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macrumors 6502
Jul 19, 2019
Planet Earth
Yea like this is a tech site, and yet we have people that mis-informed here??

Probably flat-Earthers as well, same people that use iPhones don’t believe in basic proven science because some wingnut in a crooked political party told them not to believe in it.
Or some wing nut liberal told them TO believe in it. Seriously how does anyone take this stuff seriously coming from someone like Gore who helped the climate by wasting tons of energy on his super mansion and flying around in a private jet. He is a major hypocrite. I guess we should do as he says and not as he does.


macrumors 68030
Jul 21, 2009
Climate has been changing for 4 billion years.
It's how the planet works. The five overwhelmingly largest influences on climate change are uncontrollable solar cycles, atmospheric variability, long term oceanic patterns, vulcanism and tectonics. The claim that anthropocentric activity like carbon mitigation is going to stop the climate from changing is hilarious.

Being willfully obtuse about settled science is dangerous, this is also a straw man as this isn’t about stopping the climate from changing as you put it. Anyone who has spent 5 minutes reading what the actual climate scientists are saying is that due to our emissions, we have rapidly increased the rate of climate change in a very short time.

Climatic change that took thousands of years in the past, we have done in a relatively short time. And unlike tens of thousands of years ago, 8 billion people cannot survive long when we’ve reached a tipping point causing runaway warming.

Think it’s no big deal? You can handle a few more degrees of heat? Yea well you, in your air conditioned office may be able to to for awhile, crops don’t care about people’s opinions, or politics. Droughts and floods don’t either, tropical diseases migrating northward don’t either, and the next pandemic may come from a virus that’s unleashed in the melting permafrost somewhere in the arctic. As we saw what happened with Covid, it doesn’t take much to disrupt global supply chains. The first and worst thing most people will likely notice is food shortages, which are already happening.

Earth is in the Goldilocks zone, we have a thin atmosphere, a small window of survivability, the goal was to keep us in that window. The outcome of not doing so is mass death, human extinction, and instead of doing everything possible to not have that happen, we are charging straight ahead into oblivion, by narcissistic blowhards in government and corporations. And this isn’t limited to one particular political party, or country, oil, chemical, and agribusiness lobbies rule the world. And unfortunately people around the world keep voting for politicians who are owned by these industries, due to a mountain of propaganda.

The oil companies knew about the effects of burning fossil fuels decades ago, and covered it up, the US military considers climate change to be the #1 threat to national security. So spare me if I don’t take the word of anonymous people on the internet, who spread 20-30-40 year old falsehoods that were concocted by pr firms paid by oil companies.
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macrumors 68030
Jul 21, 2009
So that's why for the last 50+ years "Climate Scientists" keep moving the goalposts whenever one of their dire predictions of doom laughably fails to pass?

Yikes, hey, if you’re gonna argue a position on something, you might wanna better inform yourself on the subject, just some friendly advice.

Scientists have actually done the opposite of what you said, and their work has been muddied by oil companies and politicians who are blinded by their greed. Everything I’ve read on the subject has shown that climate scientists themselves say they regret being too cautious, and not fully articulating the threat we all face.

Just the fact that you put climate scientists in quotes, shows you aren’t serious and have eaten up the misinformation that’s been circulated by big oil. What are your credentials? Who are you to say that these people know less than you about a topic they’ve devoted their entire lives to studying?

Their predictions have not only come true, they have happened sooner than predicted, and are actually worse than they predicted. If anything they were too optimistic about how they communicated the threat to the public.


macrumors 68030
Jul 21, 2009
When we say stopping climate change, we mean returning it to the glacial speed that can’t be observed in a human lifetime, so that it might as well be static.

Man-made climate change is moving at a speed leading to decimation of humanity within a generation or two. This rapid acceleration was caused by human activity, so obviously it could be stopped by human activity, if only the majority of people tried.

Your argument boils down to: everybody dies eventually, so why put kids into car seats?


The problem is that far too many people believe in conspiracies and all the misinformation put out there, and keep voting for big oil. Facts simply do not matter anymore in this world.


Feb 2, 2021
Being willfully obtuse about settled science is dangerous, this is also a straw man as this isn’t about stopping the climate from changing as you put it. Anyone who has spent 5 minutes reading what the actual climate scientists are saying is that due to our emissions, we have rapidly increased the rate of climate change in a very short time.

Climatic change that took thousands of years in the past, we have done in a relatively short time. And unlike tens of thousands of years ago, 8 billion people cannot survive long when we’ve reached a tipping point causing runaway warming.

Think it’s no big deal? You can handle a few more degrees of heat? Yea well you, in your air conditioned office may be able to to for awhile, crops don’t care about people’s opinions, or politics. Droughts and floods don’t either, tropical diseases migrating northward don’t either, and the next pandemic may come from a virus that’s unleashed in the melting permafrost somewhere in the arctic. As we saw what happened with Covid, it doesn’t take much to disrupt global supply chains. The first and worst thing most people will likely notice is food shortages, which are already happening.

Earth is in the Goldilocks zone, we have a thin atmosphere, a small window of survivability, the goal was to keep us in that window. The outcome of not doing so is mass death, human extinction, and instead of doing everything possible to not have that happen, we are charging straight ahead into oblivion, by narcissistic blowhards in government and corporations. And this isn’t limited to one particular political party, or country, oil, chemical, and agribusiness lobbies rule the world. And unfortunately people around the world keep voting for politicians who are owned by these industries, due to a mountain of propaganda.

The oil companies knew about the effects of burning fossil fuels decades ago, and covered it up, the US military considers climate change to be the #1 threat to national security. So spare me if I don’t take the word of anonymous people on the internet, who spread 20-30-40 year old falsehoods that were concocted by pr firms paid by oil companies.
You believe what the government tells you. That’s fine, but there are many scientists out there that aren’t taking money from the government that can prove this stuff isn’t happening as you, others, and the government are saying.

None of what they are saying makes sense. The only acceptable solutions to our energy crisis are solar and wind. Ignoring the hundreds of years of natural gas reserves we‘ve been able to access within the last 10-15 years. What does the government do? Start banning gas stoves, water heaters, and furnaces. Nuclear, which takes a fraction of land, can basically refuel itself, and requires little maintenance is never mentioned.

This is like modern day Civil War era medicine all over again. “Got a problem with your arm or leg? Chop it off. There’s no other solution. Trust the medical experts.” Yet like how antibiotics changed battlefield injuries, one tiny nuclear plant can power thousands of homes, businesses, your electric cars, etc., but nope, not allowed to do it.

Speaking of electric vehicles, why is it okay to mine for the thousands of pounds of rare earth materials required to build just one vehicle, but taboo to mine a fraction of that to power a home for a year? None of this makes any sense.

For the last 70 plus years the Gore’s have done NOTHING other than politics and fear mongering. Al has made a pretty penny from it. Start putting 2 and 2 together and follow the money. This isn’t some crazy conspiracy, it’s simple questions to ask yourself. Apple is far better of with Gore gone.


macrumors 68030
Jul 21, 2009
Or some wing nut liberal told them TO believe in it. Seriously how does anyone take this stuff seriously coming from someone like Gore who helped the climate by wasting tons of energy on his super mansion and flying around in a private jet. He is a major hypocrite. I guess we should do as he says and not as he does.

Do you deny gravity as well? What about the electricity you charge your phone with to type stuff like the above? Is it magic? Or science?

Al Gore may have invented the internet, but he didn’t invent climate science. You see, there are thousands of people across the world that are far smarter than any of us here, who have studied these things for decades, and they also happen to have mountains of evidence that prove their theories.

Al Gore is a weird case, he was absolutely right about some things, and dead wrong about others. He was absolutely wrong about rock and roll and wrong about his choice for a VP, and his wife was a Karen.

And yes he may be a hypocrite, whatever, but one single man changing his ways will not avert disaster, the awareness someone like him can raise has a far larger effect.


macrumors 68040
May 1, 2021
I admit considerable discomfort when boards start appointing ex politicians To the boards. They aren’t being appointed for their business acumen, but their access to government. business and politicians in bed with each other only ends up creating two tier societies.
Dr Austin sounds like a superior appointment to the Board.

In the UK it's common for big businesses to hire active elected politicians to their boards as 'advisors', they tend to be paid obscene amounts of money to offer some 'advice' once a month or so. IMO it should be banned but I guess it's like lobbying, still the risk of conflicting interests is palpable. Just like with the Post Office scandal we have.
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macrumors 604
May 30, 2018
maybe Sonoma might be better the next upgrade.

He invented pants while his boss panted.

And there is this quip:
“Remember America, I gave you the Internet and I can take it away.”
(Sept. 2000, 9th item on the “Top 10 List of Rejected Gore-Lieberman Campaign Slogans”
list on “The Late Show with David Letterman”)


macrumors regular
Oct 8, 2018
Will they need to order a new rubber stamp for the incoming board member or can she use Al's or Jame's? ;)



macrumors 68030
Jul 21, 2009
You believe what the government tells you.

That’s what you got out of my post? That I believe what politicians tell me when I just explained how they are mostly made up of oil industry shills?

That’s fine, but there are many scientists out there that aren’t taking money from the government that can prove this stuff isn’t happening as you, others, and the government are saying.

Ok so who? And you say this is about money? Ok, oil companies making billions of dollars, including billions in subsidies every year, far exceeds the meager paychecks scientists receive. So if any group out there is chasing the dollar, it would be big oil and their well bribed politicians in government.

None of what they are saying makes sense. The only acceptable solutions to our energy crisis are solar and wind. Ignoring the hundreds of years of natural gas reserves we‘ve been able to access within the last 10-15 years. What does the government do? Start banning gas stoves, water heaters, and furnaces. Nuclear, which takes a fraction of land, can basically refuel itself, and requires little maintenance is never mentioned.

First you have to elect people that aren’t beholden to special interests, that’s not an easy task. As for solutions I personally think that ship sailed long ago, but of course there are lots of things we could do, nuclear is very expensive, and when it goes wrong, boy does it go wrong. I know the newer designs are apparently far safer than older ones like they used in Fukushima. The problem I see there along with everything else is it’s always about money and the lowest bidder always gets the job. As we see with companies like Boeing, lack of oversight and greed ends up costing more in the long run.

This is like modern day Civil War era medicine all over again. “Got a problem with your arm or leg? Chop it off. There’s no other solution. Trust the medical experts.” Yet like how antibiotics changed battlefield injuries, one tiny nuclear plant can power thousands of homes, businesses, your electric cars, etc., but nope, not allowed to do it.

I think a lot of people have changed their minds on nuclear in the last decade knowing we can make plants a lot safer, not sure if they can solve the waste problem though. They decommissioned the plant in San Onofre, but it still has some very very nasty stuff being stored on site. I’d be all for it if it can be done safely and generate all the waste with no good options of disposal.
Speaking of electric vehicles, why is it okay to mine for the thousands of pounds of rare earth materials required to build just one vehicle, but taboo to mine a fraction of that to power a home for a year? None of this makes any sense.

It isn’t? I support an all in approach, do whatever we can, with things that work.
For the last 70 plus years the Gore’s have done NOTHING other than politics and fear mongering. Al has made a pretty penny from it. Start putting 2 and 2 together and follow the money. This isn’t some crazy conspiracy, it’s simple questions to ask yourself. Apple is far better of with Gore gone.

Yes, and even a broken clock is right twice a day, but Al Gore is a politician, not a scientist, an engineer, or someone that can fix this by himself. I don’t remember ever getting faxed a statement from gore, and yes follow the money, billions in subsidies to oil companies every year, not to mention the trillions spent on wars to keep the profits flowing. Show me a billionaire climate scientist.


Feb 2, 2021


macrumors 68040
Jun 8, 2009
Thank you for illustrating the fallacy of small sample size to prove the error of your fear mongering, climate cult agenda.

View attachment 2335855
It's not f(x), it's d(x). Also, conditions have changed, so the earlier points do not necessarily convey useful information about what is happening now. In any case, the greenhouse gas experiment has been done: it's called Venus, and temperatures there are hot enough to melt lead. You can blather away with nonsense about sample sizes, but you cannot escape physics.


Feb 2, 2021
It's not f(x), it's d(x). Also, conditions have changed, so the earlier points do not necessarily convey useful information about what is happening now. In any case, the greenhouse gas experiment has been done: it's called Venus, and temperatures there are hot enough to melt lead. You can blather away with nonsense about sample sizes, but you cannot escape physics.
Ignoring the fact that Venus is practically 30% closer to the sun? 😂


macrumors 68040
Jun 8, 2009
Ignoring the fact that Venus is practically 30% closer to the sun? 😂
You clearly have little intuitive understanding of the inverse-square law.

Venus is closer to Earth in terms of orbit and mass than Mars. People once thought that because Venus was so similar to Earth, that the search for extraterrestrial life should begin there, not Mars.

Anyway, glad Gore is no longer on Apple board.
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