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Feb 2, 2021
You clearly have little intuitive understanding of the inverse-square law.

Venus is closer to Earth in terms of orbit and mass than Mars. People once thought that because Venus was so similar to Earth, that the search for extraterrestrial life should begin there, not Mars.

Anyway, glad Gore is no longer on Apple board.
You clearly have little understanding that standing closer to an uncontrolled nuclear furnace is going to make you hotter. Simply claiming it’s the CO2 levels is intellectual dishonesty. As I’m sure you know, the CO2 levels have been higher here on earth, and we did not turn in to Venus.

While it’s true people once thought life could exist on Venus, they also thought it could exist on Mars, and were wrong on both accounts. They also thought the planets and sun revolved around the earth. Scientists don’t know what they don’t know.

At least we’re in agreement with Gore. 😁


macrumors G3
Jan 24, 2008
You clearly have little understanding that standing closer to an uncontrolled nuclear furnace is going to make you hotter. Simply claiming it’s the CO2 levels is intellectual dishonesty. As I’m sure you know, the CO2 levels have been higher here on earth, and we did not turn in to Venus.
The atmosphere of Venus is 96% or so CO2. The Earth is 0.04% CO2. And you are shocked that CO2 levels being higher in the past on Earth didn't make us into Venus. SMH.

As to your larger point. Venus is hotter than Mercury despite being twice as far away from the sun because of the greenhouse effect. Seems like you are the one that doesn't understand the relative effects of being closer to the sun.
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Feb 2, 2021
The atmosphere of Venus is 96% or so CO2. The Earth is 0.04% CO2. And you are shocked that CO2 levels being higher in the past on Earth didn't make us into Venus. SMH.

As to your larger point. Venus is hotter than Mercury despite being twice as far away from the sun because of the greenhouse effect. Seems like you are the one that doesn't understand the relative effects of being closer to the sun.
Venus’ atmosphere is 90 times more dense than earth’s and yes it has significantly more CO2 than earth’s. We practically have none in comparison. So little in fact you have to start worry about plants running out of food if it gets any lower. There are so many other variables that get overlooked it’s disgusting how this is all reported.

None of the fear porn predictions have come true over the last six decades. They were so off originally that chicken little “experts” have gone a full 180 degrees predicting our environmental doom.


macrumors G3
Jan 24, 2008
Venus’ atmosphere is 90 times more dense than earth’s and yes it has significantly more CO2 than earth’s. We practically have none in comparison. So little in fact you have to start worry about plants running out of food if it gets any lower.
That's a weird way to acknowledge that you were completely wrong on this point. No, we don't have to worry about plants running out of carbon dioxide any time soon. That's more FUD.

There are so many other variables that get overlooked it’s disgusting how this is all reported.
Which is why we rely on scientists who consider these variables rather then politicians and conspiracy theorists.

None of the fear porn predictions have come true over the last six decades. They were so off originally that chicken little “experts” have gone a full 180 degrees predicting our environmental doom.
Again, that's not true. Exxon accurately predicted global warming back in the 70s. What you are doing is grabbing onto worse case scenarios or politician statements and pretending that they were the most likely outcome predicted by scientists.
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