could ever want instead of forcing another phone manufacturer to open its hardware to third party-app stores that decrease the security of the device.

See what I did there?


macrumors 604
Sep 29, 2009
Ideal: Everyone can now freely download legitimate useful softwares into their iPhones and iPads, anywhere, anytime, without the need to go through the App Store. 🥰

Reality: Wow this app from nowhere that enables me to watch p*rn? Thanks EU I’m installing at once 🐶


Jul 18, 2011
Why doesn’t Epic get its act together and acquire a phone manufacturer and churn out the next big smart phone. Beat the competition by offering the best most open phone with all the app stores anybody could ever want instead of forcing another phone manufacturer to open its hardware to third party-app stores that decrease the security of the device.

See what I did there?

Or they could try building their own handheld gaming device. But we all know how that will turn out.


macrumors 68020
Feb 23, 2010
Lagrange Point
I wonder what Apple's profits are in the EU - are they more or less than the fines the EU imposes. Maybe Apple should stop selling in the EU for a while and see what the EU then does.

I also wonder what the EU will say when one of these imposed app stores puts infected and dangerous apps on iPhones so that many, many people's have many issues and lose lots of money
By far, most people in Europe use Google phones. Sometimes I think I am the only one in my country that uses IOS.


macrumors 68040
Aug 29, 2009
Or they could try building their own handheld gaming device. But we all know how that will turn out.
Given how they built their own game store to compete with other stores like Steam, I’m kind of surprised they haven’t tried making one yet
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