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macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
If they don’t care then there’s no injury and no problem.
The direct injury is to Google's competitors, not to end users. Because Google can afford to pay Apple, then no one else can enter the search engine market.

But end users are harmed indirectly. Where does that $20B per year come from? Eventually it comes from consumers as an added tax on just about everything.

scorpio vega

macrumors 65816
May 3, 2023
Raleigh, NC
It must be nice having good eyesight.
Anything smaller than 10 inches is a paperweight.
I am not willing to go mobile only.
Google is on all devices. Linux too.
Chile….what? What are you even talking about.

Nobody said google isn’t available on all devices. You asked why does the iPhone matter and I answered it matters because this is specifically about APPLE AND GOOGLE and google being default on iPhones. This has nothing to do with desktop or Linux.


macrumors 65816
Oct 10, 2014
Honestly, Google has the best search engine hands down. I tried using Duck Duck Go for years for privacy reasons. I would fall back to when Duck Duck Go (Bing) would fail to produce good results. Eventually i just got tired of so frequently having to use instead of the Safari address bar for searching and switched back.

Competition is supposed to produce better products but somehow Google has managed to maintain the best search engine while holding a monopoly. I don’t see how giving lazy competitors like Bing a crutch is going to improve competition. Why would Microsoft invest more in Bing if they get a revenue increase by virtue of a ruling against Google?
Data from searches makes search engines better.

See the problem now?


macrumors regular
Mar 15, 2006
It’s not a good situation, but Chrome is almost a monopoly. Safari and Firefox are Chrone’s biggest competitors. Google paying to have its search engine default is helping its competitors, especially Firefox to continue to exist. There used to be more competitors in the game with Opera and Edge, but Chromium has consumed them both.


macrumors 68040
Apr 13, 2010
I never said you shouldn’t. Again Kagi is a paid search engine. It probably takes more legwork and effort for it to be an option than apple adding any of the free options.

As I’ve said before, y’all are complaining about how apple does thing as if it hasn’t been this way from the start. Just get an android instead of demanding apple literally do the exact opposite of what it has been doing for nearly 2 decades on iOS.
Doesn't matter whether its paid or not. Its utterly irrelevant. The fact that you can add any engine you like to all browsers on ios except safari is the issue. I mean. Why not? Its an apple imposed limitation and it makes no sense. It makes even less sense to randomly and slightly aggressively support them to the death on the issue.

You keep telling people to get an android. Why? So you can choose to set your default engine on safari? You must see that that doesn't make sense. Or are you suggesting that, rather than insist apple make the tiniest change to get in line with all browsers ever, one should change their whole ecosystem?!
Thats a very interesting outlook on the subject if so.

ps. I use android already as well as ios.


macrumors G3
May 17, 2008
Honestly, Google has the best search engine hands down. I tried using Duck Duck Go for years for privacy reasons. I would fall back to when Duck Duck Go (Bing) would fail to produce good results. Eventually i just got tired of so frequently having to use instead of the Safari address bar for searching and switched back.

Competition is supposed to produce better products but somehow Google has managed to maintain the best search engine while holding a monopoly. I don’t see how giving lazy competitors like Bing a crutch is going to improve competition. Why would Microsoft invest more in Bing if they get a revenue increase by virtue of a ruling against Google?

if you care about privacy and tracking, you can use Startpage which is like middle man to Google. No one is challenging google because no one has the budget or believe they can make people switch over to their search engine but for those who do not want Google to have a monopoly, these are the only non-Bing/Google search engines :

Brave Search
yandex (i think independent)


scorpio vega

macrumors 65816
May 3, 2023
Raleigh, NC
Doesn't matter whether its paid or not. Its utterly irrelevant. The fact that you can add any engine you like to all browsers on ios except safari is the issue. I mean. Why not? Its an apple imposed limitation and it makes no sense. It makes even less sense to randomly and slightly aggressively support them to the death on the issue.

You keep telling people to get an android. Why? So you can choose to set your default engine on safari? You must see that that doesn't make sense. Or are you suggesting that, rather than insist apple make the tiniest change to get in line with all browsers ever, one should change their whole ecosystem?!
Thats a very interesting outlook on the subject if so.

ps. I use android already as well as ios.
Oh it’s clear that you use android. I knew that before you when said that.

I’m telling them to use android because I’m tired of them expecting iOS to act and do things exactly like android and apple unfortunately making ios android like.

If I wanted lag or a jack of all trades master of none Os, google all in my data and a crappy ecosystem I’d be using my galaxy I own now as my main devices.

Stop trying to make iOS into android or simply just use android.

iOS 15 and beyond have been terrible because a vocal minority of android fanboys have been whiling and unfortunately now they have government backing (see RCS and Eu) to validate them.

It’s utterly ridiculous lol. Sometimes I wish apple would copy android fragmentation with Os and allow me to downgrade back to the better era when iOS was free to be itself or even better I wish I could pick and choose what features in iOS I want and don’t want so I can get rid of all the new android like features.


macrumors 6502
Jun 12, 2008
Atlanta, GA
Yikes. I'm not sure if you have bought the corporate propaganda or are just cynically pushing it. Regardless, predatory and monopolistic behavior by multi-billion dollar corporations hurt all consumers. The only thing standing between us and the savage capitalists is government regulation.
Somebody has definitely bought into the propaganda.

You can easily, and instantly, opt out of any commercial exchange. Try doing that with your government interactions.

Who is the monopoly you’re referring to? Apple obviously does not have a smart phone monopoly. Facebook and X do not have social media monopolies. Google does not have a search monopoly. Microsoft doesn’t have a desktop OS monopoly. Amazon doesn’t have anything close to a retail monopoly.

Can you respond to the specific points in my post, rather than just accuse me of promoting propaganda while responding with your own propaganda?

Do you enjoy those cookie pop-ups? Do you need your phone requiring you to pick a browser, search engine, and so on? Or are these protections just needed for people less sophisticated than you?


macrumors 6502a
Feb 2, 2024
There are at least five search engine options built into Apple devices. So what if Google is the default? Does it require too much brain power or physical effort to go into settings and change it if one desires? If the device owner is too clueless to figure it out - or to even ask if it’s possible - then they deserve what they get.

The claim is that Google broke federal antitrust laws to maintain online search dominance.

The issue is not that Apple‘s relationship with Google causes the dominance but rather is further proof of the claim. And Apple’s Eddy Cue has not helped Apple/Google.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 21, 2019
Chile….what? What are you even talking about.

Nobody said google isn’t available on all devices. You asked why does the iPhone matter and I answered it matters because this is specifically about APPLE AND GOOGLE and google being default on iPhones. This has nothing to do with desktop or Linux.
Except for Microsoft Edge, Google is often the default search engine on all browsers on all OSs.
I realize the antitrust is about the Safari browser.
Of course more people have iPhones versus Mac or iPad.
This whole thing makes no sense.
Google pays Apple 20 billion dollars on the assumption Safari users don't care how they search.
No wonder Tim is always smiling.
Only my Windows PC has ad blocking.
The Internet is overrun with Google ads.
My Android and iPad, using Chrome browser, doesn't block ads. I use Chrome to sync bookmarks.
In the case of the Outlook mail app, on all OSs, clicking a link will open in Edge, even if my instructions say not to. My bad for having Edge on Android and iPad in the first place.
My point would be MS can and does force things to go the way they want.
This reminds me of IE versus Netscape.
Also how AOL would pay to have their app on PCs and Macs. It worked as I used them for a while.


macrumors 68000
Jan 1, 2021
Bing. Ddg. Anything that’s not google. Heck I’d use yahoo before I use google b
Ddg doesn't give you any results
Bing is bad and it pisses me off when you click a link it opens it in a new tab
Yahoo! is the worst. With Google you get the best results.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 11, 2012
With Google you get the best results.
This statement is the truth. One might hate Google as a company and hate their policies on use of personal information. But when one runs Internet searches, Google gives one the best results. And that’s why most people don’t care if it’s the default search engine on their device.
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macrumors 68040
Apr 13, 2010
Oh it’s clear that you use android. I knew that before you when said that.

I’m telling them to use android because I’m tired of them expecting iOS to act and do things exactly like android and apple unfortunately making ios android like.

If I wanted lag or a jack of all trades master of none Os, google all in my data and a crappy ecosystem I’d be using my galaxy I own now as my main devices.

Stop trying to make iOS into android or simply just use android.

iOS 15 and beyond have been terrible because a vocal minority of android fanboys have been whiling and unfortunately now they have government backing (see RCS and Eu) to validate them.

It’s utterly ridiculous lol. Sometimes I wish apple would copy android fragmentation with Os and allow me to downgrade back to the better era when iOS was free to be itself or even better I wish I could pick and choose what features in iOS I want and don’t want so I can get rid of all the new android like features.
Nothing is clear to you, I'm afraid.
I'm no android fanboy. I have used macs all my life and ios since it started.
I use grapheneOS for my personal device because I value privacy. You dont know anything about that though.

The fact of the matter is youre getting your knickers in a twist for nothing. I want my self hosted searx instance to be my default search engine on safari. It is on every single other browser on macos and ios. It is on all browsers I use on GrapheneOS. It is on my Qubes system.
I can add ut on safari using a third party app.
So, for some inexplicable reason apple is just not allowing my choice of search engine without 3rd party extensions (which I dislike, for privacy reasons). I dont see why I or any user should jump through hoops to use a device how they want to use it.
Its even more inexplicable why people, such as you, are so absurdly adamant in supporting it. Why? It makes no difference to anyone about anything. You can already choose a search engine. Why not be able to add the one one prefers?! Insulting everyone to back up apple is just very weird. Telling people to buy an android is even weirder.

scorpio vega

macrumors 65816
May 3, 2023
Raleigh, NC
You dont know anything about that though.
lol you can chill with the arrogant and holier than thou attitude. It’s truly unnecessary.

Android users for whatever reason have to go on and on about why they use android (I don’t care) and how much android can do better than iOS (I still don’t care) yet are the same ones criticizing iOS for not doing what android can do for them (I laugh) and then are confused as to why ppl don’t drink the android kool aid and find it inferior (because it is)

The fact of the matter is youre getting your knickers in a twist for nothing.
My bikini bottoms are on comfortably. I’m not bothered by anything.

Insulting everyone to back up apple is just very weird.
I haven’t insulted anyone. Sarcasm isn’t me insulting anyone. Don’t be so sensitive about it. It’s not that serious.
Telling people to buy an android is even weirder.
Telling people to
Explore options and to
Stop trying to make iOS behave like android is weird to

I dont see why I or any user should jump through hoops to use a device how they want to use it.
If iOS isn’t doing what you need go android. I’m not going to get bent out of shape and complain about something not doing or behaving as I want to see fit. If it bothers me enough there are other options.

Personally I like most ppl couldn’t care less that some obscure search engine isn’t an option.
It’s even more inexplicable why people, such as you, are so absurdly adamant in supporting it.
I’m not supporting anything. Let’s dial the melodrama back. I said it simply is irrelevant because it is.

I really don’t care. The fact you’re trying this hard to make a point I never asked you to make is troubling.
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