How do I...


Start with the online Econ Major Declaration form and we’ll walk you through the rest, including getting and meeting your new Econ advisor and declaring in Axess. Get started.

Transfer credits

We’ve got rules for that, and approval will only be granted if it can be demonstrated that the course content corresponds to the Stanford course. So, before you file, read the guidelines.

Check prerequisites

When a course requires prerequisites, you cannot enroll without them—no ifs, ands, or buts. But...there may be course substitutions or waivers, so we’ve got forms for that.

Do research

We’re thrilled. Unofficially, feel free to reach out to faculty and faculty may do the same when they’re in need. Officially, we’ve got the summer RA program, honors program and SIEPR all year round.

Track requirements

We’ve got a Google sheet to help you do just that. Get it now.

Main content start

Economics is about more than supply & demand.

It encompasses everything from the foundations of individual decision making to the design of public policy making. Which is why studying it is so essential.

Most textbooks will tell you that economics is the study of resource allocation. True. But we believe that’s far too narrow of a definition. Economics is, more broadly, the study of how our decisions, and the institutional contexts in which we make those decisions, impact our success in achieving our wants and addressing our needs. That’s why we believe everyone needs to learn more about it.

This STEM designated major provides a toolkit for thinking about how the economy works and how economic policies affect us. It teaches students to think about real world problems in an analytically rigorous way. And it provides the skills to analyze complex data, which is increasingly valuable in our data-driven world. See what you can do with an economics degree.

Ready to dive in?


An economics degree is the perfect foundation for whatever you want to do next.

  • Start a career in big data, finance, business, or consulting
  • Pursue work in law, government, or the non-profit sector
  • Go to grad school so you can deepen your knowledge and launch yourself into a variety of fulfilling research-focused careers, including academics
  • Make better decisions in your daily life
  • Understand the headlines and evaluate public policies

Want more career advice? Watch "A career in Economics . . . it's much more than you think." from  the American Economics Association