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macrumors 603
May 14, 2012

Flight Plan

macrumors 6502a
May 26, 2014
Southeastern US
Troll much? This is easily debunked with two minutes of googling.
So now joking isn’t allowed?
Eeeeeeeewwwwwwwww, this comment.
Please. Try to relax. Sometimes the truth is yucky.
What a waste of our time and of your energy. Please find hobbies or something meaningful to do, it’s not good for your mental health to stay mad because some people care about this planet.
We were lied to regularly and dramatically all during the last 4 years. We have hobbies, but we can no longer tolerate being lied to. So here we are. We won’t be able to afford automobiles in about 11 years, so get used to us. ;)
Humor has been deemed offensive these days.
Sad state of affairs.
The good news is that some comedians are not letting themselves be “canceled”. It’s about time SOMEBODY stood up for right and wrong!
Perhaps they're getting rid of boring board members. Are boring board members the reason, for example, Watch Ultra 2 was such a subtle minor upgrade?
^ 100% correct!


macrumors 68000
Sep 22, 2014
Nice to see term/age limits applied ...somewhere.
I think it should be more about affinity than age, if someone is 45 and clearly doesn’t have it anymore then they should be asked to step down. Maybe a sort of company fit test every couple of years.

In any case, I always wondered about these seats at the board… these people are sometimes CEOs elsewhere or are traveling the world doing their own thing, promoting their careers, consulting OTHER companies, yet they have the time to work for Apple too?
What gives? Do they swim in different parallel time tracks where their days are 96hrs long each?

Else, after sleeping, health upkeep, eating, chores, exercising, the day has mostly just rest 10hrs - 12hrs a day for work. Add kids and many don’t even get to the 8hrs.
Thanks to work from home some of us did get an hour or two back a day while unclogging traffic for those that need the roads more, win-win… but sadly many want us all back to “everybody suffers 2hrs commute or else” (including half of the people here) for some reason.
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macrumors 68000
Sep 22, 2014
So now joking isn’t allowed?

Please. Try to relax. Sometimes the truth is yucky.

We were lied to regularly and dramatically all during the last 4 years. We have hobbies, but we can no longer tolerate being lied to. So here we are. We won’t be able to afford automobiles in about 11 years, so get used to us. ;)

The good news is that some comedians are not letting themselves be “canceled”. It’s about time SOMEBODY stood up for right and wrong!

^ 100% correct!
You get backlash because it’s trendy to backlash you out… remember that it’s all about diversity except when it’s about diverse viewpoints.
It’s all about screaming “🥇I’m tolerant 🥇” until it’s not (which is most of the time).

In any case, from the bottom of my heart, I hope people get exactly what they ask for, times 10.

In Canada they are raising heating and gas taxes (while subsidizing people that buy expensive Teslas and free charging stations, i.e for the people that need it the least 🤣). Al Gore over here must be proud of that.

Jimmy Bubbles

macrumors 6502a
Jul 10, 2008
Nashville, TN
Hopefully they have chosen the best person for the job… lot at stake, Microsoft is snapping at their heels and more valuable now and they don’t even have a phone or even phone operating system!

Didn’t Virgin Galactic go bust?
That was the sound of Branson busting something else… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Feb 2, 2021
What a waste of our time and of your energy. Please find hobbies or something meaningful to do, it’s not good for your mental health to stay mad because some people care about this planet.
Spoiler, we all care about the planet, just some aren’t willing to make millions off of others spreading lies. It’s ironic how some of my most concerned friends have some of the biggest houses and vehicles. But they care more than anyone else!

Humor has been deemed offensive these days.
Sad state of affairs.
“Progressives” have no sense of humor.

Agreed! And climate change is not a hoax.
Agreed, the climate has been changing since the beginning of time. Heck just in my 50 years the experts have successfully predicted an ice age, a warming period, and normalcy, err I mean “change”. 😂 All without ever mentioning we are on the backend of an ice age, variances in the sun, wobble of the earth, or the irregularities of our orbit around the earth’s furnace. NONE of that could ever affect our climate. 🙄

I don’t think age should be a limiting factor. Age generally brings experience and wisdom. There’s a lot of young fools out there that think they know more than what they do.


macrumors 68020
Oct 13, 2016
Yea like this is a tech site, and yet we have people that mis-informed here??

Probably flat-Earthers as well, same people that use iPhones don’t believe in basic proven science because some wingnut in a crooked political party told them not to believe in it.
It's not proven science at all and your insinuation that I'm a supporter of Trump isn't at all accurate.


macrumors 68030
Jul 21, 2009
It's not proven science at all and your insinuation that I'm a supporter of Trump isn't at all accurate.

It absolutely is, and it’s happening all around the world at a faster rate every year. I never mentioned trump, what does he have to do with this?


Harry Haller

macrumors 6502a
Oct 31, 2023
It absolutely is, and it’s happening all around the world at a faster rate every year. I never mentioned trump, what does he have to do with this?

Climate has been changing for 4 billion years.
It's how the planet works. The five overwhelmingly largest influences on climate change are uncontrollable solar cycles, atmospheric variability, long term oceanic patterns, vulcanism and tectonics. The claim that anthropocentric activity like carbon mitigation is going to stop the climate from changing is hilarious.


macrumors 68020
Oct 13, 2016
It absolutely is, and it’s happening all around the world at a faster rate every year. I never mentioned trump, what does he have to do with this?

So that's why for the last 50+ years "Climate Scientists" keep moving the goalposts whenever one of their dire predictions of doom laughably fails to pass?


macrumors 6502a
Jul 11, 2007
Hopefully they have chosen the best person for the job… lot at stake, Microsoft is snapping at their heels and more valuable now and they don’t even have a phone or even phone operating system!

Didn’t Virgin Galactic go bust?
Not yet.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 11, 2007
Almost, The Mars Rover used the PowerPC chipset like the iMac G3.

One of the early Mars rover prototypes at JPL essentially WAS a Mac.
I think it was a Mac II CX if I remember correctly.



macrumors 6502a
Nov 29, 2007
The claim that anthropocentric activity like carbon mitigation is going to stop the climate from changing is hilarious.
When we say stopping climate change, we mean returning it to the glacial speed that can’t be observed in a human lifetime, so that it might as well be static.

Man-made climate change is moving at a speed leading to decimation of humanity within a generation or two. This rapid acceleration was caused by human activity, so obviously it could be stopped by human activity, if only the majority of people tried.

Your argument boils down to: everybody dies eventually, so why put kids into car seats?
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