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Honors Prize and Award Winners


Author Award Thesis Title
Bower, Brennan Firestone Medal for Excellence in Undergraduate Research The Role of Financial Participants in the Renewable Energy Transition
Hou, Emma Anna Laura Meyers Prize for Outstanding Honors Thesis Did the Paycheck Protection Program Reduce Business Closures? Evidence from California
Jankelow, Joshua Award for Excellence in Honors Thesis Presentation Back To The Withdrawing Board: Using Deposit Data to Predict U.S. Bank Failures
Luo, Claire Firestone Medal for Excellence in Undergraduate Research Anti-Collusion Provision for Uniform-Price Auctions
Manna, Ivy John G. Sobieski Prize for Creative Thinking in Economics Media Moods & Market Moves: The Impact of Newspaper Climate Sentiment on U.S. Sectoral Stock Returns
Schiller, Samantha John G. Sobieski Prize for Creative Thinking in Economics Congressional Term Limits: The Effect of Redistricting on a House of Representative Member’s Effort
Zhao, Linan Anna Laura Meyers Prize for Outstanding Honors Thesis CATE Estimation with Imbalanced Covariates


Author Award Thesis Title
Brown, Drakos Anna Laura Myers Prize for Outstanding Honors Thesis Commodity Prices and Growth: Do Cobalt Price Shocks Fuel Night Light Expansion in the DRC?
Casey, Sean John G. Sobieski Award for Creative Thinking To the Best of My Abilities and Understanding: Do Legal Credentials Affect Sentencing Decisions in South Carolina?
Finan, Alexander Award for Excellence in Honors Thesis Presentation The Afternoon Fun Economy
Garcia, Nicolas Firestone Medal The Effect of COVID-19 on Human Capital in a Team Setting: Evidence from the VA
Hildebrand, Natalie John G. Sobieski Award for Creative Thinking Testimonial Advertisements and Willingness to Pay: The Role of Gender and Presentation
Parell, Jackson John G. Sobieski Award for Creative Thinking Burned: Measuring the Effects of Wildfires on Suicide
Park, Julia Anna Laura Myers Prize for Outstanding Honors Thesis Cloud services and the performance of small firms
Soni, Pratham Anna Laura Myers Prize for Outstanding Honors Thesis Where, Who, and How? Understanding Spatial Effects on Auction Outcomes and Bidder Strategy in the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Phase I Auction (Auction 904)


Author Award Thesis Title
Bhattacharya, Jodie Award for Excellence in Honors Thesis Presentation College Student Elasticity: The Impact of Job Openings on College Major Decisions
Healy, Christopher Anna Laura Myers Prize for Outstanding Honors Thesis SNEAD: Solving Nash Equilibria with Adversarial Deviation
Kohler, John John G. Sobieski Award for Creative Thinking Modeling Vaccination as a Diffusion Process: The Effect of the Johnson & Johnson Pause in Vaccine Hesitancy
Lee, Arthur Anna Laura Myers Prize for Outstanding Honors Thesis A Multi-Phase School Choice Mechanism: Theory and Practice
Paris, Julia John G. Sobieski Award for Creative Thinking Following the Money? The Impact of Educational Spending on Student Achievement in Saskatchewan, Canada